Posted December 14, 201410 yr TECHNIC C-MODEL CONTEST - RESULTS Lots of people like building C-Models. Working with a limited set of parts brings out the creativity. This resulted in 46 contestants participating in this contest. A lot of cool and original entries, so as usual the voting proved to be hard. Except for the 1st place, that much is clear! Here are the results of the Eurobricks Jury! 1st Wheeled Excavator by TGBDZ Entry Topic - Discussion Topic Our new Latvian member TGBDZ came, saw and conquered! What a way to join the forum. He turned the otherwise mediocre (debatable) 8071 Bucket Truck into a great looking excavator, with lots of functions! 2nd The Dawnbreaker by MajklSpajkl Entry Topic - Discussion Topic From the moment MajklSpajkl posted his Dawn Breaker, it was clear that his entry would end up on the podium. He only had one problem...TGBDZ. Great work nonetheless! 3rd Hybrid Rocket Off-Roader by Doc_Brown Entry Topic - Discussion Topic Oops, he did it again! After a gold and silver medal, Doc_Brown is the first to collect (all) three medals. Maybe it's time to ban Doc. Traveling back and forth to the future seems like cheating Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for joining this great contest I will contact the winners via PM to handle their prizes. CONTEST INFORMATION Name: Technic C-Model Contest Start Date: 17-10-2014 Entries: 46 Valid voters: 135 Total points: 3510 Members participating (building and/or voting): 154 WINNERS 1. Wheeled Excavator - 462 Points (73 votes) TGBDZ (entry 9) 2. The Dawnbreaker - 266 Points (50 votes) MajklSpajkl (entry 6) 3. Hybrid Rocket Off-Roader - 238 Points (42 votes) Doc_Brown (entry 27) CONTEST RESULTS 1. Wheeled Excavator - 462 Points (73 votes) TGBDZ (entry 9) 2. The Dawnbreaker - 266 Points (50 votes) MajklSpajkl (entry 6) 3. Hybrid Rocket Off-Roader - 238 Points (42 votes) Doc_Brown (entry 27) 4. Foxy - 225 Points (49 votes) Zblj (entry 33) 5. Clock - 200 Points (43 votes) torso (entry 28) 6. Ornithopter - 191 Points (31 votes) Baelyrn (entry 37) 7. Pull-Back & Go-Kart - 174 Points (39 votes) rumpletump (entry 3) 8. The Rare Red Grader - 168 Points (49 votes) Jeroen Ottens (entry 21) 9. Road Roller - 149 Points (35 votes) Mbmc (entry 25) 10. Mars Rover - 141 Points (27 votes) mescalinum (entry 1) 11. VTOL Heli-Plane - 135 Points (38 votes) Dohed44 (entry 36) 12. Bobcat Compact Loader - 125 Points (27 votes) farmer bodo (entry 43) 13. Beach buggy - 108 Points (31 votes) MrTekneex (entry 5) 14. Tiltcabin Off-Road Racer - 103 Points (26 votes) erelender (entry 45) 15. Log Loader - 96 Points (21 votes) Wiseman_2 (entry 20) 16. Snow Groomer - 77 Points (28 votes) jyd80 (entry 15) 17. Hovercraft - 68 Points (19 votes) Tomik (entry 40) 18. Eagle 9394-LK Helicopter - 66 Points (20 votes) jono.rocky (entry 4) 19. Rat Rod - 60 Points (19 votes) zux (entry 41) 20. Ye Olde Race Car - 59 Points (12 votes) kennywest (entry 30) 21. Daydream - 42 Points (12 votes) sm (entry 17) 22. Civilian Batpod - 41 Points (13 votes) BigCatBoy (entry 11) 23. Sidecar Motorcycle - 40 Points (15 votes) ms09 (entry 2) 24. Crane Truck - 33 Points (8 votes) LegoDejc (entry 35) 25. Logging Truck - 27 Points (5 votes) PETI00 (entry 42) 26. Vintage Motorcycle - 24 Points (6 votes) pint14 (entry 8) 27. Helix - Intermeshing Police Helicopter - 24 Points (11 votes) captainmib (entry 26) 28. Pickup Truck with Dump Cargo Bed - 23 Points (8 votes) petcz (entry 22) 29. Ferrari 458 - 21 Points (5 votes) CharlieBravo (entry 16) 30. Irish Rover - 16 Points (4 votes) BusterHaus (entry 10) 31. Kirovec K700 - 15 Points (5 votes) Renamed99 (entry 7) 32. Snorky - 15 Points (7 votes) 326 (entry 24) 33. Orange Buggy - 14 Points (2 votes) miguev (entry 23) 34. Mississippi Powerboat - 14 Points (7 votes) Appie (entry 38) 35. Yellow Mars Rover - 11 Points (7 votes) deehtha (entry 46) 36. Motorboat - 10 Points (4 votes) izorn (entry 14) 37. Front Engine Buggy - 9 Points (4 votes) Dalafik (entry 13) 38. Tow Truck 8071C - 7 Points (2 votes) GaBika (entry 39) 39. Dune Buggy - 6 Points (1 votes) veryrusty (entry 18) 40. Can-Am Style Race Car - 4 Points (3 votes) Seasider (entry 19) 41. Viper Pod - 2 Points (1 votes) veryhappy (entry 29) 42. Dakar Truck - 1 Points (1 votes) Lauris (entry 44) 43. Half-Tracked Grass Cutter - 0 Points (0 votes) robertdeartois (entry 12) 44. Big-Light Buggy - 0 Points (0 votes) jeanska79 (entry 31) 45. Monster Truck - 0 Points (0 votes) Dapper (entry 32) 46. Ultra Racer - 0 Points (0 votes) cgg199 (entry 34) Total Points: 3510 VOTERS 1. _Cookie_ (Joined: 29-06-2014) 2. 2-Cold_Technica (Joined: 12-03-2014) 3. 326 (Joined: 27-08-2014) 4. 5imon (Joined: 26-11-2014) 5. a_h_adl (Joined: 08-10-2014) 6. activiapeche (Joined: 18-10-2012) 7. Adolfo (Joined: 07-07-2014) 8. aol000xw (Joined: 13-08-2013) 9. Appie (Joined: 21-04-2014) 10. arik (Joined: 16-07-2013) 11. AxelKang (Joined: 12-01-2014) 12. Baelyrn (Joined: 24-08-2013) 13. bjorkan (Joined: 06-07-2013) 14. Blakbird (Joined: 09-11-2007) 15. Boulderer (Joined: 23-07-2014) 16. Brickelodeon (Joined: 29-09-2014) 17. Brickend (Joined: 16-04-2011) 18. brickie (Joined: 18-09-2011) 19. BusterHaus (Joined: 19-07-2014) 20. captainmib (Joined: 06-08-2011) 21. chi65 (Joined: 09-01-2011) 22. CHNIC (Joined: 14-12-2013) 23. clarkdef (Joined: 03-12-2012) 24. codefox421 (Joined: 19-09-2013) 25. colinrichardson (Joined: 21-02-2013) 26. CopMike (Joined: 04-01-2005) 27. D3K (Joined: 07-08-2012) 28. Dalafik (Joined: 18-10-2014) 29. Dapper-D2 (Joined: 20-11-2011) 30. darsedz (Joined: 25-08-2013) 31. desert752 (Joined: 12-07-2013) 32. Diablo5 (Joined: 18-07-2014) 33. dmitryq (Joined: 06-06-2014) 34. Doc_Brown (Joined: 14-02-2013) 35. Dohed44 (Joined: 05-11-2014) 36. dr_spock (Joined: 28-12-2009) 37. E2nO (Joined: 11-04-2012) 38. Epic Technic (Joined: 07-11-2014) 39. Eraman (Joined: 18-06-2014) 40. Erik Leppen (Joined: 07-09-2009) 41. farmer bodo (Joined: 27-10-2014) 42. Gabor (Joined: 21-07-2012) 43. GBC Master (Joined: 09-01-2008) 44. Good old Lego builder (Joined: 08-07-2011) 45. grum64 (Joined: 15-03-2011) 46. Horace T (Joined: 11-12-2012) 47. Hoth-Wampa (Joined: 12-05-2014) 48. hrontos (Joined: 05-08-2011) 49. imajor (Joined: 23-08-2010) 50. imurvai (Joined: 26-12-2012) 51. jantjeuh (Joined: 17-09-2010) 52. jeanska79 (Joined: 27-11-2014) 53. Jeroen Ottens (Joined: 12-02-2012) 54. Jim (Joined: 27-07-2011) 55. Joeseidon (Joined: 28-07-2014) 56. jono.rocky (Joined: 08-06-2010) 57. jorgeopesi (Joined: 30-05-2010) 58. juraj3579 (Joined: 10-07-2012) 59. Kelkschiz (Joined: 24-04-2014) 60. kennywest (Joined: 03-05-2014) 61. Kivi (Joined: 06-04-2013) 62. Krize (Joined: 25-10-2010) 63. Kronos (Joined: 16-08-2011) 64. Lauris (Joined: 09-08-2012) 65. Leewan (Joined: 20-09-2009) 66. LegoDejc (Joined: 27-06-2010) 67. legofan1978 (Joined: 24-03-2014) 68. legofrik (Joined: 07-12-2014) 69. legolijntje (Joined: 06-06-2010) 70. legomuppet9 (Joined: 22-10-2012) 71. LegoSjaak (Joined: 17-05-2010) 72. Longeye (Joined: 19-11-2010) 73. Lucio Switch (Joined: 05-09-2014) 74. Madoca 1977 (Joined: 02-12-2013) 75. MajklSpajkl (Joined: 10-08-2014) 76. marceriusLV (Joined: 04-12-2014) 77. Mark275 (Joined: 30-12-2013) 78. mashiina (Joined: 30-11-2014) 79. matelegotechnic (Joined: 13-11-2014) 80. Meatman (Joined: 05-11-2008) 81. mescalinum (Joined: 28-07-2011) 82. Mestari (Joined: 06-02-2014) 83. Mikuri (Joined: 11-12-2013) 84. Mnarko (Joined: 03-04-2011) 85. mrlegoman (Joined: 08-01-2012) 86. MrTekneex (Joined: 19-08-2013) 87. ms09 (Joined: 06-05-2010) 88. MstrOfPppts (Joined: 18-12-2010) 89. mzoli (Joined: 25-01-2014) 90. Nalyd997 (Joined: 15-07-2014) 91. naugem (Joined: 20-06-2012) 92. Nazgarot (Joined: 07-06-2011) 93. NXT45 (Joined: 18-04-2013) 94. Only Sinner (Joined: 26-10-2011) 95. OzBen (Joined: 03-06-2012) 96. paul_delahaye (Joined: 12-03-2006) 97. petcz (Joined: 25-10-2014) 98. Petter (Joined: 07-03-2013) 99. Philo (Joined: 07-04-2010) 100. piterx (Joined: 15-06-2012) 101. Povratnik (Joined: 08-06-2010) 102. radar92 (Joined: 07-09-2007) 103. Ramidalis (Joined: 02-12-2014) 104. Regimus (Joined: 26-03-2014) 105. rener (Joined: 26-11-2009) 106. rhplus (Joined: 14-08-2014) 107. Rikus (Joined: 24-02-2012) 108. Rishab N (Joined: 27-12-2012) 109. robertdeartois (Joined: 19-06-2011) 110. Rockbrick (Joined: 21-08-2013) 111. rumpletump (Joined: 14-02-2012) 112. Saint (Joined: 18-09-2007) 113. seabeemike (Joined: 24-08-2014) 114. SERVATOR (Joined: 15-01-2014) 115. SilenWin (Joined: 13-02-2014) 116. Silvershrimp (Joined: 08-03-2014) 117. Simarilius (Joined: 15-08-2014) 118. Skandinavc FH (Joined: 27-07-2014) 119. Slick Willie (Joined: 23-02-2012) 120. sm 01 (Joined: 29-07-2014) 121. super-jaschka (Joined: 23-07-2014) 122. Technic-Kobaltz (Joined: 05-12-2013) 123. TGBDZ (Joined: 23-10-2014) 124. TheItalianBrick (Joined: 20-05-2014) 125. Thirdwigg (Joined: 18-04-2012) 126. TinkerBrick (Joined: 13-08-2011) 127. Tomik (Joined: 02-06-2010) 128. veryhappy (Joined: 06-07-2014) 129. VFracingteam (Joined: 01-12-2011) 130. vgyurci (Joined: 05-08-2014) 131. weavil (Joined: 30-09-2012) 132. XAxles (Joined: 21-05-2014) 133. Zblj (Joined: 16-08-2009) 134. zux (Joined: 28-05-2013) 135. zzzxxxxzzz (Joined: 19-07-2011) The check on member joined date (possible vote rigging) resulted in the same Top 3, so I accepted all valid votes.
December 14, 201410 yr Well done to all the winners, you all deserved the podium spots. Thoroughly disappointed with last place, I'll have to try harder next time.
December 14, 201410 yr Congratulations to all winners. And congrats to the rest of the contestants, it was ( again) a fierce competition.
December 14, 201410 yr The suspense is finally over. Congratulations to the winners! There were many great entries, thank you everyone who voted me.
December 14, 201410 yr A deserved top three, all fantastic models. Congratulations! Some results are quite surprising, didn't expect those 4th and 5th places especially. And great work by all who joined - was a great contest :)
December 14, 201410 yr Author On 12/14/2014 at 8:27 PM, Erik Leppen said: Some results are quite surprising, didn't expect those 4th and 5th places especially. I was surprised by those as well. Especially the clock. Very original model, but I didn't think it would end so high. Well, that's part of the fun, isn't it!
December 14, 201410 yr Great contest everyone! Only 13 points missing for me and a prize, but will try better next time And a big thanks to Jim who made it all possible! Hip Hip Hurrey! Edited December 14, 201410 yr by Zblj
December 14, 201410 yr Wuuhuu!! So happy for this! Wanted to say thank you for all the people who voted for me! Your support is appreciated! :)
December 14, 201410 yr Congrats to all the winners, and thanks to all the voters to take your time to vote (I didn't manage to )
December 14, 201410 yr Congratulations to the winners! So many entrants, too! Was definitely interesting. I'm a little surprised I was mid-range in the contest votes. I thought I would have been in the bottom ten! Thanks for those who voted for me!
December 14, 201410 yr You should see my face right now - as happy as a 5 year old kid, getting his first long desired bricks . I never thought I'd ever acomplish something like this, but now you guys made it all happen. I thank all who supported me and all the participants, to make it such an exciting race with so many great models. Thank you Jim and EB for putting up such a great contest. Congratulations to TGBDZ - an undisputed champion without a single doubt and to Doc_Brown: When you posted your buggy, I thought: "There go all my chances." Someone here said, there were so many "boring" buggies that entered - well, I am happy mine was the most "boring" of them all . Thanks again, best regards, miha Edited December 14, 201410 yr by MajklSpajkl
December 14, 201410 yr Congratulations winners, well done, I am thinking this was the best contest yet!
December 15, 201410 yr Am I really banned??????? I guess you worked out my time traveling cheating system after all. :tongue: Hahaha Awesome contest! Congrats to TGBDZ for winning with a fantastic entry with lots of functions! And congrats to MajklSpajkl for an awesome entry that looks just too cool. Thanks to Jim again for running it and for getting asked a million questions about the rules as usual. With regard to buggies being boring, I have had a few thoughts on the matter. I approached this contest as if the two sets I was building from were the only ones I had, just like a kid getting their first two sets for Christmas. So I asked my self with these two sets, what would I build? And the answer is a buggy, plain and simple. Buggies are cool, mostly for their playability, tearing over your bed or pushing on the floor, they offer a lot of fun. And they look great too. So that's what I did. I am very surprised that some entries didn't get more votes, especially Eagle 9394-LK Helicopter and the Ornithopter, I thought both would have been on the podium. They were the most original IMHO. Thanks for all those that voted for me, I really appreciate it. I'm very very happy and grateful to get 3rd place, I guess that's a hat-trick then??? Edited December 15, 201410 yr by Doc_Brown
December 15, 201410 yr Congratulations to all who entered. It was a great contest and some well deserved winners. Thanks Jim for this. :laugh: Edited December 15, 201410 yr by jono.rocky
December 15, 201410 yr Contests like this one really add some spice to the forum. Thanks to Jim, all the contestants, and everyone else who helped make it possible.
December 15, 201410 yr Missed the voting window as work has been hectic, but a good selection of winners. If I'd have got round to voting I would have given Doc the thumbs up.
December 15, 201410 yr Congratulations winners! First place was well deserved. Thanks for all the people voting for my entry, but i see i need to step up my game a bit. Anyway, nice contest, lots of nice entries. Thanks Ted/Jim for making things possible.
December 15, 201410 yr Congratulations to the winners and "chapeau" to all the contestants. It was a great contest to follow with lots of surprises. Many thanks to Jim for hosting this event.
December 15, 201410 yr Congratulations to the winners and not! Great Contest with plenty of interesting C-Models!!
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