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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I'm a cool racecar I'm not really in to racers but I actually like this one.
  2. Although I didn't know Dan, I use his website daily and feel grateful for what he has done for the Lego community. I wish everyone who knew Dan all the strength to get through these tough times.
  3. is filling his Bricklink shop

  4. Nice! I like it better than the previous mini. The last one's legs were too weak. Does anyone know what part the main gun is made of?
  5. Great review. Nice detailed photo's. I especially like the tractor and engine on the freight ship and the fact that the ships are made up of bricks. I remember this came out during my dark ages. I still picked up the Lego catalogue in a toystore once in a while and I was seriously regretting I quit playing with Lego. Luckily I made up for that :)
  6. I finally bought the chrome gold C-3PO minifig and the cloud city Boba Fett minifig. Prices are insane, but I couldn't resist. I need my Star Wars minifig collection complete! And I'm having a really hard time not buying the new Star Wars sets. A friend of mine is starting his own online Lego shop, so that means a considerable discount for me (since I built the shop) once he has started. So I need to wait a little longer.
  7. I really like Svelte's version better (as far as I can tell from this image) but there are some nice details to this, like the awnings. Hope they're printed, but there are no modulars with sticker so I probably shouldn't have to worry.
  8. I think Cartoon Network is bound by their own Lucasarts licence, which probably doesn't include Lego Sets. But that was probably too serious an answer considering the smiley Well the last remark was just wishfull thinking, but some licences (not Lego's probably) are only based on designs and not the right to sell.
  9. If the licence ends, would it only mean no new sets are created? Or does it also mean the right to sell existing sets is revoked? Cause otherwise Lego could sell all past and existing sets as classics for years on end ;) (that would piss of some hardcore collectors I guess)
  10. Don't get me wrong people, I hope Aayla will get the best possible headdress (I'm an SW minifig collector), I just think it's going to be simpler then the custom minifig shown. I also hope they won't use rubber like on Plo Koon and Kit Fisto. I have the feeling this will degrade in a bad way over the years. Other figs got normal heads with added headdress in plastic which works fine (Ahsoka was mentioned but Bib Fortuna was great too) and means you can combine the two (or maybe three in this case?) elements in another way. And that brings new opportunities.
  11. I think they'll choose the easy way and print the helmet/cap on the head mold.
  12. Personally I don't get too excited about a new AT-AT. The last one was fine (although I could've done without power functions). I'm still hoping for a jedi council set or a larger Mos Eisley cantina. But I realise the number of new (single use) minifigs would make that unattractive for Lego (but very attractive for fans).
  13. Interesting pics, but no Tie Defender or Land Speeder in sight. Are they still set for januari? http://www.flickr.com/photos/sirdano/4149297265/
  14. I totally agree. An official Lego store should be a requirement, not an option :) I went to Cologne a few weeks ago and the official Lego store there is so cool. Prices aren't anything special, but they have so much stuff. Personally I order my lego from a few cheap webshops, and scan for special offers at toy stores. Recently a toy store was closing in Amsterdam. Everything was marked 50% off. That put a big dent in my monthly budget Does anyone have good tips on how to get exclusive sets cheaper?
  15. Thanks everyone. If my first MOCs turn our ok, I'll post em on EB. I don't have a lot of Star Wars sets on display right now. Just sorted most of them except UCS. I'm a sucker for sorting (I'm on step 16 here: http://news.lugnet.com/storage/?n=707) I'll try and update collections at Brickset (it's been a while) and put the link in my sig. Thanks for the welcome!
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