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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

I have been busy trying to reverse engineer Larry Lars Lego Alien APCfor the last couple of days since I could not find any digital files and have come up with the below. I used reference from Larry Lars APC as well as a fella called HAVOK.

I would love for anyone interested to download the file and build this, feel free to mod it how you like and let me know if it is a fail in anyway.

Also the reason not everything is together is because some things you can do in the real world you can't in the virtual.

Aliens APC LXF File.










Edited by KillKen
Posted (edited)

Looks pretty good. Nice job.

A couple of points: The rear end of the roof is actually supported by a couple of clip plates sticking out the inner sides rather than by the 2x4 plate you have shown.

I found these APC plans useful when tweaking the model for better movie accuracy:


I managed to trim 1 stud off the nose and tail to get it closer to the movie proportions. I also ditched the half-stud offset Larry used on the nose allowing a smoother side profile. Another nice tweak is to use 2x2 jumper plates to make the rear 'brake lights' instead of the 2x3 clip tile - bit tricky but it's possible. Aliens APC Rescue

Edited by Missing Brick
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Ken,

The wheel connection is pretty straightforward: Just use a tan technic axle pin #3749 http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?P=3749#T=C to connect the wheel to a 1x2 technic brick with hole #3700 http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?P=3700#T=C

You may need to adjust the ground clearance by offsetting the 1x2 brick up or down using 1x2 plates.

You can probably make something more elaborate to allow the wheels to steer - but I just went for the simple fixed straight steering. (Interestingly, the actual APC has 4-wheel steering like the airport push-back truck it was based on).

The hubcaps are attached using 1x1 round plates pushed into the centre hole of the wheel. I hope that helps.

Edited by Missing Brick

Oh dear I can't believe it was that simple LOL I thought it was some type of connection that went straight through the wheel into the hubcap. I feel silly now :) Thanks again mate :)

Posted (edited)

No problem. You could probably also use an axle that goes straight through into the hubcap like TLG used on the Police car in the supercycle set http://lego.brickinstructions.com/lego_instructions/set/70808/Super_Cycle_Chase . However, that would take up alot of interior space and prevent you having a nice detailed interior for minifigs to go in. I think Larry may have used a short black axle on the original - but an axle pin is better since it doesn't take up any interior space atall. The hubcap connection is kinda weird but quite secure: it makes a nice 'click' when you push the dish onto the stack of round plates in the centre hole.

Edited by Missing Brick
  • 2 years later...

Hey Missing Brick & KillKen,

is there a chance for an updated .LXF for your tweaked model? I am a huge Aliens fan and would love to build this, but I am quite new to building custom sets and not that knowledgeable in advanced building techniques to deduce all the needed tweaks and changes myself.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi Dwayne,  Sorry I don't have an LXF (I just build the old-fashioned way, by eye). However I intend to post up some plan views of my latest tweaked APC design soon. I now have a much better design for the turret - much closer to the source material with better shaping.

Edited by Missing Brick

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