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Eurobricks Vassals
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About ThorsHammer9999

  • Birthday 12/19/1986

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    Cadillac MI
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    Lego, Writing, painting, reading, gaming, movies, comics


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  1. can we maybe get this weird leg print issue fixed in a future update? Both the right and left leg prints register as a single print for some reason, could we get it spit please?
  2. thank you, but....doesn't actually seem to change anything.
  3. Got a new computer and am updating LDD pallets and it's been a while since the last time I did this, so I have to ask where do I put the "Additional, Optional Palettes" folder?
  4. ok, I've been trying to follow along but I'm pretty lost, so may I request some clarity on how to update to the latest LDD parts pack without LDD crashing? Preferably Step-by-Step....would probably help other people as well.
  5. Then maybe a compromise...make the more realistic Transparent Blue something like Transparent Dark Blue for example and keep both and make the Transparent Fluoride Green something like Transparent Vibrant Green and again keep or something?
  6. Is it possible to change some colors? Make Transparent Fluoride Green...more green and less yellow so it actually looks like Transparent Fluoride Green instead of just another Transparent Yellow. and Make Transparent Blue a little darker so it looks more like the IRL pieces instead of a slightly darker Transparent Light Blue?
  7. Could we get and updated 30191 that's bendy like in sets 4792 and 4789. It's already in LDD....just without the functionality of it's real life counterpart.
  8. That's unfortunate...I was really hoping for it. Honestly I find it odd that they didn't include it in LDD in the first place....they have all the other Ultra Agents helmet pieces. so it's weird that they skipped that one.
  9. could I request Antimatter's Hood from the Ultra-Agents Theme be added https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=18731c01pb01&idColor=63#T=C&C=63 For Reference
  10. Been wanting this one for a while if its at all possible https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=18731c01pb01&idColor=63#T=C&C=63
  11. Part number 35480 rounded 1x2 plate with holes doesn't connect from the middle bottom
  12. with brick studio the link and instructions are in the thread maybe we can index those?
  13. Could we get AntiMatter's Helmet into LDD, seen here,
  14. Don't give up Jester, we appreciate your hard work.
  15. 1094/5900 - Johnny Thunder - Theme Adventurers / Egypt Adventurer's LXF File (LDD 4.3.11 Brick Version 2670) Error List: Changed/Missing Prints Replaced with similar prints. Comment: A promotional set released by Lego in 1998 as set number 5900, this set also saw a re-release in 1999 as 1094. Neither release contained any official instructions, just images from the packaging. 1182/3020 - Adventerer's Raft (AKA Jones' Raft) - Theme: Adventurers / Egypt Adventurer's LXF File (LDD 4.3.11 Brick Version 2670) Error List: Changed/Missing Prints Replaced with similar prints. Comments: Released as a Kabaya promotional in 1998 as set number 3020, this set also saw a re-release as a regular set in 1999 as 1182.
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