Hi folks. My wishlist isnat about the biggest ships. of course, if there was a goodlooking ship like a 2decker i would buy it . but what i want is more to fill the pirate world.
like smugglers, civillians, pirate town sets. just look at the town serie, you have pizza makers. gas stations, houses. and ROADS. I Would like to have some road baseplates like the town have,but with dirt tracks or stone tracks so i can make my own sort of town. Have to be so wide that i can have a horse wagon on it.
I also would like a bajonet to fix on my rifles. and smaller cannons, so they can fit in a samller vessel/fort
minifig packs of pirates and soldiers, and Civillians.. and kids. smaller lego figs that have feet like the big ones, not the dwarf style but just a smaller copy of the regular minifig.
officer uniform for the soldiers, like in the old pirates.
Bicorne with white stripes for high ranking officers.
some new BURP's not that steep like the old ones but useful for making islands or cliffs without spending a fortune on bricks.
elements that fit into the 3 by 10 modul in soldiers fort. (smaller sets that is equal to the plates ( 12 x10)
A sort of junction so we can build on one base plate and lay another base plate ontop of the bricks and set it connect them there.
and last. something to hang the sabres on for the soldiers. now they have to carry them in one hand. would look nice if my generals have both hands free on a parade
wagons, both for horses and for man and for oxes
Just got my BB now, just miss the pirates hieout now.