See, I don't understand how they can charge 3.99 for only around 27 odd pages. For DC, 3.99 gets you 40 pages adn 2.99 gets you 32 pages. It just seems like more of a fair deal. Oh well, they looked interesting, but I can't justify collecting a book for one character I'm mildly interested in. DC got it right, 3.99 for popular characters in a 40 page book, Batman, Justice League etc. then less popular characters in a 2.99 book, flash, swampthing. It just makes everything more reasonable, but if I'm paying 3.99 for Captain America or Deadpool, it just seem like I'm not getting as much bang for my buck. Nevertheless I think I will be collecting the Avengers when it comes out, cause 3.99 for all those characters seems like its more then worth it!