Kurrt Zapper
High-1 Kick-0
Parry-0 Parry-0
Low-1 Mid-0
Mid-0 Low-1
Parry-0 High-0
Health: 3 Health-1
Kurrt has Zapper on knees begging for mercy. But will make her last few blows, effective?
DS 3 please
kurrt Zapper
Low-0 High-1
Low-0 Low-0
Kick-0 Low-1
Parry-0 parry-0
Mid-0 mid-0
Health -1 health -1
Kurrt, amazing good not catch the young Zapper. Kurrt has much to learn on his road of becoming a Jedi/Sith.
Both of the younglings tired and worn out from there duel, the next blow, will decide the fate of the two young ones.
SUDDEN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
kurrt Zapper
Mid-1 High-0
<no need to go further, because Zapper, has fallen>
Health: 1 Health: 0
Kurrt has won the duel, and sha'll be reward for his actions by the Council. (meaning go up your rank)
Better luck next time Zapper.