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  1. I find these underwelming. Coming from top notch S4 this is just blah. Liberty looks good,minitaur, and i dig the colors on Avril Lavine skater chick.
  2. Great write up. I think lego did a good job (from the photo) of the structure. I do think this will be more sable than the ISD with the magnets. I am hoping to put this on the wall after a bit of mods like I did the MF. I think the actual bridge needs a bit of work on it to make it taller. I do not mind the minifig bridge. It will be covered up for me and maybe add some structural stability in the middle. This will be fun to put red LEDs in the back and displaying it.
  3. Love the set. 400$ not bad for me. Im sure it will go on sale a few times in it's life time. 325 is the magic number for me :-). I will put this on my wall.
  4. As a base this is great but it does not say HOTH to me. i liked the old one with the outside shown. I am sure this will go for about 120$ as the price count and premium.
  5. Will I buy this yes. Just like I did the UCS MF. I might have to sell a few older sets though to not piss off the misses though. I just wonder if this will be as strong as the MF for me to hang on the wall too. Love to throw some LED lights on the engine bays.
  6. What is the big deal with the calendar? maybe they are not showing all 24 items on the cover. I looked at last years and they do not show all 24 items on the kingdoms. Maybe there will be 8 figs and the rest accessories like robots or a jedi training bot, etc.
  7. This looks to be my favorite series to date. for sure I will get 2 boxes.
  8. (s) denotes sealed figs. Haves: Elf Elf Elf 2 gorilla alien dj mummy egpytian mine surfer fisherman Hula Dancer Pilot Baseball player Indian some rock monsters SW storm troops misc Wants :: nurse samurai spaceman cheerleader will also trade for normal figs. Throw a deal out there.
  9. OH I can do with that mini walker and fig. Will have to see if my friends in JP can get me a few.
  10. (s) denotes sealed figs. Haves: Elf (s) Elf (s) Elf Hula Dancer (s) Pilot (s) Samurai (s) Baseball player Indian (s) yellow rock monster (s) demo dummy BA list: 2 Green BA helmets 2 M84 smoke gernades 1 space magnum bazooka 2 m6 2 ammo clips 2 space assault rifle heavy ski-fi rifle 1 m41A Misc: crystals, gold, silver chains Wants: nurse fisherman spaceman cheerleader snowboarder series 3
  11. I don't open these. Save them for my son when he a bit older.
  12. Big sale still at the store near me. Got 2 8099 Midi SD 2 7570 Ostrich race 2 7571 fight for the dagger 2 7573 Ballte of alamut 8198 ramp crash All 50% off They have a few other sets too.
  13. Just got mine in the mail today. What a surprise. Great mini set.
  14. Me i like this set. Always looking for another mace. The mech looks good and the new droid. The ship itself is just MEH.
  15. IM really happy today. I got 2 fishermen and 2 elves at Walmart. I am not a fan of S3 figs but just wanted these two. Now I got doubles of each maybe trade for S2 or S1 figs. For me upcoming S4 is the best of the bunch.
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