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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Cian

  • Birthday 02/02/1987

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  1. I forgot the light location - definite Elven Rights violation territory,
  2. Building this this weekend. It has raised severe issues over labour laws and employee protection at the North Pole that I feel we need to address This is the Elves "club house" which implies a place of rest and recreation to me. But it clearly has a gift wrapping station, implying that they are required to work in their down time, or at least some other impingement on a healthy work-life balance. The way to their workshop is signposted clearly, they shouldn't be required to bring work home Additionally, the presence of beds here imply that this is actually their house, not a club house. But this bedding is inhumane - firstly, there are insufficient bunks for every elf, which implies shift use of beds - something we now know can spread disease rampantly in pandemics. Additionally, there is a cruel and unusual mechanism for waking those elves who are presumably too exhausted from slaving away by physically ejecting them from their beds, and indeed the entire 'club' house if done with enough force I think we need to send the appropriate employment rights agency in to the operation immediately. There's vast amounts of police in City to back them up in breaking this indentured servitude setup up and getting the "big man" in red put to rights. (I am taking the piss clearly, its been rather a long weekend in lockdown here)
  3. That's something imagined on forums by mostly US-based AFOLS There are multiple buildings in the line with European derived architecture. There's a computer in one of them. It is blatantly not a retro Americana line.
  4. That walkway out to Go is grim; this looks like rather an improvement!
  5. Consider we've finished a 'block' now, a corner to start the new one would be in pattern, surely?
  6. You'd be surprised how accurate to life this can be - many suburban 1930s-1950s cinemas in Dublin are in fact carpet showrooms now - generally if they're not a bingo hall or a furniture shop, they're a Des Kelly Carpets!
  7. Classic town sets rarely if ever had stairs, we're becoming too picky these days ;)
  8. Needs a decent comms cabinet or else I won't install any dispensary systems for them ;)
  9. Majority of them in Ireland are red - Dublin, Waterford and Inisheer as three different ends of the scale there - top 25 international airport, small regional/commuter and tiny tiny regional. I think only one airport in the entire country here has yellow ones even though I'd see it as traditional. The last Lego one was yellow though
  10. Its generally ignored as if it never happened - I was surprised that it turned up in the Mini Modulars. Was branded differently (Factory) to the others and designed externally.
  11. GE looks like any late 19th century British sphere of influence department store. TH looks like a fair few of the early 20th century town halls in Ireland which would have swiped their designs from elsewhere. They do a fairly good job of ensuring no set looks massively obviously from one specific area - even FB which seems to be based on a specific New York station doesn't look much unlike any other city fire station of that era.
  12. Barring about ten parts, my almost visually identical CC and GG are now built Revered the staircase door and swapped the dark blue arch for dark bley on the ground floor of CC; changed the windows on the middle floor to actually be windows and changed the type of frame on the top. I'm still missing the birds. On GG I swapped the extremely dear sand green 1x8s for either 2 1x4s or 2 1x6 + 1 1x4 depending on where they were sited; also swapped some adjacent 1x3s for 1x6s as I was short on these due to a typing error on PAB. Also changed the glassless train windows for the new type that I also used on CC. I think they look fine, another AFOL might notice the differences but that's about it.
  13. What wheels did you use that fit behind the guards at the back? The part numbers are near illegible in the Hispabricks PDF unfortunately
  14. Takes a different inner part, see above for the suggestion I received and took (using two 2x3 panes in that frame rather than the 4x3 the proper frame uses)
  15. Newsagent/tobacconist isn't the same as newsstand though (and there are still a few of those here in the same areas - major city streets and train stations). They're sort of like convenience stores, just traditionally they'd not have sold any fast food (they often do now), and mainly sold sweets, magazines, cheap toys and greetings cards and usually a small amount of "essentials" rather than a full range like a convenience store does. They're basically identical to a Danish 7-11
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