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Special Themes Moderator
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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. Other Media-related MOCs related to or inspired by video games, literature or other media Video Games Literature Cartoons & Comics, Anime and Manga Music Advertising, Logos and Other Media
  2. Dude, that's genius. Perfect in every detail, from the run-down look of the cottage, the haphazard landscaping of the dirt road, to the disconsolate looks on the villagers' faces. You should be very proud of this! Nice smoke, too! And of course the stork is lovely.
  3. May I remind entrants to Category A that a maximum of three pictures, maximum size 800x600, are allowed: Any further pictures will be removed. Links to galleries are fine.
  4. Your guess is as good as mine. It's odd that it isn't available yet in the US, considering the 5770 Lighthouse is.
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Siegfried! Take a rest from all that Siegdexing and have a beer or two!
  6. Hot diggity damn, that's good! I love how you've done the floor at forty-five degrees. That must have taken a lot of patience! The overall look is superb, and despite not having all the pieces you wanted, you've managed to create the vast lightness of a botanical garden
  7. It is indeed superb MOC! I glanced at it yesterday, and was about to index it thinking it was a live dragon (it looks very organic). But then if it were, it should be in History anyway, so thanks for moving it, Fangy
  8. Thanks, but it's old news. I'll merge this with the existing topic shortly. Nice picture, though. And ... done.
  9. If you replace 'trapeze artist' with something more down-to-earth (no pun intended) like 'teacher', it sounds odd: She said that teacher was an exciting job. Depending on the context, you could say: She said that being a trapeze artist was an exciting job. Agreed. Unless she got a job next to the circus! It's technically correct, but I don't think anyone would say that, unless for emphasis: In the show, she has the part which is the most exciting of all. A more natural way to say it would be: In the show, she has the most exciting part.
  10. Thanks, Yellow Brick. I had planned to index only MOCs that have their own thread. The CM contests will be indexed separately, and since the entries are all in one place already, the entry thread acts as its own index, if you see what I mean. But we'll see! I've got my work cut out just adding all the separate threads
  11. On the Screen Movies scenes, Movie-inspired MOCs, televisual creations Movie Scenes Movie inspired MOCs TV
  12. Collectible Minifigures MOCs Dioramas, vignettes, customs... anything CMF
  13. Special Themes MOC Index Here you will find a thumbnail and a link to every MOC posted in the Special Themes Forum. I have categorised the MOCs according to genre, and by browsing this Index you can get a feel for the sort of MOCs that are welcome in this forum. In order for a MOC to be indexed, it must comply with some basic requirements. Pictures must be deeplinked, not links; pictures must be of reasonable quality (not blurry) and must not be greater than 800 x 600 pixels in size. Threads with missing pictures will be removed from the index. This is a LEGO site: MOCs containing noticeable quantities of clone brands will not be indexed. If your MOC hasn't been indexed, and it meets these requirements, it may be that I haven't got to it yet. If you think I have missed your MOC, please post a link in the Discussion Topic, and I will look into it. Similarly, please use the discussion thread if you have any comments or suggestions on the Index. Please don't reply to this thread. This is a Work In Progress, and will likely take several months to complete. Please be patient! Ongoing Big Update! April 2013 Exceptions CREATOR Alternative MOCs are indexed in the CREATOR Alternatives Index. FABULAND MOCs are indexed in the Fabuland Builders Guild. Previous Index: Other Themes MOC Index Other Themes MOC Index Discussion Thread For reference: [img=http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/uploads/1242820715/gallery_2351_18_164.gif] Contents Post 2 Collectible Minifigures MOCs Dioramas, vignettes, customs... anything CMF Post 3 On the Screen Movie scenes, movie-inspired MOCs, televisual creations Post 4 Other Media-related MOCs related to or inspired by video games, literature or other media Post 5 Military Vehicles & Hardware Planes, helicopters, ships and boats Post 6 Military Vehicles & Hardware Land vehicles and artillery Post 7 Military Dioramas, Vignettes and Figures Anything else Military Post 8 Vehicles Planes, boats and automobiles... anything civilian (even if the civilians are armed) Buildings Any edifice that's not being shot at goes here Post 9 Journey into the Macabre Horror, gore, post-apocalypse, mutants ... everything your twisted mind might desire Post 10 Arty Stuff Still lifes, mosaics, foodstuffs Animate Life Brick-built figures and creatures Post 11 Miscellaneous Objects, vignettes and dioramas that defy further classification Seasonal Christmas, Easter, Mothers' Day, Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Be Nice to Druids Day, you name it...
  14. Special LEGO Themes MOC Index (a Work In Progress) Over the next few months, I'll be working on indexing all the fantastic creations posted in the Special Themes Forum. I'll start with the newer MOCs and work backwards, until I find get to the ones already included in the old Other Themes MOC Index. Please be patient if you don't see your creation included - I probably haven't got to it yet. When your creation is indexed, a little emblem will appear at the start of the thread: Topics will only be indexed if they include pictures of reasonable quality, and which adhere to the Site Guidelines in terms of size. If you think I've missed any, or if you disagree with where it has been placed in the index, let us know in this thread. Other comments and suggestions will be gratefully received. Take me to The Index! For reference: Previous Other Themes MOC Index Previous Discussion Thread
  15. I have to confess I hadn't noticed that . It took me a while to realise what you meant, but the starboard wing is indeed 'shopped so you can see the whole wingspan - it would otherwise be largely hidden by the bulk of the shuttle. Here you can see the fin and the wing overlap each other : I don't think it's that noticeable on the overall box image, though - I had a good look over it when I reviewed the set and didn't notice it The whole ship is distorted - squashed vertically - to make it fit on the box; the wings are also sat more 'horizontal' than they should be, again most likely to emphasise the wingspan.
  16. Man I love that whole album My favourite track: (beware, this seems to saturate my laptop speakers for some reason ) This reminds me so strongly of my final year at university, along with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we9NtPUZPUs Ahhh, nostalgia
  17. Thanks for taking the time to review this unexpected set! You caused me a little headache regarding where to put it in the index I wouldn't mind having one of those on my desk - I must look out for it next time I'm in the LEGO shop. It's interesting that they included the two Series One figures in there - the Cheerleeder is likely to bump up the sales of this set!
  18. Fantasy and Fiction Anything Elven, Tolkein, Discworld, Fairytale - this is a Work In Progress Fantasy & Fiction Castles & Buidings Fantasy & Fiction Dioramas Vignettes
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