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Action Moderator
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About Peppermint_M

  • Birthday 10/28/1988

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    The Planet Zi
  • Interests
    LEGO (duh). Zoids and other mecha. History. Swords. Books upon books upon books. SciFi and comics. Learning. Collecting things.


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About Me

Right... About me.

Well, Lego has always been a part of my life, from the Duck Rattle and Ball Rattle when I was just past 0 right up to that latest set I picked up. I never went through what I'd call a dark age, having bought or been bought Lego since I was old enough to have bricks.

My favourite themes as I grew up were Adventurers and anything Science Fiction, I built plenty of other things along the way, with a special interest in planes, jets and space ships.

When I started to get my own income my buying skyrocketed and has only been increasing since, I buy sets mainly to MOC, but minifigures are always highly tempting. The collectable minifigures have been fantastic for everything but my bank balance!

I joined the online Lego community a number of years ago with an account on MOCpages as a host for side projects related to my Steampunk hobby. However after the experience on a steampunk community forum soured, I was seeking a new place for online comradarie.

Careful research led to Eurobricks. I signed up and started posting about the place with the many MOC themes that attracted me and subjects I was interested in.

I made my presence and self known and was added to the fellow's group. Making a great group of friends. Which motivated me to attend the Event when it arrived in Windsor. I've not missed one since!

I was offered the chance to staff the Action Themes forum after a re-organisation of the boards. Seeing as all the themes it covered were both childhood favourites and current attention grabbers, I jumped at the chance. After a period as regulator I was made Moderator of the forum. Promoting those fun action packed themes that jam a lifetime of nostalgia and fond memory into a handful of waves!

I have been known as many things, mostly as Queen of the Clone Brands (more on that later) once as a Goat... Sometimes as grumpy but always Peppermint.

I have an interest in Clone Brands (or compatible brands), keeping a bit of a knowledge base on the subject. When I was growing up, money was tight and Lego was expensive. Mega Blocks provided a cheap and cheerful way to increase my collection. When their themes started to become less interesting to me, I stopped buying. Once I joined Eurobricks however, I was a little perturbed by the attitudes and decided to at least give reasonable evidence of the merits some brands had. After a little while I was crowned Queen of the Clone brands. I still review the odd set, but recently all my sources have closed down (economic crisis and all that) but if you have questions on anything clone brand related, I can help!

I hope this has been informative to the six or so people who might read this, so see you on the boards!

Roleplaying Stats

Died as Penny Maltese in Red Moon Died a Hero: Percival Montmartre in Cruel Angel's Thesis.


Tesni Hightribe



My Flickr is the best place to find all my MOCs.

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