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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. It's a bit of a bummer the local Target only ever seems to have 1 or 2 of these theme sets. Why not carry the whole wave of releases?
  2. This is one of the most interesting original themes from Lego in the recent past. Hopefully it sticks around for awhile. One thing I would like to see in this theme is some more of the modern style clothing / minifigure designs.
  3. Found one at the Lego Store. It seems like they are getting a small, but steady stream of these.
  4. I always look out for collectable minifigures whenever I am at Target. But, I never seem to find them. I usually check around the Lego isle and end caps…
  5. Super good review. I tried to pick one of these up from the Lego store today. But they seem to have sold out. I haven't seen this much excitement for a Modular for a while now.
  6. The recent Creator Forest Animals (31019) is one of the most enjoyable sets I've put together. All three of the builds were quite different, and look good. One interesting thing is that the alternate builds (bear, and squirrel) don't get anywhere close to using all of the pieces. Is this normal, or something new for these 3-in-1 builds?
  7. Lake Town Chase is great, but I wish they added more generic guards instead of Thorin and Bilbo.
  8. This is a great Lego house, and it successfully captures the spirit of the show. But, I am a little bummed out that the floor plan does not match up with that from the show. It is missing the dinning room, living room, Maggie’s room, a bathroom or two, and the rumpus room.
  9. This is a great MOC. Mike Mulligan looks ready to tear s••t up.
  10. It would be really great to get the rest of the review, the “sails” are the most interesting part…
  11. This is an awesome set and fits in perfectly with the other recent Tatooine sets.
  12. This is a really great Hall of Armor, how long did it take to create all these custom Iron Mans? I think I counted 35 of them!
  13. 2) Fortune Teller Entry (Build by sgeureka) - 1 point 35) Mermaid Entry (Build by Cecilie) - 1 point 40) Chicken Suit Guy Entry (Build by Oky) - 1 point
  14. 2) Diver Entry (Build by sgeureka) - 1 point 14) Conquistador Entry (Build by vecchiasignoraceppo) - 1 point 18) Alien Villainess Entry (Build by Minoton) - 1 point
  15. 21) Computer Programmer Entry (Build by Darkblane) - 1 point 23) Jungle Boy Entry (Build by Minoton) - 1 point 27) Bunny Suit Guy Entry (Build by Emma) - 1 point
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