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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yes.. got convinced at the LEGO House Modular Building event :)..looking forward to seeing some familiar faces & getting to know some new :D
  2. Sign me in.. and the wife.. (Isendra..not on the forums.)
  3. Any news on the possible alternative dates? or can i request leave on above dates?
  4. this is what you get when Maximus isn't rebuilding boats :D
  5. I approved this boat..Ship, vessel.. sadly maximus had to photoshop that flag in :D.... Greenbeard turned it into a dutchy :D great to see you guys working together..
  6. I'll be there helping Damaximus, Kabel & some other Eurobrickers at the Castle layout. You can test your motorized boat, cause there is an indoor pool :)
  7. Really well done on that Traffic Control truck Yatkuu thumbs up
  8. though i have spotted Astrids CLickits layout in your posts :). Thx for the kind words to the organisation. We hope those who visited had fun & will be returning ... maybe next year. @ Captain Braunsfeld: I'm sure we will be able to arrange something for Brick Mania Antwerp.. We could always use some help with the pirate layout, which is organised by Sebeus I Nice to hear you enjoyed yourself on our "little" event...
  9. Don't forget to come & pay us a visit THIS weekend !!! Enjoy your bricking Sorry for the late response.. IF you really want to see something big & link it to a city trip, just wait 'till Antwerp. You are going to miss some of the layouts, but most will be bigger, better & there will be lots & lots more layouts than we could possible show u. See you in Antwerp!
  10. Yes, there are vendors selling new lego sets, as well as people selling older used / new in box sets & parts. all in a 1000m² hall
  11. Seems like i returned just in time :).. Uprgrades, expansions.. Nice stuff :). Looking forward to seeing it in person !!
  12. Hi all, For the first time BeLUG will organise a LEGO event in the Limburg province of Belgium. BeLUG already has a history of Brick Mania events in Wetteren & Antwerp, and now is trying to expand to Limburg. The event will take place 30 - 31 August 2014 In Houthalen- Helchteren. For more info: see picture: http://belug.be/port...14_0409_Web.jpg (quick translation: A event with LEGO bricks by BeLUG with numerous LEGO creations, demonstration, workshops and opportunities to buy LEGO sets & parts.) Location: TI Don Bosco Don Boscostraat 6 3530 Houthalen Helchteren (Close to Dutch/ German border. Only 1h15 from Cologne) What to expect: Well.. LEGO off course. Mostly MOCs, old sets, community layouts, retailers & customizers. Hope to meet some fellow Eurobrickers there! (facebook: https://www.facebook...886986/?fref=ts
  13. anyone know if the different locations also mean different art pieces in the exhibit? Would be a shame to see the same art pieces in a year..
  14. @Damaximus: make sure people can't "break" your pool again :).. & congratulations.. now you can start to find a job..making money. and spending more on LEGO :)
  15. What am i doing here?? Where is my hair.. I never wanted a haircut..look how daft it makes me look.. nice work sebues..made me laugh !.. & now i'll have to search through my old lego again.!
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