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Eurobricks Knights
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  • Birthday 07/13/1971

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  1. Just got the last parts for my statue:
  2. Thanks. You can find more info on Songs of Blades and Heroes here: http://songofblades.blogspot.com/ It can be downloaded from Wargames Vault for about six bucks, and they have a yahoo group, where you can calculate the cost of any kind of troops you design. It's a quite simple yet challenging game.
  3. Just got my trees for the woods: Woods are treated as area terrain, so I needed trees you could move when warriors entered.
  4. A close up of Hang Man hill and more additions (almost there):
  5. Thanks. I've ordered the last base plates and bits, so I can get the table to the final 4x4 base plate size. /Morten
  6. An update on the terrain situation: Dragon Rider and Wizard (also for the game):
  7. Thanks. I had a minor melt down when Lego killed off the Exo-Force line, but I'm actually quite impressed by the 2010 Castle line, and lately I've been buying a few old school minifigs and bits for a landscape from Bricklink. Unfortunately it seems there's a lot of stickers of dubious origin being sold (as you might see in the photo), but I'm not a fanatic collector, so it doesn't bother me too much.
  8. My small contribution to this lovely thread: Enjoy.
  9. That's a very impressive mech and a well executed movie. Most impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this and good fun to watch the poor little robot get smashed to bits over and over. Very cool.
  10. Thank you and thanks for the heads up regarding the location of the thread. I'll be updating when I get my baseplates for the terrain and some more bricks to make scenary. I've got a whole bunch already and a lot in the mail from Bricklink deals. I think I'll browse Eurobricks for good ideas for landscaping with Lego.
  11. Me neither which is why I use the Songs of Blades and Heroes ruleset instead. I put the "table top wargaming" label in the sub titel to indicate what the thread was about, but obviously it didn't catch on. I too love the classic castle range, and hope to include old sets as "The guarded inn" on the table, but I also have my eye on the nice village from the Fantasy era line. Lovely houses and lots of extras in that set (people, animals and I tree I think I'll copy).
  12. Quite right. Something similar to Warhammer but at a skirmish level. I'm confused as to how this can be the wrong board, as it originally was intended for wargames and not online RPGs. I'm the author of some of the first posts when this board first was added to EB, but if there's a different board for Lego Wargames (non RPGs) now, I do appoligize for the blunder.
  13. I was not aware that I needed permission to show the minifigs and terrain ideas for a table top wargame. Is this really so? Then much have changed since I last visited EB... What do you mean by "host"? This is not an online RPG or anything similar...
  14. After the sad demise of the Exo-Force line I took a good long time-out from Lego. Lateley I've started a new game based on Castle miniatures and the ruleset called Songs of Blades and Heroes (which I've remaned for the occation). So far I've dusted off my old castle and minifigs: And I've started on the terrain base plates (there will be about 12-16 32x32 plates when finished): And finally I've bought a brick load of stuff for the minifigs (weapons/bases/etc): I'm also dabbling in jazzing up the old knights with some barding (old school style): Stay tuned for more...
  15. As you might have guessed a few of us, here in the space and mecha forum, might not share your take on that particular subject...
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