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Night City Dream

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    Moscow, Russia
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    Lego, photography, travelling, architecture, skyscrapers, development, Highlander series, technologies, mobile phones.


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  1. I don't like the space theme as it is elaborated WITHIN City series. It should be a separate theme off. Within CITY series space-theme sets should inlcude facilities and vehicles that might be located on earth, not space stations on other planet. Indeed, City series is anything but a city.
  2. Great vehicles for me are usually the most interesting part in CITY early wave. I guess 4 sets will come equal in terms of size (e.g. a car and a MF).
  3. Over 20 sets in the winter wave? That sounds impressive.
  4. a kind of wolf was seen in Harry Potter series some 10 years ago.
  5. I also dislike the fact that City seems to move away from the system of road plates. Very few sets actually have them.
  6. Any news/pics on great vehicles?
  7. What's that? For me this is a downside. I've said many times the 90-s was the best era of lego, especially for Town series as the balance between simplicity and detailness was found then. Before that vehicles and buildinga were too primitive, after - too detalied, 2021 for me
  8. A bus or a tram or both. I'd dream about a bus terminal.
  9. Yeah it is cool yet at the same time a bit disappointing to me. First of all I was thinking bout a sort of the 60097 with several standalone buildings, roads, crossroads etc. Second, I was hoping for some public transit vehicles, a tram or something. However, it is still cool and reminds me pretty much of Ninjago city huge sets. All new seta are awesome. I love BUILDINGS, not vehicles.
  10. With 913 pieces it has to be far bigger and probably will be standard 8 studs wide. Or, maybe 'passenger plane' is just a name, and it will include a terminal and some land infrastructure? Just like the 60263. However, I'd like to see a decent airport with building and control tower rather than a detailed and huge jumbo jet. I alway think about my beloved 6597 - best airport set of all times. Remember having it on my birthday back in 1996. Sweet times.
  11. Me too, this is what makes a real CITY, not just a fleet of vehicles.
  12. Let me elaborate then. Unike the legendary town in the 1990s, the city for so many years has not been a CITY in the proper sense of the word but more like a fleet: vehicles, vehicles and vehicles + police and fire station with some very rare buildings. I'd call Friends series being more "city" as you can build a truly urban area with the lineup. What you can't say about the CITY series (okay, over the last 2-3 years there-ve been some building). That's why I said that. I also regret that in the sets of 2023 we don't see much road plates in large sets.
  13. I already have got more than half of the sets available. Great sets but the police and fire. For me personnally it is not Arctic (I collected all sets back in 2014 and later) bit the City Center, Apartment Block and other sets that are typical of CITY, not a fleet. The 60380 with 2010 pieces has to be something. I hope there will be an articulated bus or a tram with a terminal. Or a metro station.
  14. Well, the new fire command truck is even bigger... He means for at least two waves there was an additional cargo train a year after the regular one was released.
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