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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mcbbvb

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    The Netherlands

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  1. The minifigures are great but the set is a hot mess to me. The connections between movies are weird and Mickey does not look good in my eyes.
  2. I tried your app today and it worked great. I got the figures I wanted and your app was by far the fastest. Thanks for creating it.
  3. Overall I like the set but I would have preferred if it was a little bit of a better build instead of so close to the old version. I wonder how the ship and all of this will look next to the Barracuda Bay. I hope they are somewhat compatible size wise. Btw, in the last video on the LEGO website you can see a pirate skeleton hidden inside the build!
  4. Maybe! Not interested in the Galaxy Explorer so I haven’t been on that product page but I must have been mistaken then!
  5. Not sure if this has been noticed already but the LEGO shop website now says it will be available on August 8 instead of August 2. VIPs will have access on August 3.
  6. This looks great. Thank you for creating instructions. I just build your MOC and it looks great. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
  7. I received the email around 30 min after I placed the order. It also includes the Easter egg which didn't show in the cart.
  8. You cannot compare official prices with discounted prices. You don't know what the price of this set will be after a couple of years. You can only compare the price of this set with the official price of AS when it came out. It's still more expensive than AS but less than the picture you are painting.
  9. The white part is used in the petrol pump island. You can find it here: https://brickset.com/article/40442/review-10264-corner-garage
  10. So PeePee? Not sure if that is what LEGO wants. But these abbreviations are from the LEGO community, no? Not directly from LEGO.
  11. Is there maybe a possibility that the new WV set they wanted to make was delayed due of build problems (or another problem) and that they were near the deadline so they quickly re-released the Toy Shop? So maybe Grogall was never wrong but the new set never passed so they couldn't release it (yet).
  12. Not to be rude or anything but how is this awesome? The minifigure is still the same only now we know for sure what LEGO intended. Whatever LEGO intended with the minifigure you can use it the way you want. If you want it to be a minifigure being eaten use it like that. If you want it to be a costume then use it accordingly.
  13. Not really big news but this Dutch shop is labeling this set Lego Vintage Market instead of Winter Village: http://www.brickshop....html?Itemid=56
  14. Just bought a new in box LEGO Death Star (10188) for €180 (around $230)
  15. 15. Legolegolegolego - 2 18. Priovit70 - 2 33. vecchiasignoraceppo - 1
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