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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I'd like to join the choir of congratulations :-) Great job. I need to study light solution from Brickstuff more. It makes your model to look even more realistic.
  2. Impressive, so many details. And 10w looks really so much better than 6w or 8w on L-gauge.
  3. Looks promising... How it works on curves? Does it let lego magnet coupler to move without limits? I tried to use 3L thin liftarm and there were problems when cars negotiated switches.
  4. Thanks, now I see it. Two lines running through all wagons with rectifier bridge connected parallel in each wagon. Tomorrow I'm off for bridge shopping :) Cheers!
  5. I'm not sure if it is so easy... :) For 1 passenger car it's fine but when going to connect 2 or more (in chain), it becomes more complicated because car could be connected from both sides what means that input should be able to work as output as well, and vice versa. Any hints are very welcome.
  6. Hi, sorry for bumping this thread. I just wanted to show promised 3% grade (and 3 cars so far :)) It took me a while to prepare movie (still with old front of the loco, now rebuild a bit)
  7. Actually you don't need to. You may leave magnetic barrels free, without glueing etc. They will attach themselves to main magnet from buffer. The only problem is during decoupling - it has to be done carefully to avoid breaking circuit. Another limitation of this solution - cars have to be connected always in the same direction
  8. Hi. My solution is based on jewelry magnetic locks attached to Lego buffer. More details in Flickr Cheers
  9. Yes, it rubs off a bit quicker than I expected. And another observation: when applied on 2 adjacent pairs of large wheels, it adds extra resistance on R40 curves. But still I use bullfrog snot in locos with BBB wheels and it is not that bad. However I'm not running trains for hours.... Thank you! Thanks :) L-motors are ok too. If I decide to enlarge Triplex boiler, will try to place there XL motors
  10. Thank you Shupp. Your Triplex is unsurpassed creation of this loco and great inspiration
  11. Thank you guys for kind words. Thanks, Zephyr. Your rods work (and look ) really great. I'm working on train bridge now so most likely Triplex will have a chance to climb 3%. But 100 cars... in future when I add 3 L-motors more
  12. Sounds like my case. But I'm not giving up, I will try bearings again soon :-)
  13. Yes, Andrew, I tried this solution :) I saw your, Cale's and other guys' creations - no doubt, performance is really outstanding. I put bearings in one of my passenger car,and it worked well. However... it requires (1) lots of time to rebuild my stock, (2) lots of work with tools :) My experience shows that 50% of bearings are a bit smaller then 2mm and manual application on Lego axle is sometimes not possible. M_Longer from LugPol advised to freeze axle and then try it again. I will give it a go soon. Thank you :) Your solution of Walschaerts valve was a big inspiration for my loco. In fact, I should use Baker's one but decided to simplify rods a bit.
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