Thanks for the feedback, all, I really appreciate it.
Thank you very much. And yeah, I don't know if anyone has previously provided side by side comparisons of BrickArms with the real guns, but being a bit of a gun enthusiast it's something I like to do and thought I'd put it out there for others to see in case they'd take interest to it.
Thanks a lot! To be honest, I always feel awkward talking into the mic. But, I've really taking a liking to making video reviews as opposed to just written reviews. A bit of entertainment value there. Although, I choose to still use photos as opposed to straight video so that you can see the products in better detail and light than if it were just video.
I get what you're saying about the brickish feel. Some BrickArms look more like they could pass as an official LEGO accessory, whereas some are too detailed or too close to realistic proportions.
Thanks! Well, as much as I love BrickArms, the way I look at it is, for the most part, you do have to be a fan of guns to be a fan of BrickArms (at least the majority of BrickArms that are based on real firearms). Otherwise, I'd imagine one would be content with the gun offerings from TLG for their LEGO gun needs. Either that, or one is a LEGO purist, so even with an interest in guns, they wouldn't be inclined to use BrickArms.
But, I would definitely recommend giving them a try, I can't imagine you'd be disappointed.