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  1. FYI the U.S. has almost constantly been at war since 1865 just not on american soil because we have to protect everyone. A LEGO military theme would be soooo awesome and we don't people going around saying otherwise PLEASE. Can you guys imagine the possibility's for a military themed LEGO line? Such as: Special ops, marine's, SAS, USAF,RAF, navy, and so much more. I just thought of a funny one ( which would be pretty stupid) somali pirates stealing a ship!
  2. Ya i think your right.
  3. Will those even come off the stands?
  4. I think we might be getting closer to the real thing. Maybe
  5. What are all of your opinions about LEGO making swat sets
  6. sorry Sorry about the political post i couldn't help myself :). I understand what your saying now i just read through your post to quickly. I agree the violence would be the sae as in the knights.
  7. Thank you capt. Kirk I totally agree with you there are all of these people saying LEGO can't make anything that has to do with violence but ( thankfully) what are they doing right now with pirates, indiana jones, and knights i say we just tell those people to be quiet and start telling LEGO to give there fans what they want. :) There might not be anything glorious about people being mowed down but there is something cool about all military equipment and army's are pretty cool and little kids will probably ( if there were WW1 and WW2 sets) would always have the good guys win and all the Nazis would be dead. You said that in five minutes the combatants are up and running around again do think kids are gonna start chopping the heads off the military minifigs and put ketchup on them to look like blood i dont think so they will be up and running in five minutes. FYI LEGO has made war toys indiana jones had military vehicles and a jet that is Camo. The world wars where terrible events but does that mean you want toy company's to stop making things that have to do with wars i dont think so, and does it matter if kids are playing with a pile of plastic that resembles military theme's i don think so. I don't agree with this policy at all the men at arms are the people who defend us and drive off people like hitler so why not make military sets to respect them and those who died? I just need to throw something in real fast it's driving me crazy. Pacifists have it totally wrong there against the people who defend them sounds nice doesn't it? not. The countries of the world definitely can be defined as good or evil. The U.S. is the only good country and it's on a slippery slope with this new president Barack Obama ( i hate saying that name ) just look at the laws of the countries other then the U.S. Britain has ruined itself once a Government starts saying you can't even own a firearm anymore something is really messed up and i will die before i see that happen the the U.S. FYI those aren't Nazis those are Communist's there's a big difference but they both are horrible and stupid groups. um you said that the middle ages where one of the most blood thirsty periods just to let you know the 20th century had more war and deaths then all the other century's combined. Why in the heck would they make a POW camp they could just make they jets and ships and soldiers with the equipment no POW camps that's absurd Thank you 5150 LEGO i don't even know where he would have got the idea for a POW camp that's kind of sick and i would never buy one if LEGO went so low as to do that it's soo soo absurd.
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