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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. D2C sets don't seem to leak as much. Sets that are going to other retail stores end up in catalogs and have lots of ways to leak.
  2. I liked the set better when it included Mandalay Bay so I added it back in and changed the order. I think it improved it quite a bit.
  3. It was a press/media event. I'm guessing that the USB Drives have Press and Media material about this release.
  4. It's in this thread. Here is the post: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/153568-harry-potter-2018-rumors-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=2986950
  5. They may be useless to you but not to everyone. The point of being VIP is really the reward points. VIP early access isn't really a blockade for anyone. If you try and buy a set that is VIP during early access they just sign you up real quick.
  6. The not yet released set could be the Vegas Architecture set.
  7. I'm new to Lego Trains with this year's holiday train being my first. I decided to power it and so far I've been pretty impressed except for the fact that it stops by itself after a minute or 2. Is this normal? I can use the remote to turn start it right back up but it's kind of annoying to have to do that. I have it as a holiday decoration and would prefer that it just kept going. Is this normal? Is there anything that can be done about it? Right now I'm using battery box 8881 (https://shop.lego.com/en-US/LEGO-Power-Functions-Battery-Box-8881) while I wait for 88000 to arrive. It was back ordered to replace my order. I don't think this is the problem but maybe it is so I thought I'd mention it.
  8. Based on a picture of the back of the box it looks like you are right. The designer video shows that the entire train spins. The rest of the official images are here: https://www.facebook...153897087763403
  9. I just looked back through this thread for when things came out with the Detective Agency. Rumors started in June, confirmation with price on August 30, pictures on November 16. If this year's Modular follows that pattern then we still have a little while to wait.
  10. I have my Modular's on an Ikea shelf over our staircase and also threw the BTTF Delorean into the display.
  11. Isn't it this part? There is more than 1. http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?itemID=100702&colorID=59
  12. Limited quantities and very rare parts. The modulars weren't always as popular as they are now and many of them use parts that aren't available in other sets (or at least not very many other sets). As the modulars got popular demand for the discontinued ones went up with people wanting to have complete collections and Bricklinking became difficult because of the rare parts.
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