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Bounty Hunter

Eurobricks Citizen
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About Bounty Hunter

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  1. @Badger, Wel Will could compete with Lego if he wanted to. He doesnt want to overthrown them :P. IMO TLG has literally nothing to be worried about. Last year they made a gross profit of 3 Billion+ USD. I mean come on! With that much income means loyal buyers who want go to the cheaper brands. This is Food items where u buy the knock off brand because its cheaper and its the same taste. This is a plastic brick. If you try to put a lego piece on a MegaBlock u will have a tad bit of a problem of it staying. Overall, I think Lego is trying to whipe out clone brands so it will be a Monoply
  2. Since these weapons are multi-color, will there ever be two alike? Or will u have the possiblity of having a differnt placement of the camo?
  3. Let’s have a moment of silence in remembrance of 9/11. After you done your silence If you would like to share with everyone what you doing that horrible day 9 years ago....
  4. Hawke Koor is ready to duel! @Pedro, I am sorry for not responding to your PMs so quickly. I have been busy with RL. MTFBWY all in this tournment.
  5. Before the Contest I was the best one. Im a Sith Lord. I beat Mister Pedro who made the game to. I have 7 wins, 1 lose.
  6. Will we be able to keep our titles that we already have? Or will they be reset? Anyways Hawke Koor WINS! Anyways, Hawke Koor is ready to Win!
  7. The Roman solider has of BrickForge looking items.
  8. Kurrt Zapper High-1 Kick-0 Parry-0 Parry-0 Low-1 Mid-0 Mid-0 Low-1 Parry-0 High-0 Health: 3 Health-1 Kurrt has Zapper on knees begging for mercy. But will make her last few blows, effective? DS 3 please kurrt Zapper Low-0 High-1 Low-0 Low-0 Kick-0 Low-1 Parry-0 parry-0 Mid-0 mid-0 Health -1 health -1 Kurrt, amazing good not catch the young Zapper. Kurrt has much to learn on his road of becoming a Jedi/Sith. Both of the younglings tired and worn out from there duel, the next blow, will decide the fate of the two young ones. SUDDEN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 kurrt Zapper Mid-1 High-0 <no need to go further, because Zapper, has fallen> Health: 1 Health: 0 Kurrt has won the duel, and sha'll be reward for his actions by the Council. (meaning go up your rank) Better luck next time Zapper.
  9. Kurrt vs Zapper MID -0 Mid - 0 PARRY -0 Kick - 1 KICK - 1 Parry -0 HIGH -0 High - 0 LOW -1 Mid - 0 Health: 4 Health: 3 The titans Clashy furiously at each other! Kurrt made the wrong move to block and zapper got him there! But kurrt found Zapper's weak points and struck them! Who will Win? Ds round 2
  10. Ingore this post. There was a glitch and it sumbitted this post. read my post further down the page.
  11. We're having trouble, deciding this duel. I'm fine for a re-do on this enter duel. Kurrt, I am ready
  12. sorry for double post. Mate they aren't right. They were not implied in round one, and they shouldn't be implied in round 2 or 3. But I will mail you my SD Ds, even though this duel needs to be reviewed at least 2 more times.
  13. I will, but we have a Big problem. There is a huge mistake in the health points right now.
  14. No SD. There is a HUGE mistake in Jim's health my friend. in round 1 and 2 I have inflicted 4 damage in total, and some how he has 3 health in the end of round 2. 5-4=1 6-4=2
  15. Wow wow wow, back the train up a minute. I have hit him 4 times and he has 3 health?
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