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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. The different parts, by themselves, look really good. When you put it all together it starts to look messy. I think your micro-scale city could have benefited from being either lower (meaning building the platform higher) or further away. The stairs and headlight brick floor look really good. The exposed studs on the wall and the 4x4 curved plates that make up the balcony start to distract though.
  2. Love the SNOT floor and your use of the TIE windshield as a hologram base.
  3. A properly cluttered build. The broken dark red 4x4 curved plate makes me tear up. And is that a broken bar of some kind you used for the stair railing?
  4. I love your experiment with steam clouds, but I agree that it still needs some work. Maybe some variation in sizes of clouds? I also agree that SNOT will help take what is already an amazing build to the next level.
  5. The contest is over and we're working on judging the builds. We have a record number of entries, which is fantastic! But it's going to take another day or two before we have results. Stay tuned for news on the winners and for some exciting updates to the game!
  6. Wow, so dark, so well done! I love your cultist. Really captures a creepy vibe. I will say your photo seems o be slightly out of focus. Maybe try bringing the camera back and zooming in a little, or using a tripod.
  7. Fantastic MOC! Your candles look amazing, but the longer I watch them the more they start to look like trees. I may have to borrow your technique, but for a tree design!
  8. Darth Krampus... I love it! You've got some nice little details throughout. I love your tiered white roof using the bar clips to get the angle just right on the front tiles.
  9. I love your landing pad, I just wish it could have been done without the exposed stud undersides. And your shuttle is perfect.
  10. Nice experimentation on the terrain. The result looks good.
  11. Those custom jetpacks are amazing!
  12. Simple, maybe overly simple. But it's great to see you tying your character into the current story!
  13. Great work! I love the Aurebesh letters above the door, the door itself, and your A-Wing. I'd love to see a picture that is angled lower down to give a more immersive perspective.
  14. As others have said, the weapons locker really makes this build. Tall walls will help, fig placement will help. But you're off to a great start!
  15. Great details all around! I really like your bounty fob tracker.
  16. Feels like a chapter out of Battlefront 2's story mode. And that's a good thing!
  17. Love the droid. The building is good. Feels a little messy to me, but maybe I'm just used to your cleaner, Imperial builds.
  18. Well, I like the antenna. And I like your use of overalls for the Mon Cala.
  19. Great use of curves throughout the build! And the story continues to be top notch!
  20. Love your subtle reference to installing guardrails. Since Imperial facilities are notorious for not having this this is a perfect little story telling nugget!
  21. Amazing story! Love how immersive it is. Your build is clean and Imperial. Fits very well.
  22. Nice floor gradient. Seems like you joined the wrong Faction though, detective work is what CorSec does!
  23. Love the subtle details like the cheese slopes in the floor and the red bars set in the wall.
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