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Gnewal Gwevus

Eurobricks Vassals
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    LEGOS, Star Wars, Star Wars Fatal Strike (coming soon), Space Police, Power Miners, Johney Thunder/ Adventures, Fossil Hunting


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  1. M.A.N.T.I.S. Will Remember You

  2. Job: Special Forces Planet: Torresta Private Gnarl Graves hadn't been on Torresta in quite some time. He was never a fan of the beaurocracy that came in hand with being at home base, so he simply had avoided it for the most part. Today, however, Pvt. Graves found himself doing the one thing that could possibly make a base stay worth while. Combat Drone Training. Graves didn't exactly read through the 12 e-page dossier explaining the elaborate battery of technical ops he would be running the drones through, so when he found himself frantically leaping across the lowered platform to avoid a giant metal fist, he had decided just to make the best of it. Usually he was paired up with smaller drones destined for sentry duty or something trivial, so Graves had no problem destroying them and sending an aggressively worded complaint note back to the production yards. Today, however, Graves seemed to have faced a different threat all together. The Drone stood easilly twice as tall as Graves, even in his lifts, and very well could have flattened him against the ground if it had landed a direct hit. After several agonizing minutes of avoiding human-annihilation quality assaults, Graves clambered up the railing at the end of the pit and reached for his e-clip board. He looked back at his opponent, and squinted through his sweat to read its tagging info. "Well." Graves began, cracking his knuckles. "Looks like this... Harambot, is getting a commendation." Gnarl smiled as he scribbled a shockingly non-profane message out. He was proud to pass this drone: its massive hulking body, bestial prowess in battle, hell, even its name called back to one of his favorite old Earth heroes. Everything seemed to be wrapping up quite nicely when suddenly... An ungodly screech split up through the air towards Graves from the pit. The private shuffeled over to the edge of the scaffold and looked down. Harambot looked vacantly back upwards, but behind him, something had fallen. Someone. A small child, couldn't have been older than three or four, had somehow gotten in to the training pit. Gnarl shook his head with disbelief and sighed. Kids these days. "Oh well." Graves thought aloud as he casually about-faced from the ledge. "Guess nature's gotta do it's thing." ...an epic (but brief) wrestling match ensued. (He's just... petting the baby. Yeah. Good vulnerable human child. Good.) For compliance Also, here's a picture of my robot crushing dannylongleg's robot.
  3. Does the combat mech have to have 2 legs or could i give it like 4 or something? Just checking thanks.
  4. Wow. This is freaking sweet! I love that it looks like an ammonite
  5. Planet: F03 Job: Special forces "Surprise!" cheered his fellow special forces comrades in unison as Private Gnarl Graves stepped out of the MANTIS barracks on Foring. He stumbled out only to find his pals had hastily set up a picnic, complete with a cake to celebrate his birthday! Black chocolate cake, with larvae, it looked like. Graves' favorite. "Happy Birthday!" Doe cheered. She was a tough ladette with scuff-marks on her chin and short auburn hair. "Oh shit!" Exclaimed Graves. The man was rarely surprised, considering his line of work, but he truly hadn't suspected this. "Where'd you even get this stuff?" "We've been saving up. Not every year you turn... How old are you again?" chuckled Grave's closest mate, Raynes. "A gentlemen never tells." Graves replied, wryly. A smug smile spreading beneath his blacked-out visor. Graves surveyed the scene laid out before him. Cake, guns, and dates or something. The best celebration he'd had at MANTIS. https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7569/28376528495_47dd97d12a.jpg "What are these? Dates?" Graves queried, gesturing to the purplish wrinkled dried fruits. "Figs!" shot Doe. Well put a fig on my plate!" laughed Private Graves. "I've got you a present," Raynes announced. "A new sword. Yours is beat-up as hell." "But I like my beat-up sword." Graves replied. "Well, let's see who's sword is better in a battle!?" Challenged Raynes. "You're on." An epic sword duel ensued. Not the build i planned for this week, but unlike my brother i don't live with my Lego collection. anyways, i hope you enjoy. And, happy birthday to me. :p
  6. i was pretty annoyed with him.
  7. i can confirm that he did this. Awesome build. :thumbup: the bike is super cool.
  8. It's an abstract kind of Christmas this year.
  9. Private Gnarl Graves had been deployed on the grassy world of Aeristus. He was tasked with some of the typical grunt work that befell him, such as standing guard, shooting Big Sal's rampant toxic lab rats, cleaning out the blasters, etc. While occupied by such a task, Gnarl Graves heard a rustling in the grasses. An unexpected noise could only mean one thing... an imminent attack! Gnarl swiftly leapt into action, drawing his sword at the surprised Kawashita agent! He likely suspected he could sneak up on the heavily armored Private... but he was wrong! The two armed combatants stared intensely at eachother, each waiting cobra-like for the perfect chance to strike. Needless to say... an epic sword fight ensued! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t35.0-12/11023524_10206824639711887_5866059681834539508_o.jpg?oh=c51f241a174ac7388e4fe9efe05b7bba&oe=55A62AFA&__gda__=1436952789_173c663d05253b3630d0835deea6001d https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t35.0-12/11411669_10206824833796739_2927581173304537649_o.jpg?oh=d86fe0d1c35ac9f77250fa94212f27b2&oe=55A547B1&__gda__=1436876873_2f8bf5512d5d79f928ffe5f8f0538962 Made this while messing around with some pick a brick parts. Hopefully I'll do something cool with them later on, haha.
  10. 49 credits to Mark of Fall Market.
  11. Dude, that is the sickest space whale made out of Lego i have ever seen.
  12. Thanks everyone! Thanks, dude! Yeah, i guess it's pretty obvious that I've been doing this all from my phone, so i ll try to embed my pictures next time! Glad you all liked the story, haha.
  13. Private Gnarl Graves had been wandering the desert for hours when he came upon the small crew of Karashita pirates. He saw them a day back near one of M.A.N.T.I.S.'s camps, "parlaying" with the guys in charge. When they left, though, Gnarl saw they had taken a crate with them... a crate filled with M.A.N.T.I.S.'s gold! https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t35.0-12/p720x720/10830842_10206656869037725_4116858647834040075_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9046ae3ea56c3f30ecce81b0635b0007&oe=55895460 The first was foolish enough to bring a gun to a sword fight! https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t35.0-12/p720x720/11538108_10206656869397734_4963928587866073754_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=41d90f6f125351220f74df0d8420bb7c&oe=558A89D5 But the second stood his ground and drew his blade. https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t35.0-12/p720x720/11429911_10206656869917747_1271139698112378954_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=099c23e718184e8eaa0044689583bf50&oe=558A6988 An epic sword fight ensued. https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t35.0-12/p720x720/11411705_10206656870357758_7427917702568260928_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=abf583ce2622b226817aefa0876e5194&oe=55894AFE Later: https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t35.0-12/p720x720/10669337_10206656870397759_8533081164922815515_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=53acbb3350ced35602f5fcc6f1a6221c&oe=5589A662 "Huh. I wonder why this crate of MANTIS gold has 'property of Kawashita' written on the back. Must be a typo." I may upload the photos to an actual photo hosting website tomorrow. But I don't have time to do so today. My brother showed me tou can host pictures on FB, and that's worked for me so far, haha.
  14. Transfer 83 credits to Rodiziorobs.
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