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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hey guys since it's been so quiet in here I thought I'd post a link to a recent interview I did with Sybrand Bonsma of the Unofficial Fabuland Homepage. He is a very interesting guy and has some insightful info on all things Fabuland check it out! http://fabfabuland.wordpress.com/
  2. Well here is my Fab frankenstein monster #2. He is a rhino. I'm pretty happy with him but his head is just a tidge bigger than the others (not so bad compared to the lion and elephant). This is a silly pic I know but I was puttering around in my garden after I had painted him, and took a pic with his fellow neighbors. I will post better pics soon to show all his gory details (Ay! the finger prints!)
  3. Alright folks here it is the soft debut of the Fab Fabuland Blog. Hope you all like it! Much more to follow. http://fabfabuland.wordpress.com/
  4. Hey everyone! Still working on that blasted dragon Fabuland fig mod. I have switched to using Super Sculpey because its firmer. Dragons have a lot of details, and I'm trying not to over do it to maintain a Fabuland look and scale. I've been working on it for two weeks now, and I need to take a break. Its not an abandoned project, I'm just a little rusty at sculpting super detailed items these days-- and I think if I work on other projects I can work up to it. Sculpting small characters is very challenging and I tip my hat off to toy makers! The hardest part I have found trying to recreate Fabuland figs is the hair/ scale textures oh and NOSTRILS <sigh>. Tough stuff! So I'm going to make a rhino next. He should be ready to photograph by the weekend. I am also working on a blog companion to fabfabuland.com. There is so much cool Fabuland stuff out there, and I think it would be good for the community to have regular updates (whether it is MOCs, builder interviews, fun facts, youtube videos etc). I will post the link when I get a few more things set up on it. I hope everyone is well and enjoying their summers (or winters depending on where you live ). fabfabuland
  5. Just a quick update on my dragon fabuland minifig... Still working on it. The dragon is substantially harder to sculpt than my previous dolphin (you know dolphins and their lovely smooth skin) So I'm working on perfecting the dragon's nostrils and scales. Going to try to build a mold out of Sculpey tonight to see if I can work with some of the scales from the croc. We'll see how it goes
  6. Oy vey...so you can see my bad choice of silvery metallic sculpey clay? Lols! and shoddy shakey hand paint work? ha ha ha. I don't think I am ready for the full opinion yet! As this is my first try I'm still learning (although I've already accepted nothing I do will look like a LEGO original). Ill post some close ups without backdrops too. Stay tuned!
  7. A dragon it is! (tries to get the Fabuland Croc out of her head. He must be unique!) Thanks for all the support you guys! Hopefully I will have something to show over the weekend.
  8. So many surprises to discover here
  9. Hey guys I would like to show you my very *first* Fabuland fig mod. I made a dolphin for my first attempt because I thought it would be easier (no hair ridges). I'm pretty pleased with him. I made him out of Sculpey clay-- the modeling part was not too bad, the painting however was a PITA. I think I'm going to try a tiger next. fabfabuland.com
  10. Hey guys I would like to show you my very *first* Fabuland fig mod. I made a dolphin for my first attempt because I thought it would be easier (no hair ridges). I'm pretty pleased with him. I made him out of Sculpey clay-- the modeling part was not too bad, the painting however was a PITA. I think I'm going to try a tiger next. fabfabuland.com EDIT by LuxorV - No need to remove the pic and dismember this topic, fabfabuland. We like to discuss about peoples' creation in their own topics I'll just move this to the Minifig Customization Workshop, since it is a custom figure; and a very good one, imo
  11. As far as I know they have never shown up after the show. A lot of times these things are either destroyed or given to employees. Since they are clay they may have not held up the 20 past years unless they were preserved somehow. FilmFair the animation studio that made Edward and Friends seems to be defunct as well. fabfabuland.com
  12. These Fabuland figs were sold at the Birking Head Point Sydney Lego Center. I'm not sure if it is still open. Either way your figure is rarer than most, highly collectible and is valued at about $20.00 USD. Hope this helps! fabfabuland.com
  13. Hi Folks! I would like to show you a preview of a Fabuland website directory that we have been working on. It can be found at fabfabuland.com It is still in beta mode and we are still waiting on a few "ok to use pics" from a few people (WhiteFang please let us use your walrus/ minifig pic ha ha!) But we would love your input before the big debut! Thanks so much! FabFabuland Yes, its probably your best bet if you are looking for specific figs. You will have to email the sellers individually to find out the overall quality of each fig (as some tend to have their paint rub off) With that said, if you are looking for mixed lots check out eBay especially the international sellers. You will often get a better price (20.00 for like 12 figs) Hope this helps! fabfabuland.com Well maybe it doesn't come off. Some of them were glued on. If its a later version of the white bulldog it could be unremovable. Mine does tho. For sure. fabfabuland.com
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