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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. A faction will be as active as you make it. Even if the leader isn't super active, it's really the members that will decide how much of a presence each faction will have in the galaxy.
  2. *Your entry has earned 5 XP* Next on his visit was the Harch embassy. Corran and Kallus met with the liaison to see if they could improve relations with the Harches. Things had been rocky with the Harch ever since the Clone Wars. But Kallus was quick to point out that the New Republic was not the Empire. Corran explained all the benefits being a part of this new republic could bring to Secondus Ando, especially being so close to Hutt space. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Harch/Legends
  3. @Moff Wibbles I've noticed that when you submit your Google forms you are putting a dash in your coordinates. Please just type "J6", not "J-6". Otherwise the sheets won't read your entry correctly. I've fixed your past entries, just be careful for all future ones. Thanks!
  4. "Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!" Okay, wrong movie but the quote fits. Special challenge, from now till Oct 6th you can earn double XP (and double IP if built on an eligible planet). The only criteria is your MOC must include a microscale ship. Our hope is that they can compliment your SHIPtember ship if you are building one. And if you aren't you can still build microscale! Please include the word "Microscale" in your entry title to ensure you get double XP.
  5. *Your entry has earned 8 XP* While Mick was busy across the galaxy, Corran was occupied visiting foreign dignitaries. Species from all over were feeling the freedom to travel closer to the Core now that the Emperor was dead. The nephew of Wat Tambor, Nueph Tambor had taken up residence on Vanik. Corran wanted to see if CorSec could help the New Republic build ties with Skako Minor. They were in desperate need for more trade partners. CorSec had a particular interest because they wanted to make sure that the Skakoans could be trusted. After all, they did fight against the Republic during the Clone Wars. You can see a Skakoan here: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Skakoan
  6. @goatman461 Just giving you a hard time Your comments are valid and keep me working to improve.
  7. @BEAVeR Your comments are always a treat. Thank you for spending so much time looking at my MOC and even more writing about it! I may just have to update it based on some of your very keen (and accurate!) criticism. Now go tell @goatman461 to give me a higher score!
  8. *Your entry has earned 8 XP* Previously At Gradalla's fortress: Gradalla: Your men have seen that I captured Mick. I am putting him in one of my cells now. Gradalla: He will make fine entertainment for my Bull Rancor. Gradalla: And now to discuss my price. Imperial Officer Faust: Yes, yes. You will get your credits. Gradalla: Standard credits, none of your Imperial Credits. With the death of the Emperor those are worthless to me. Faust: I could book you for treason, but then where would our business partnership be? Yes, your credits will be Standard. Gradalla: Then you can be on your way. Faust: Ah, that leads me to the next matter we must discuss. I will be leaving a battalion of troops with you. I trust your services Gradalla, but I don't trust your greed. I don't want Mick being sold to other bidder after I'm gone. So my men will remain to ensure my credits were well spent when I hired you. Gradalla: This is outrageous! Faust: We could re-visit having you imprisoned for prison if you'd like. Gradalla seethes, but says nothing. Faust: No? That's what I thought. Faust leaves while Gradalla returns inside. Later that day, his Pau'an majordomo came to him with an intelligence report. Majordomo: Sire, my connections in the marketplace inform me that CorSec has discovered our involvement in capturing one of their own. They have a strike team which will likely try to storm the fortress soon. Shall I alert the guards? Gradalla looks at his Majordomo: Indeed, I think we may have just found a solution to our Imperial problem. Mick's team scouted the Fortress and decided to attack at dusk. They rushed in along the wall's edge to try to remain hidden from view as long as possible. While they crept in from the ground, there was a commotion on the walls. Gradalla's guards took out the Stormtroopers while they were distracted by CorSec's approach. Within view of the walkway now, Mick's team stopped short. Gradalla himself was waiting there for them! Gradalla: It would seem we have a mutual enemy. I know you're here to rescue Mick. And I have an Imperial garrison I need removed. We could all shoot at each other, but how about a deal? I'll call my men off. If you can take care of the Imperial troops Mick is free to go. You get your man and I get rid of the Empire. Do we have a deal? It wasn't ideal, but the choice was an easy one. Mick's team were let into the jail cell area and rushed the guards. Not expecting to be attacked by CorSec troops, the Stormtroopers were quickly overwhelmed. True to his word, Gradalla released Mick from his cell. Gradalla: I hope we can come to an understanding now. You have your man, I have my Fortress. I meant nothing personal by capturing your leader. Business is business you know. You are free to leave, but I would hurry. I expect the Imperials to be on your tail as soon as they realize what you've done to their troopers. Sari: You scum bag! You told the Imperials about us being here didn't you! Mick: No Sari, I appreciate your enthusiasm. But I suspect it's more due to the Imperial Office behind this, Faust. We've crossed paths before and he would go to a lot of trouble to make sure I don't make it off this planet. We should hurry.
  9. Just placed an order for about $40 worth of parts. The only issue I had was when I clicked "Pay with Paypal." It flashed an error but kept me on the same screen. I was able to proceed with Credit Card payment with no issues. Just received the confirmation email from Lego saying they got my order. Now to see if they cancel any part of my order.
  10. As fascinating as the world economy talk is... please stay on target.
  11. *Your entry has earned 10 XP. The double amount is 20* Previously Mick's Team's next step was to head to Junction and see what they could find out about Gradalla. They went to one of the trading outposts removed from the Imperial Remnant's reach. Here in the sands people were willing to talk, for the right price.
  12. We are getting off track a little here. Please keep discussion of general opinions in the appropriate thread. If you have something to say about a specific 2019 set, this is the place to talk about it. If you want to talk about battle packs in general go to the other thread. As for silhouettes, if you don't have a substantiated rumor please discuss it in the wish list thread.
  13. No more talking about a 501st battlepack. That is a wish-list discussion. No more talking about whether you like Ep 7-9, that is a general Star Wars discussion.
  14. *Your entry has earned 6 XP* Previously OoC: The apartment and CorSec meeting room are from previous entries. Please only judge the walkway scene at the end. When Mick didn't report for duty the next day his trainees went to check on him. They assumed he had too much to drink the night before and was sleeping it off. But when they arrived they found Mick's apartment empty. Sari had some telepathic abilities that members of her race were occasionally born with. As she walked around the apartment she said, "I sense there was a struggle. I think Mick is in trouble." The team gathered at CorSec headquarters. Horn said, "Listen up! Your commander is missing. Now, your training may not be done yet, but it's time to put what you've learned to the test. I don't have any extra agents to spare at the moment so you'll have to do. Starting running your connections and see if you can find any leads." Kortan remembered a contact Mick had mentioned and traveled to Vanik to follow up with him. The contact was a hired thug that the wealthy members of society sometimes hired to do their dirty jobs for them. He had a friend who worked for Gradalla. Kortan was told that Gradalla had recently taken a job that might match Mick's description. When Mick heard that Gradalla was based on Junction, the planet he and Mick had recently surveyed he knew he probably had found the culprit.
  15. Absolutely! We'd love to have you aboard!
  16. 75246 Death Star Cannon Figs: Death Star Gunner, Ben Kenobi Price: ? EUR / $19.99 USD / £17.99 GBP Pieces: 159 75248 Resistance A-Wing Figs: Snap Wexley, Lieutenant Connix Price: ? EUR / $29.99 USD / £24.99 GBP Pieces: 269 75249 Resistance Y-Wing Figs: Poe Dameron, Zorri Bliss, First Order Snowtrooper, Resistance Astromech Droid, D-0 Price: ? EUR / $69.99 USD / £54.99 GBP Pieces: 578 75250 Pasaana Speeder Chase Figs: Rey, BB-8, First Order Treadspeeder Driver, First Order Jet Trooper Price: ? EUR / $39.99 USD / ? GBP Pieces: 373 75254 AT-ST Raider Figs: The Mandalorian, Cara Dune, 2 Klatoonians Price: ? EUR / $49.99 USD / ? GBP Pieces: 540 75254 Yoda Bust Figs: Yoda Price: ? EUR / $99.99 USD / ? GBP Pieces: 1771 75256 Kylo Ren's Shuttle Figs: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, General Pryde, Sith Trooper, First Order Stormtrooper, Knights Of Ren (2X) Price: ? EUR / $129.99 USD / £109.99 GBP Pieces: 1005 75257 Millennium Falcon Figs: Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Finn, R2-D2, D-0, 1 TBA Alien Price: ? EUR / $159.99 USD / £139.99 GBP Pieces: 1350
  17. Was looking for the boat hull pieces and ran across Maria Hill's torso: MINI UPPER PART NO. 3003 Element 6112612 Design number 88585 Unit Price USD 2.44 I know it was available before, but found it interesting that it still is.
  18. New limited time challenge!
  19. "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." Special challenge, from now till August 31st you can earn double XP (and double IP if built on an eligible planet). The only criteria is your MOC must be set on a planet known for its sand. Please include the word "Sand" in your entry title to ensure you get double XP.
  20. Your lava is amazing! Well worth the effort.
  21. Got it. It's correct that none of the planets currently controlled by TCR have an Era Build challenge on them. However, you still have access to some planets that have Era Builds. For example, Coruscant has an Old Republic Era Build. While that planet is controlled by Black Sun, everyone has access to it because of it's location on the Corellian Run. The Era Build is now public knowledge so anyone can take advantage of it. We're in the process of adding a few more Era Builds so keep an eye on the map. TCR may have one in their territory very soon
  22. Fantastic work! I love your perspective shots where you get the camera below the minifigure and shoot up. Sorry you didn't make the deadline, but I'm thrilled you finished and posted anyway so we can enjoy this!
  23. I'm worried the Padme/Leia hair leak might just be a rare un-printed version of the old hair piece and not a leak at all.
  24. Sorry, there are too many acronyms in this game I guess. What do you mean by TCR?
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