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About dragofoscar

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  1. Nice pictures. This is the original - Madoca as well as the Avotoros :)
  2. I can not believe what brought people so far even copying MOCs. I can assume, how you feel, Madoca. These People did not understand the spirit of Lego building - and the do not understand many other things as well. Your work is so much appreciated within the community (e.g. hits on rebrickable) and we all love your Art in building Lego so much. I think, that counts so much more, as ... PS: Your Icarus is still the best Lego Modell I hav ever build - and will stay in this position until... your Icarus MK II is released :)
  3. I also recognised a seller on "ebay kleinanzeigen" and reported it immediately (offering instructions from madoca). The offer disapeared soon after. I will report it again and agian. Think this is the only way to deal with it. I am so greatful for the free instructions of all the professional MOC builder !
  4. I just finished it in white. A Perfect Model. This is definately a next generation of moc, when compared to the models 2 to 3 years ago. The roof, the Doors, the .... ,I Love it. Thank you so much. I do agree with balrog, you are the King of angles, that till now are thought to be physically impossible with Lego. :0)
  5. Thank you so much Madoca! I am a total fan of your models. I still have your recent red supercar and the SUV MKII on display and I am currently planning my build of the corvette. Since this weekend I have to rethink my plans and ended up with the idea to build both the corvette and the Icarus. I have longed for madoca building another supercar and the result is perfect imho! Now I have to spend quite some money on parts and SBricks :) Thanks again! looking forward for your next model.
  6. The one from ebay yesterday evening? :)
  7. Really fantastic, Madoca! I currently have 3 of you models on display - I want this one as well. Too bad I hav to buy further L-motors and wheels because I do not want to dismantle your red supercar, which I really do love so much. ;) Another stunning model! Please do not stop building this fantastic cars!
  8. Yeah, But as I live next to you (in Germany) there is some postage. But thre is also one in DK - your point! Fot my next project (Doc Browns Hot rot) I do need some parts - so I will order at brickling all together with the receiver. Thanks a lot! I was very tempted bying the 9398 in new condition for 95 € but I do not know where to store the box and all the remaining parts. Ordering singel parts (e.g. new ones) iscurrently more usefull than bying new sets to have them. An exemption will be if anyone come with a supercar out of parts from the cargo plane ;)
  9. OK - meaning better acceleration. That explains the usage ov V2 in the Crawler. OK - I do have 3 V2s Maybe I have to change them to test. But bying a 9398 only for the V2 is a bit silly. OK, I can use the Servo as wenn (have only 4 ;) and the L-Motors. But those I can also by at lego separately. A littel bit more expensive - compared to the deal with the whole set 9398, but less space consuming.
  10. By less power you mean less speed? Hmmm - speed does matter ;O)
  11. I Have no V2 left. I am just interested If I can use the V1 instead - in a naked setup it worked well. All V2s are in my display modells and I do not like to dismantle them instead. ;)
  12. That does not answer my questions. I can get one V2 when buying another crawler for a good price, but I am barely able to store all the remaining parts ;) Therefore I will be pleased if you give me a hint. Especially, because I have to decide soon for the crawler... ;O)
  13. Hi I am just asking myself which PF Receiver I should use on which setup. I read somewhere that the m-Motor will be difficult with V2 - what about the V1, are there any no-Go's. For example: 2x L Motor + Servo = V2 (crawler setup) 2x m Motor + Servo = V1 (I think I tried it once with V2 and did not work) 2x XL Motor + Servo = ??? Which should I use? Is V1 also possible? 1x XL Motor + Servo = ??? Which should I use? Is V1 also possible? (next to build - madocas 4X4 and I do only have V1 Receiver left ;) Madoca uses V2 Receiver on both Monster Truck (2x XL) and 4x4 (1 x XL). I tested both with V1 and it worked on the "naked" PF wiring. When is the V2 necessary and what is the advantage. Thanks a lot!
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