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    DC comics

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    Super heroes- mostly DC
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  1. The headlight and the shape in the front add to the locomotive look. Great job!
  2. Good work. Always a fan of an A-wing MOC!
  3. Those are some great shots. You did a good job with the water effects.
  4. Thanks for the well done review. It just makes sense that the Joker himself would be the first one to use Robin's sticker in a new "creative" way.
  5. I'm currently building the set, and my opinion has changed favorably now that I'm building it. The atomic pile section in particular was very well designed, and a larger build than I thought it was going to be. I feel that I got my money's worth, but that's just my opinion. I do think that there is way too much negativity in the DC forums. Considering that Batman originally went away, every new set we get is amazing. Complaining about this price, that set, the lack of this minifigure or in general "what's Lego going to do for me next?" makes me feel like the age and maturity levels on these forums has slipped a lot.
  6. I have to agree, though I won't pass. Hopefully the three "sections" will be modular and we can switch sides for the poles. I think the overall color scheme should have been darker, and I don't think they pulled the reactor off as well as I'd hoped. It's a first day buy for me. Then to wait out the over the top exaggerated nostalgia and look forward to the next wave.
  7. Batman's head glows in the dark. When the cowl is on, the eyes glow.
  8. Clash of the Heroes is a great little set. I think part to the appeal is the armor variant, and the glow in the dark eyes.. But the way, DC is selling the Killer Croc action figure from TAS with a Baby Doll figure. Who knows? Maybe DC likes her enough that we will see her.
  9. I like that we're getting a shield with WW. And use of the cockpit piece is interesting.
  10. I just finished building it; I found it at a TRU in the U.S. I guess I see the gap but it's so small that if I hadn't heard about it, I might not have noticed it. I suppose if Customer Service acknowledged that it is a real error then it is. Seems to me though that this is a non issue. Minimal gap. I wouldn't let it dissuade anyone from picking it up now.
  11. I've been thinking for a long time that many under 18 folks have joined the forums. It's almost painful to read some of the threads anymore. The DC and Marvel rumors threads come to mind. Sometimes it feels like I'm listening to a bunch of pre-teens trying to prove they know more than each other about everything. I don't post very often.... I just don't feel like it's worth posting to hear myself talk or just boost my post count. I wish others could show the same restraint.
  12. Two of my daughters are building this as we speak. I agree the design is a lot smaller than I would have liked, but they're loving it. No question the figures are the real draw here. And at 6 and almost five years old they're doimg a good job building so far. At least for the 4-6 range in my house, this set is a home run. Thanks for the great review, Mostlytechnic!
  13. I've been reading Batman, Detective Comics, and Batman Eternal. I'm not a big fan of Greg Capullo's faces- they all look the same to me. I'm enjoying Eternal, but won't really be able to grasp it all until I can read it in a trade. I really wanted to like the new Harley Quinn, but I don't like what they've done with her. Especially that her skin is now dyed white permanently! I read it though, but started New Suicide Squad for a little bit of a different take on Harley. I think she was so much better pre- New 52. I loved Geoff Johns' run on Aquaman. I hope that Aquaman will get some much needed respect in the next few years.
  14. I agree Robianco. This thread is completely different from how these used to run. I was following this mostly for availability of the sets, but now that I have them, this thread is a waste of time. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to some Reviewer's Acadamy reviews of these sets to see what folks really think about them.
  15. I like the Christo so much better, and it's not just the uniform. The facial expression captures his personality so much better.
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