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About Alcarin

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    Lord of the Rings

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    Ptuj, Slovenia
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    Cycling,PC Games and ofcourse LEGO


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  1. Was sooo looking forward to something like this and now thats out ithe castle makes no sense... 1. Does the carriage even goes through the gate? Can it even turn around on the ramp up towards the gate WHAT THE HELL... 2. On the inside when people come in there is no way to go down no ramp down? 3. The wheel for blacksmith makes the castle open to attacker Why make it so dumb? 4. Lion Knights castle without a king but obviously it has to have feminist Queen? =) Epic... Queens has no work as knights really... Overall dissapointed... Nice to see it though.
  2. When i checked theleaked picutre it feels like an 80$ set, not 150$... Its a nicely done set: - Loving the horse - Loving the figures especially soldiers But as I said, the price tag is insane...do we have the parts number yet?
  3. The main problem was the fact LOTR wave 2 had 0 Gondor... how this happened is BEYOND ME as LOTR fan... really... If we got Gondor battlepack with Faramir in gondor armor and 1 ranger and2 gondor knights with gondor shields, it would sell inhundreds easily in most shops... but no, we got BORING sets....
  4. How is this complete if I cannot locate the "White Knight" which is arguably the most expensive figure in both sets :)
  5. Hello dear Eurobricks users. I decided I will try to sell off this beautifull display collection again. It was built once and put on display. I would prefer not to break it, am up for REALISTIC offers(based on bricklink prices/quantity -fee and some discount) Would also accept Cryptocurrencies: - NEO - Bitcoin - Litecoin -Ethereum
  6. Sadly I have to agree, after LOTR ending and no real castle this year and me being a HUGE castle fan the only highlights of the year are some beautiful creator sets (which i rarely buy) some minifigures (and some to come, like Archer from next series) and thats pretty much it... Saved alot of money this year, but still have to buy Parisian restaurant,probably the best set so far in Creator series for the last 2-3 years in my opinion.
  7. Give WESTERN reboot tbh.... Anyway im visiting LEGO shop just to get this for sure!
  8. Just want to point out, people would buy battle packs from LTR even if they skip LOTR line, generic medieval fans would love the figs, let it be elves, dwarves or soldiers of Gondor with their square shields no worries.... and it would be en mass :)
  9. I challenge you to build a faithful Gondor soldier, or if you think thats so easy, make me a Tower Guard :) only LEGO official parts, and it has to have all important emblems and uniquie stuff that GOndor equipment carried.
  10. No, it was the STRONGEST opponent of Sauron really. It is even explained in the book that the assault on the mightiest enemy of Sauron was not led by an ordinary commander but by the Witch King himself.... It clearly states that Sauron feared and hated Gondorians the most and considered them the strongest enemy he had to face. And i agree about Dol Amroth, actually I missed the whole army assembing and arriving to Minas Tirith as described through Pippin.... It would demonstrate alot more about Gondor pride and the disappointment of so few that arrived to protect it, due to the coastal threat, otherwise Minas Tirith would be packed with countless defenders.
  11. I LOLed... heavily.
  12. The "4" minute intro can take care of singing, and creation of the World, but it cannot replace character building.... the intro of LOTR took care of the creation of the ring, NOT character building... But to make Children of Hurin, you need to explain, who is Morgoth, who are every other spirits, who fought one against another (Maia like Sauron) then you need to explain who is Hurin (youd do that in an intro???) then you would have to interrupt the whole ballad with another explaining of Hurin since in the ballad there is no explanation of Hurin's deeds, but only that he rides away with his army and is gone, then Morgoth hates his children.... this is simply insufficient. The whole story cut out of Silmarillion really makes little sense, its a supplement of Silmarillion not a stand alone work like Hobbit could be used. And to finish it off, its a story that ends in a terribly sad way. Its just totally incompatible of usual filmmaking, just like Silmarillion is too grand in scope to make it into a 1 band movie or even a trilogy, just like Game of Thrones.
  13. Doing Children of Hurin is like doing a book in the middle and do only 1 chapter(part) of it.... Its like starting LOTR movie when Wargs attack the people moving to helm's Deep and finish it after the battle with Gandalf's speech... completely weird and without conclusion. Children of Hurin is a "ballad" of suffering with a sad end, without hope more or less. and the end is relatively devastating if we only take the kids into account, but the explain why such story is being told you would need to explain the whole Hurin story, which you cannot explain if you dont know the story of Silmarillion.... Because ordinary audience will not understand why there is another "dark lord" and Sauron serves him... why he hates children of Hurin that much, and they will not grasp the concept, unless reading book. and not just Children of Hurin book, but whole Silmarillion. Silmarillion would be a great 5 part movie though..... 10-12 hours.... Finish 1st movie at Feanor's death, then you have 3 battles (4 but one was relatively minor) to end each movie with, while the 5th movie ends with Morgoth taken down in prison and starts the story of Celebrimbor forging the rings.... the end. That or HBO 5-6 seasons 10 episodes like Game of Thrones. But it just has to be HBO really.
  14. Amazing! Absolutely stunning :)
  15. This year will be my first LEGO SW advent calender purchase the white Wookie ftw :)
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