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About Younge

  • Birthday 05/08/1975

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    Geelong, Australia
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    Ummm... LEGO!!!!


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  1. I am interested in purchasing this set, but I want to make sure it will fit in my bookshelf before purchasing. Does anyone know the dimensions of the LRV in "folded up" mode?
  2. Do you still use that hockey puck piece (47576) as the middle wheels in your bogeys for the engine?
  3. An update on this. I actually bought a corner's worth of the R32 track and tested it out and each of the trains that I wanted to run with it (10219, 10020, 10194) derailed over 50% of the time. I think shorter length trains would be OK, but anything with a longer carriage, forget it.
  4. G'day, Does anyone have any experience with the R32 curved tracks that TrixBrix sells on their website (https://trixbrix.eu/en_US/p/Curved-Track-R32/156)? On their website they state: "It's compatible with all LEGO® trains unlike the R24 radius curves which are too tight for some trains.". Does anyone know if this is accurate?
  5. Wow, that is massive!!! Out of curiosity, how many pieces did it come to in the end?
  6. Stunning!
  7. That build is just ridiculously good! Well done! I know it's a small thing, but I especially like the detail in those seats. I just wish Lego would release a train (one day) that had automatic doors like yours.
  8. Holger's Lego Train Book. https://books.google.com.au/books/about/The_Lego_Trains_Book.html?id=s6_aAQAACAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=en
  9. +1 Like!
  10. That looks so damned good! @ColletArrow, is there anything you came across during the build that might have dissuaded TLG to not go with this design? A step too difficult for (today's) kids to handle.
  11. It's funny, I have been so obsessed about the nose on this MOC that I didn't realise how awesome the rest of the train is!!! Some great build techniques in there - especially the engine. Last night I was playing with the digital file to see if I could modify it enough to get a light at the front, but, it defeated me. Hey, @eric_son_of_joseph, I really think you should put this MOC up on Lego Ideas. I think the Santa Fe has built up enough fans over the years (and enough people missed out on buying it) that it could actually be the first train to get the required votes. Can't hurt to try...
  12. I recently built my own version of the Santa Fe (with two carriages) in bluish greys, largely based off the original design but with mods where I couldn't get the parts in those colours. I have to say that the nose on your version is markedly better than the original! Might have to try replicating the nose on mine before I put the stickers on. Well done Eric!!!
  13. Woah! That many nights in a hotel! You must be great with LDD then!!!
  14. From the pictures I've seen the passenger train looks meh! The cargo train engine on the other hand - very slick! And I like the colour scheme of it as well. Will it be enough to make me buy either? Probably not.
  15. Is it bad that I saw that accident on the news and the first thing I thought of was this thread on the forum?!
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