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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Updated my Ninja Army. Sorted by color now. I bought a warhammer 40k space marine paint set and might be getting more miniatures. So its going to be a while before I update any other armies and after that most of them will stop growing. With the exception of nay new cheap castle/ninja sets. I hope to get the Medieval Joust set though.
  2. That's what I am hoping for!!! and a small inexpensive set with Black Falcon horse barding.
  3. They could just make a new Horse barding and new black falcon knights/soldiers for new sets and leave the medieval joust one unique and only available at this set or 20 dollars at bricklink!!!
  4. It's been a while. But here is my updated Lion Knight army. This time more uniform and clone armyish.
  5. , I got some more knight minifigs.
  6. Black Falcon champion yea! I can't wait for it to come out!
  7. It's been a while but here is all of my heavy cavalry in one video. Total 53 armored horse bardings. not all armored knights though. Some are soldiers. Also I got a new computer so I can now play Medieval 2 total war in its full glory on 1920x1080p resolution so I might not do anything with lego for a few weeks or even months. I might just buy computer stuff instead of lego stuff for now. But I hope to make some bigger battle mocs.
  8. Are you referring to the smallest particle and the dance of peace? I thought the episode was amazing. Definitely the best episode of the season. And I was laughing the entire episode. I have been watching Thundercats, it reminds me of Avatar the Last Airbender. So good!
  9. nice catch hoboman. black falcons are so cool.
  10. This is amazing! Looks really accurate and lots of details.
  11. My from a fellow youtuber. He sent me some shadow knights, lord vladek and king mathias and a horse barding/horse helmet and 4 black axes.
  12. Great moc, the Prince of persia minifigure looks great with yellow head/hands.
  13. TheLegoDr, Artanis I Yea 100 is going to be a lot and going to take a while. but it pales in comparison to Madoka. He's my inspiration lol.But I hope to keep them on a shelf instead of containers. Also I had to switch my internet plans so I might not be able to post anymore (except occasional using cousin's internet) until the 5th. I already planned on getting 100 shadow knights, and some CMF vikings and maybe CMF Evil Dwarves/Elves too.
  14. haha. Well I will see how many I can get. I hope to get 100 of each faction and then see from there. some factions might be split into subfactions so more minfigures for those armies! the rumored celtic warrior does look awesome same with minotaur!
  15. This is utterly amazing. so many awesome armies and very nice fluff background!
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