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Eurobricks Vassals
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About legopapa

  • Birthday 07/14/1965

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    Space, Architecture

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    Almere (NL)
  • Interests
    Ehhhh .... LEGO


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    The Netherlands

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  1. Rocky Peaks Adventure Center There is a lot to do in the Brickanian Mountains. Visit Rocky Peaks Adventure Center ... Builder comments: this is my latest moc. It took about 6 months to build and was a welcome step away from my usual Space and Sci-Fi builds. It will be displayed at Legoworld 2019 In Utrecht (NL)
  2. It has been a while since I have posted anything on this forum. My last posts were in de Dutch Moonbase topic. But as Dutch Moonbase is no longer active as a group I made this topic for my own moc's. My latest build is: Novus Vita - Beyond the Horizon After the Lunar Defense Force (LDF) had defeated the Darterians, Novus Vita was colonized by mankind. Alien races were more than welcome and Novus Vita became an intergalactic meetingpoint and tradingplace. After a period of relative peace plans were made to expore the rest of the galaxy. With the use of Darterian technology and the knowledge of other species, mankind took the next step into discovering the universe.. The project is together with my son Alex. It is 2 x 16 XL baseplates with the possiblity to add on both sides. The solarpanels were the startingpoint and we went from there. All pictures can be found on Flickr:
  3. We added some more pictures showing lots of details of our layout. Pictures and video's can be found HERE
  4. This year we visited Lego FanWelt again after a succesful first time in 2010. This time we didn't really build a space theme but more a mix between Sci-Fi and City. Photo by NXTchris 2012 The story behind the moc's and more pictures and video's can be found HERE
  5. My lastest MOC is the MIRACLE Adventure Tower. This old communications tower was transformed into an adventure tower with a bungy-platform, rappel-track and some other fun stuff. Next to the tower is a small amusementpark with a maze and some other stuff. Builders comment: this tower was build as part of the layout we will show at Lego Fanwelt 2012 in Koln together with my Project MYRICL and some of Sky4walker's moc's (not yet named). All pictures can be seen HERE or visit Lego Fanwelt 2012 in Koln - Germany.
  6. Here's the link to my website. It's a different approach than your wonderful build.
  7. I build the 6 meter long Trench Run last year and now there is this microscale version. What a great detail ... what a wonderfull build ... WELL DONE !!!!!
  8. My new project: Project MYRICL - the McKnight Yubari Research Institute Cryogenics Laboratory. In this laboratory research is done into ways to get (and keep) people in artificial sleep to make long distance spacetravel possible. Ones based in the USA, the lab was transfered to The Netherlands as the US government banned testing on humans. The Dutch government was very willing to get this research to The Netherlands for employment possibilities and offcourse the nearby presence of DASA. A special law was passed to make testing on humans possible with only one restriction: only volunteers are allowed to join the project. Project MYRICL on Flickr Builders note: This moc was build over a period of 9 months with on-and-off building. It is 6x2 XL baseplates and IKEA led-strips are used for lighting.
  9. For your information: the Tatooine layout will be on display at LEGOWORLD in Zwolle (NL) from 19 - 26 oktober 2011.
  10. Goofy?? You have to be completly nuts to build such moc's ... and as we are nuts ...
  11. @ P4trickvH: we know about the photo thingy but we have our own website ... so, we use our own website to showcase the total project and place some teasers here.
  12. If all goes well, we will be posting more pictures on our website this weekend. We will keep you informed ...
  13. @MarvelousRoland: What part of the netherlands are you from?? And don't worry about going off-topic ... you are just proud of your build and you should be.
  14. @ MarvelousRoland I would advice you to start your own topic with your Tatooine build. That way people can respond to your wonderfull MOC in that topic. May I ask that you remove the pictures and just leave hyperlinks to your pictures. That way we keep this topic all about our pictures ... THANKS. Good work by the way Oh, in joined builds like the one we did last year, we only build with Dutch Moonbase teammembers. This is just the way that works best for us. Single builds like Tatooine and Trench Run are what they are ... single builds build by one teammember. For your information ...
  15. Wouldn't that be something ...
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