wow thanks guys ^^ I wasn't expecting any coments
Oky Wan Kenobi: I wanted ti put this up to see what people thought of the figure before I finished the project,
ah the stormies... erm ages ago I read this comic/graphic novel about stormies only being men... so I made them a woman and alien for a joke in the project,
and I will try but I don tknow how to on a Ipod touch.... I will later when I get on my friends laptop ^^
Solscud007: I got the head from the harry potter underwater set with the mermaids, my brother got it for the interesting parts when it came out... I think one comes in the Indiana Jones sets... I cant remember sorry.
prateek: thanks for pointing that out I forgot about that set ^^
Baylego: ^^ I should have explaned that in the picture, read Oky Wan Kenobi's reply, its somthing from my project ^^
KielDaMan: thanks man ^^ I'll put some up later.
sok117: yeah thats the IJ set I got... it must be from that as I just found a second ^^ yes, I wanted to ask about that head, what other heads can people think of? and the stormies are an idea from a comic that I hope to put into my project ^^
KingoftheZempk: yeah, Im not sure on tha head now most dont seem to like it... I went though a mini "dark years" were I didnt even look and didnt get any sets, I think the last things I bothered buying was the indy bike set, my brother has some new sets but not many good heads...
the stormies... are based on a short story from a comic/graphic novel so I just gave some stormies faces for a joke ^^
Masked Builder: thanks ^^
thanks again for all the replies guys ^^ I'll deeplink some pics later when I get on my friends laptop