As of now I don't have much hope for a rapid expansion of the trains line. However, model trainshops have had a influx in costumers recently with the pandemic and all, so maybe this could be an ispiration for lego to create a new "model train" line, perhaps including remote points and duch like in the 12v era.
I think there is only this one picture of it, and I think it's be hard to recreate it from this. But if you are able to I'd love to see the result.
Kind of looks like it uses two motors, judging from it having drive rods on both ends
I have this old lego 4v motor from when technic was just a new thing, the only problem is that it stopped working a while back, when I plug it in it still vibrates but the axle doesn't turn over. Does anyone know if this can be fixed and how?
Thanks in advance,
This custom minifigure site sells them. Rather expansive because it is in pound though, but it might be what you're looking for.