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Eurobricks Counts
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  • Birthday 05/10/1996

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  1. Thread deleted
  2. It neither looks like emmet's bike nor anything gothic. I suppose you could of made this emmet impersonating batman by modifying his bike into a sort of bat-bike to impress Wyldestyle. But as a gothic version of emmets bike I feel it's kind of lackluster.
  3. Terabyte is by far my favorite figure with Toxikita as a close second. I'm hoping a villian base is in this line's near future considering the fact that the Volcano Base of the earlier agents line is probably my favorite set of all time and all of Ogel's bases in Alpha Team were excellently done. I'm hoping for possibly an evil lunar base or a floating satellite since we haven't scene those before in the world of lego. Though the satellite idea seems highly unlikely.
  4. Why is that very hard to imagine yourself if we've already got really HQ images of those parts and their heads really aren't too different? Also you could do without the odd wording and spelling errors. But anyhow, here's an MSpaint mock up I did to satiate your curiosity.
  5. If only her name was Toxikda. Then it would be Toxik-daZaster.
  6. I like to imagine that Dr.Inferno either just lost his damn mind or got thoroughly injured in some accident and infearno is the result. Maybe he was Spanish to begin with. Other than the obvious ideas of D.zaster/slime face being the "creator" of adam acid, Toxikita and Retox I can't think of any other references that can be interpreted.
  7. Any chance we could see Terabyte without his helmet? Or extra views of his helmet? I do hope he has a double sided face.
  8. Gadzooks! I didn't expect voodoo zombies, what a pleasant surprise. Seems pretty dark for lego but that's definitly an improvement compared to previous lines. I'm hoping that this will be based off of the above-ground cemeteries in New Orleans and have some kind of voodoo shack and possibly some mini-minifigures printed to look like voodoo dolls.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was the yellow construction hat until that toy story set came out. Now I'm not too sure.
  10. It doesn't sound like lego to me. I don't recall them ever selling sets with sticky things or suction cups.
  11. I'm pretty sure it's glow in the dark. It reminds me of the color the skull from "the curse of the mummy" looked so that's my guess. I personally think it's pretty cool that they're fitting so much glow in the dark stuff into this theme.
  12. Like I've said a billion times before and I'll say it again. SPACE CITY!!! We need a them like city except with futuristic buildings and vehicles. No conflict, just a space themed futuristic city. It'd be so incredible if they put the same amount of effort in as they do with normal city. I'd probably buy every set. But I imagine the next theme Is going to be pretty lame. What'd be even cooler is to have a darker themed space line. Something creepy and serious, but lego would never do that.
  13. Know what would be a good way to combine most of the ideas and I'm shocked nobody has mentioned it? TIME TRAVELERS! They could visit time periods with romans (like what everyone keeps begging for), Amazon jungles with ancient tribes in their prime (everyone keeps beging for that too), cavemen with dinosaurs, and a dark dystopian future(With giant robots or crazy futuristic cars to appease the racer fans?) created by evil time travelers that they need to stop. They wouldn't have to be dedicated to a certain area or time period so lego could see which time periods sell the best and make more sets for them. And if lego wanted to they could have the time travel devices for the good guys be crazy clockwork steampunk devices and the badguys would have futuristic cyberpunk devices. EVERYONE WINS!
  14. I LOVE those sketches! I hope they actually make those ghost hunting pieces, they'd be awesome! It seems they've butchered some of his ideas though, such as his great werewolf design, and his frankenstein/lab looked way more greebly and dark/creepy than what we're getting. Which stinks because his design was incredible! I also would've liked to see that banshee made,the haunted manor, or that ghost ship. the concepts on this page remind me strongly of older sets where they focused more on appearance. Not really sure where medusa fits in at all though.
  15. i think a "battlebots" type theme would work well. Each robot could come with a base body and interchangable weapons. They could probably include some kind of weird card game into it for fighting also, it has potential. Or... something like that except there's just different brick-built characters with swappable limbs, heads, bodies, and accessories. It'd be like a lego version of "Xevoz" and it could also incorporate different cards for different parts it has. They could be fun for kids, make good desk toys, and make great parts packs. I bet TLG would ruin it by making them with bionicle parts though so It's actually a pretty bad idea I guess.
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