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Eurobricks Vassals
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About jimmyhoppityhop

  • Birthday 08/23/1995

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    lego!!!! ps3!!!! sadow company, ps3 clan, join is u wish!!! but remeber to say i recruited u!!!


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  1. that is lush, the centre comm is exelent!! the wolve heads made me luagh!!! i hope you make more like this!
  2. ive only had it for 2 days now, but yet im on season 3 im one of those people who love to do up older cars and turning them into race cars, atm my project is a vw golf mk2, ive turning it into a s class and soon will be fully kitted out to the max. so who else loves this game?
  3. siegfried - you want me to send you my address through pm so anyone got any toughts on why, im realy baffild by this!!
  4. i rememeber when i was young, i made a house, and thought, hey i wonder what a tidal wave would do to my house. so i filled the tub, made a giant wave at the house and it slammed straight agaisnt the wall of the tub, spent ages picking all the bits out
  5. i see it now, cheers! still it only realy just got in the pic but to me, thats makes it look like its actully falling!
  6. well kiel, your right, he was wearing black but to be fair, it doesnt realy matter. what does matter is the build/moc. which i think is pretty solid, i love the attention to detail on the "thing" luke is standing on. btw is that lukes hand i see, falling to the bottom, it looks like its suspended in some type of gel
  7. i think thats a good idea brickdoctor, now im not sure for this forum, but is there mods for evrey diffrent sub forum, or is it just one big group?
  8. thanks big cam, but i do feel that this thread is much more imformitive than the other, and well, as i always, make a wrong make a new. i dont know if hes still around but i remmember the name commanderfox, he helped me out alot, wonder if hes still viewing the site
  9. seeming as i havnt been around in over half a year well getting close to a year, i thought it would be right to re-introduce myself my name is jimmy, ofcorse, ive been collecting for bout 2 years now, but you know the drill, i had lego my whole life and then decided two years ago that it is a pashion of mine :) im a pc/ps3/xbox/wii player, i partipate in two clans, one for ps3, one for xbox, some may rememeber my siganture of shadow company, saddly that clan disspanded because of management problems but owell. im a star wars collecter and always will be, ive loved star wars my whole life so i think its seems right i should have that type as my main collector. any other queries, ask away!! good to be back, jimmyhoppityhop :o btw that is my gamertag ;) edit: forgot to say i am a warhammer player, well 40k to be right, i use space marines and imperial guard.
  10. i love this!!! to be fair, i think this should become a box set, its that awesome. one thing i can tell outright is that the models are done by sharpie. dont worry i use sharpies myself even thou i dont realy do it anymore, alot of hassal if done incorrectly. but onto the walkers pretty cool i have to say, im wondering where the decals are from for the walkers.
  11. ok it seems that this forum for me doesnt work on google chrome but it does on explorer. seems pretty weird to me, anyone got a coclusions to this? btw a letter would be nice :P
  12. got a huge problem on my hands! i cant view any comments on topics at all, if there are pages i just see the original post over and over. im guessing your going to have to pm me with any suggestions you have. btw its good to be back, sorry ive been away for a very long time.
  13. just to add it to you guys, alot of windsheilds in ww2 were repoved as the glass was more danger for the driver, also it is an awesome moc anyway, i love the gun, looks realy realistic!!!
  14. hi, if you love playing call of duty 4 or w@w, why not join shadow company (link in my signature), you must have a microphone and a ps3 and 1 game that we support check us out!!!
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