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The Hordesman

Eurobricks Citizen
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About The Hordesman

  • Birthday 07/16/1987

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    Making up stories, Lego


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  1. One step closer... To world domination! ...Or maybe not. Excellent to hear. If we get bigger we might even get our own article. >:-)
  2. Darkmateria- The Picard Song
  3. Wolf. The final fight and some photage was flimsy, but it was quite realistic in reactions when someone slowly becomes a werewolf. Jack Nicholsson. *y*
  4. Ah, the memories... One of my old favorite cartoons the day I did have Cartoon Network. But NO Lego sets please! We got problems with peach people already, think what tan and pink could do! No thanks.
  5. Youhna- Houkiboshi (Bleach Ending Theme)
  6. Time to revive an old worthy thread... Hellmarch- Red Alert
  7. Skipper, thar are great! The only ones I feel is missing is these: Simple Crossed Bones Simple Crossed Cutlasses Hourglass (A pirate flag that existed in real life, symbolized the end, aka pirates) The hourglass is a part of four of the flags, but what about a lone one? ;) Awesome work yar matey! I actually have wanted to make a custom pirate faction (hourglass above) but I never could make the hourglass look good.
  8. And it "crapped" me up! :-D (Worst pun ever) I love the non-smooth roof, nice detail! I would like more pics though so I could see it from more angles.
  9. Same here, the football madness is driving me insane. I dont like the sport at all, and therefore this is getting silly. Its like trying to get a baguette without tomatos on it; "Sorry, we dont serve baguettes without tomatoes, if you are allergic you need to go somewere else." Same bloody thing.
  10. 'I have to disagree with you on Constantine- while the movie wasnt bad, it completely bastardized Alan Moore's real intentions. In Constantine, he is a catholic, but in the comic (Hellblazer) he is a neutral figure who tries to keep balance and not let heaven nor hell take too much influence on earth. Also, religion is not limited to the catholic faith, but all religions co-exist. I might add, there is no way Keanu Reeves looks like Sting. V for Vendetta however, I though was very good even though it was not directly truly faithful. However, one should not try to point out which part of the story the current comic-based movie- while some (like Vendetta above, or X2) follows it to some degree, most movies are just loosely based on the storylines. *Goes back to his own manga writing*
  11. Stormtrooper: Bill, are you going to go to halloween with only one half of the zombie costume? Bill Finger: Well, I could only afford one half... Lets say Im Two-face for now. Stormtrooper: Two-what? Bill Finger: Bloody Starwars nerds...
  12. Ive heard that the movie was a flop, since I liked the first but loved the second, this doesnt sound good. Well, Ian McKellen (my favorite actor EVER) and Hugh Jackman are in it... Meaning its not complete junk. ;-)
  13. Aye, as Cleese said, its steampunk. Pirates are all about cutlasses and "arr". Not many cutlasses, but lots of "arr". Very good MOC, feels steampunky... And "arr".
  14. Sarcasm usually doesnt work on the web, but I think I made it overly clear... Perhaps I should have mentioned that a ninja created the world from a "summon world" scroll? ;-)
  15. Ninjas move at a tremendous speed. Their fingertips can gib someone instantly when they are mad. Ninjas can only be killed when they want to be killed, similar to my brothers view on dwarves (except being the masters of the universe). "There is nothing that can beat a ninja" -JD, Scrubs With corsair, I simply meant pirate, but wanted something that sounded more exotic than "Ninja Pirate". Of my knowledge, privateers and corsairs are either pirates for hire, or men serving a country in the disguise of pirates. Buccaneers are pirates, though they can tend to work more inland, also serving as bandits and raiders in the carribbean.
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