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Rubén Riojas

Eurobricks Vassals
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About Rubén Riojas

  • Birthday 11/18/1995

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  1. And Octan and Fire make their triumphant entry to 2010!! YES!!
  2. And when is Operation Bricklord going to be? I believe the focus of it is going to be WWII by the big this project sounds. The nly thing stopping me from getting brickarms is that I'm saving money, you guys need to make at least the Kar98 (Germans can't go around open fields with an MP40. I'll be happy to buy from you then!
  3. We want Da' MG42, BAR and Kar98!!! Basics of WWII Will!
  4. Thanks for those transparent one Captain!!! But I'm afraid this isn't over yet, I have another request this time. Please. Can you make somo of these please??? Crying sadly; when someone close dies and the person cries while it screams and with a sad, sad expression on its face. Probably an already crying one and one about to cry. Tired: When someone is running and has a tired expression of "I can't do more" and another one when he finishes and is catching air, something like a big open mouth and abnormally big eyes, you know, you're the expert. Scared but not screaming or anything, just scared or an oh $h!t face, like when someone gets caught or found in a field by someone. Please, I'd love to have these.
  5. There's one MUCH worse than what you guys could think of, it says somehing like "Serial Killers For Dummies" and dispays a first-person-view of a hand with a knife cutting some dummy dolls' head and legs and then giving points for it!!!! You can't see it over there unless you live in a sapnish-speaking place and go to MOCpages; ads are mad over there. but Sean doesn't control that
  6. This is my Willys Jeep from 1941, I made a video compilation for YouTube and it's here: It's in the LEGO color known as "Light Gray" I'm happy with the back and the way I put the front wheels in there using a 1x2 plate with one stud. It now has a grill and I just have to find a way to make the image lighter, if anybody know how to make it less than 100 kbs please tell me.
  7. Then what do you tell me about their F-14 and he Harrier they made for creator??? And the army ove here is only a place for poor people that get payed little by doing nothing. Corruption is the word.
  8. WHERE ON TE WORLD DID YOU GET THAT BAR!?!?!?!?!? sory for the caps but I want one really bad, is it a BA prototype?? NIe vignette you got there, I like the use of flower stems for tall grass.
  9. Please support the option that says to include more countries in LEGO.com and Shop at Home's shipping list!! I can't get that fire brigade any other way!!
  10. I was watching brickfilms around here on eurobricks and I'm only interested in brickfilms, so I was wondering if there was a way to make a subforum for brickfilms and another for comics, this way it'd be easier to look at what we want to look.
  11. Someone has to include the movie called D-Day, its digital but its still lego!
  12. Mind making a link or embedding???
  13. Hi, I was seeing the Brickfilms & Comics section in here when I notices something weird: The topic, banner and forum says "Brick Flicks & Comics" Who changed this?? Is this correct?? Is this a joke?? Will it stay like this?? A lot of questions I'd like to have answered here.
  14. To General Armendariz: Mines too, specially the Meeting of the Heroes, "It was a joke robin" and "Would somebody please put a duck in his mouth, that's clearly what he's asking for" And Chewbacca: "Hmm??" blobstudios is good too but forrestfire just takes a pic, put an oval on their mouths and repeat the image lots of times, i hate it, what he does isn't even animation, he just takes pics and put ovals while he says stupidities.
  15. Good thing you didn't add any of forrestfire101's... I don't like him, ALL those subs are from kiddies that like batman, indiana jones and star wars combined with a guy sayaing stupid stuff, that is not funny at all. My personal favorite is "LEGO:Path to Freedom"
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