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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Chiles

  • Birthday 01/14/1991

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    Legos, video games, hanging ojut with my friends, Rise of Nations Thrones and Patriots, etc..


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  1. Went on eBay to look for classic lego pirate related things to add to my disorganized collection and stumbled upon a BuyItNow deal that was all of this for $25. Did I just score a good deal? I know they're not perfect but I wanted to load up on misc items and I wanted some outside opinions. Thanks!
  2. Awesome set, I'm making a version of it that is longer with 8 guns. The Red Coats will soon have new barge.
  3. Gah never got around to it today, I was busy. Maybe tomorrow?
  4. I see the method it was doe, and I think I may give it a try sometime, possibly later on today. I can manage it, I've been building legos for over ten years. Also, I'm not much of a fan of the new redocats, at all. I'm sticking with the retros. Maybe the new ons wil grow on me but as of now, I have abut 28-29 redcoats from classic pirates (most still in the mail). I may give the cabin a try on LDD, if Ido I'll post a pic.
  5. Yeah I'm painfully confused.
  6. Hahahaha yeah.
  7. LOL I actually thought about it.
  8. I'll be sure to post pics when it comes in!
  9. Similar to Imperial Governor's Post. I just bought the 6280 Armada Flagship on ebay. 100% complete with a few extras. Was $46.99 with about $9 shipping a good deal? I saw it on buyitnow and jumped on that as soon as I could.
  10. How should I make the stern? I need ideas. I'm completely blank on how I want to do it.
  11. Yeah that's the only thing, its meant for small fleets, but you can always control more than one ship per turn.
  12. Oh, well I just decided to try my hand at it..
  13. I will work on the Stern when I have my Cabin ordered and installed. I have no earthly idea how the stern will look, its size, color, shape, ANYTHING. I'll just worry about it when it comes time to make it. After this ship I plan on making a small blue-coat ship. One for mainly harbor patrol. I know it seems... like treason, but I wanna make many ships of all factions, not just limit myself.
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