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Eurobricks Knights
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About Wolf04

  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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    Originally in Romania, now in Canada


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  1. When I heard Marina, I immediately thought of this: http://brickset.com/detail/?Set=6543-1 Unfortunately, it's not on the same level of quality...
  2. Wolf04

    City '09?

    Has anyone seen this? (Sorry if I missed it but I haven't seen anyone mention it) ------------------------------------------- Picture Removed by TheBrickster -------------------------------------------
  3. I noticed pretty much all the pictures on the board are gone and after visiting www.brickshelf.com, I get this message: "Brickshelf has discontinued operation. We apologize for any inconvenience." Does this mean it has shut down for good or are they only switching servers or making repairs?
  4. Why does LEGO need to pay licensing for Indy when they have the Adventurers theme?
  5. LEGO Whips Out A New License Posted by D_Martin on May 30, 2007 at 07:19 PM CST: During Celebration IV, one of the guys at LEGO wasn't being mindful of the crowds, or more precisely the two ears of said crowd, when he let it slip that they will be producing toys for Lucasfilm's upcoming Indiana Jones IV feature film. While details are a bit sketchy, it is safe to assume that these will be shown later this year. Hats off to trusted CTR friend Nick for the heads up. Source: http://www.cooltoyreview.com/story/front/L...ense_106361.asp
  6. Interesting new theme from LEGO to go along with the Cafe. Awesome: http://factory.lego.com/modularhouses/ EDIT: Gah! Didn't see the link in the "Cafe Corner idea" thread...my bad...
  7. You know, if you're going to talk about consoles, you might as well talk in proper terms. The console itself does not have better graphics? Are you saying you like the graphics on the case of the console? Games have graphics, consoles do NOT. The graphics all depend on the creator of the game. Whether the console can handle that, that's a whole different story. You should be talking in terms of hardware and in that case, the Xbox360 doesn't even come close to the PS3's power. The only games which slightly show the PS3's power are Resistance and Motorstorm but better games will be coming out in the next few years which should place Sony back on the map. The PS3 is clearly the best console out there (if you can't afford it, that's another story) but since I'm not a console person, I shall go with "None of the above".
  8. The trailers do not justice. This movie rocked. The movie takes fight scenes to a whole new level.
  9. Madness? This is SPARTA!!! X-D Has anyone seen 300 yet? I just watched it today (opening day) and I must say, the movie was just too sweet. We wanted to see it in the IMAX but it was all sold out so we bought a normal one two hours before the movie started. One hour before it, people started lining up and so did we. I must say, this movie exceeded all expectations and the trailers do not do justice. I mean, I cannot explain the pure awesomeness of the movie. Apparently, it received a lot of bad reviews but critics don't know what they're talking about. Go see this movie...now! Pay and buy the ticket because it will be worth it! Oh, by the way, I also saw Ghost Rider but it was pure garbage last week but it's pure garbage compared to 300.
  10. Or you can have a 9V train with 2 9V motors, one at each end of the train, so then when the front reach the plastic track, it will continue on because of the back 9V motor is still on the metal track.
  11. The drilling unit looks almost exactly like the drilling unit from Armageddon (except they drill on a meteor). I can't find a picture of the whole unit but maybe this will ring a bell: I sat it's a pretty cool theme. I remember seeing a whole alien Mars city made out of the original theme at a LEGO exposition and I'm pretty sure this is a nice expansion of the line. :)
  12. Alas!!! After more than 17 years, a movie will come out. I'm hoping it would be haleriously funny and a top movie. I'll definately be going to watch it. The teaser seems funny so I'm expecting great things.
  13. If you wish to discuss Prison Break, please make another topic for it. ;-) Yea...you'd think I'd know since I've been around for a much longer time but I was asking at a side to see if anybody watches it. It would be pointless to make a topic about it if hardly or nobody watches it. ----------------------------------------------------- On topic, when are the new seasons starting?
  14. Huh? It's 5:32 PM, March 31, 2006. I think you should wait until it's April 1st all across the globe before making any jokes. :-P
  15. I liked the 1st two movies. While they were no where near Oscar-nominations, they were fun to watch during a summer day. I can't wait until this one comes out. The Veilside Mazda RX-7 looks especially nice.
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