Sorry mods if this is the wrong place, feel free to move it!
Recently Checking through PEERON's excellent catalogue scans, I was curious about a few things that did not seen to add up with my memories of the Pirates range in the United Kingdom. The catalogues on peeron are predominatley from the netherlands.So if anyone out there is fourtunate enough to have UK Lego catalogues from 1989, 1992 and 1993. then could you help me with these questions?>
1. The 1989 Netherlands catalogue has the pirates theme on 2 pages, I am sure that in the UK this was done
on four pages? It is possible that I might have it confused with the 1990 one, that explains the story behind the range.
2. The 1992 range changed the soldiers to the imperial guard, However I am sure that the Govenor ship 'Sea hawke' (6271)survived into this year in the UK.
3. In 1993 UK catalogue also displayed 'Governors fort sabre'(6276) for the last time (I remember this because this is when I got the set!)
Thanks for your help!