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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Love how you integrated the curved wedges into the wall around the window.
  2. Gray is a bold choice for water, but it works great for Dagobah.
  3. I love all the thought that went into each detail. I have to say though, the story was too long for the build. I'd love to have seen one or 2 more builds to go with the story.
  4. Great attempts with your textured base. I'd suggest some curved slopes to make the transition from the base to the main plate less obvious.
  5. Love it! The wall is nicely imposing with its height. And you've used those posing pieces to great effect to get all that action
  6. I love all your aquatic plant life! I think dvogon is talking about posting a picture that shows up on EB rather than a link. But I think the build itself is not lazy at all.
  7. Fantastic work with the stop motion! I like the little plants on the tables. But the floor looks really plain.
  8. I think the floor should be at least 1 plate higher than the lava. But maybe that's just me.
  9. Great start! I think your build would benefit from having taller walls that are at least even with the doorway arch.
  10. Not sold on the exposed studs on the floor. But I like the color combo a lot.
  11. I think the greebling is lacking depth. It's too far forward in the build.
  12. Cyberpunk meets Coruscant works really well. The subtle details, like the orange Aurebesh letters built into the wall, are great.
  13. Some good details. Not a fan of the standard sets, like the drop ship and the AT-ST being added. And overall the build is mostly stacked bricks. But you're off to a good start! I like the trans-red studs being used to show laser points for a shielded door, the trans-red shooters being used for jetpack trails, and the well captured mayhem.
  14. Kinda feels like walking into a Disney store! Overall, a pretty simple build. But I do like how you made the Toydarian float.
  15. I like that you essentially built this upside down. But other than that it's a pretty simple build. Good, but it needs something more to make it stand out.
  16. I see you're getting some good use out of those technic beams. The sandy area being held up by the beams is very impressive. A lot of good engineering there. And I love the inclusion of the Mando swear in your dialogue. All the critiques have already been mentioned.
  17. Great work! You've really up-ed your game for this entry. The SNOT work shows a lot of improvement over past entries from you. Room for improvement, but still looks good. I really like the window in your lower door, the tilted walls at the top, and all your figs.
  18. I like the burning dolphin. Not sold on the rest.
  19. Nice use of the Overwatch head. And I love the Beskar spear.
  20. Your doors are always amazing. And this one is one of my favorites so far. The sideways rockwork seems too repetitive to me. But I like the pipes coming out of the wall.
  21. Pretty simple, but I like the vibe.
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