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About Gerechtigkeitsliga

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. Lego Fanwelt Cologne hast past. Now my pictures from the exebition on miy flickr account.... https://www.flickr.com/photos/gerechtigkeitsliga/albums/72157679754318121
  2. News! I´m nearly finished with construction phase 1. A few plates and more details still missing. And i must kitbash more figures.
  3. Really? 4 month later? OK....what happened? With only a few days to build i i finished two buildings. Town hall and the Saloon. Look! (not the best pics)
  4. Hi, i am looking for 2 Galidor Sets. 8319 Aquant 8325 Tager MISB or used in good condition.
  5. Time goes by so fast. I moved in my new hall. In my basement it has become too narrow. Now I could build everything up. However, without Details.
  6. Hi, time goes on. My building room is too small. So i rent a storage room. Now i am moving to it. New pics will follow.
  7. Sorry for double post. Here the future positions of the first buildings. Town Square 1885 by Gerechtigkeitsliga, auf Flickr
  8. Nice construction. Does the roof part not fit anymore 100% ? How many cable you must use for that lightning?
  9. Time for news. The "Hill Valley Telegraph" is finished. Sign and roof completed the building. Town hall got ist scaffolding in the middle, but there are one left and right missing yet. Doc Brown´s barn is under construction. Hill Valley Telegraph by Gerechtigkeitsliga, auf Flickr Hill Valley Town Hall by Gerechtigkeitsliga, auf Flickr Doc Brown´s barn by Gerechtigkeitsliga, auf Flickr
  10. Ok one month later. Town Hall is ready. Now must build the scaffolding. And i began the "Hill Valley Telegraph". The local news building.
  11. Great mobile with a lot of genius play actions. Now please create a Batwing with same quality.
  12. While i am waiting for 1x2 plates for my house, i´ve created the first part of the place infornt of the town hall.
  13. Thanks for those positiv critism. For Marty´s cloth i´ve taken Han Solos Body and the cape from Obi Wan Kenobi 75096. Doc Brown got the Body from a Lone Ranger minifig. The trenchcoat is a custom part, because there is no one original from Lego to buy. @Green.....good idea. Thanks for the hint.
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