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Technic Contest Bandits vs Enforcers - Results

This contest was based on the series M.A.S.K. which aired during the 80's. It's about vehicles transforming from a regular vehicle to a battle vehicle. This concept made for an interesting, yet difficult contest, resulting in a limited number of entries. Nonetheless the contest was still very succesful.

Below are the results of the classic Top 3. However, the contest was split into two categories. One for the Pro builders and previous contest winners. And one for all other contestants. The winner of each category receives a prize and a third prize will be raffled.

technic_gold.png 1st

The Sandstormer (Bandits) by MajklSpajkl

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

For me the clear winner. Perfect example of the bandit leader vehicle.


technic_silver.png 2nd

VIP Transporter (Enforcers) by Desert752

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

Another great example of a leader vehicle. Transforms into a powerful launch facility.


technic_bronze.png 3rd

Moby-Brick (Enforcers) by JamesJT

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

One of my favorites. Great aesthetics, combined with a killer transformation makes for a killer whale vehicle.



I have used a random number generator (random.org) to raffle the bonus prize. And the winner is....#23: Block_Smarts Lego Technic.

1st Prize: MajklSpajkl

18578391479_ab6a53a440_n.jpg or 15510303966_9618a23a3b_m.jpg

2nd Prize: Desert752

Get's the set MajklSpajkl didn't choose.

3rd Prize: Block_Smarts Lego Technic


Thanks again to the Vengit for making this generous prize pool possible :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

To find out more about SBrick, click here or on the image below.


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for joining this great contest :sweet::thumbup:

I will contact the winners via PM to handle their prizes.


Name: Technic Bandits vs Enforcers Contest

Start Date: 13-06-2015

Entries: 23

Valid voters: 122

Total points: 3172

Members participating (building and/or voting): 134


Luckily for the sake of mankind, the Bandits didn't stand a chance against the Enforcers!

Bandits 1153 vs Enforcers 2019


1. The Sandstormer (Bandits) - 658 Points (98 votes) MajklSpajkl (A) (entry 16)

2. VIP Transporter (Enforcers) - 445 Points (90 votes) Desert752 (entry 10)

3. Moby-Brick (Enforcers) - 370 Points (81 votes) JamesJT (entry 14)

4. Hellhound (Enforcers) - 285 Points (69 votes) Gzzig (entry 9)

5. Swift Justice (Enforcers) - 234 Points (53 votes) BusterHaus (entry 18)

6. Van Heli-sing (Enforcers) - 208 Points (55 votes) D3K (entry 11)

7. Lights Out (Bandits) - 167 Points (34 votes) Jono.rocky (entry 15)

8. Masticator (Enforcers) - 156 Points (45 votes) Tkel86 (entry 20)

9. Home Alone (Bandits) - 148 Points (43 votes) Milan (A) (entry 1)

10. Valuable Transport (Enforcers) - 133 Points (36 votes) Erik Leppen (A) (entry 13)

11. Sea Screamer (Enforcers) - 76 Points (27 votes) Chade (entry 2)

12. Jurrasic Revenge (Bandits) - 65 Points (22 votes) Braker23 (entry 17)

13. Excavatorux (Enforcers) - 55 Points (15 votes) Blaz62 (entry 21)

14. Blightmaw (Bandits) - 51 Points (21 votes) Victor Imaginator (entry 4)

15. Death Falcon (Enforcers) - 27 Points (9 votes) MacKaiwer (entry 8)

16. The Beast (Bandits) - 20 Points (5 votes) GaBika (entry 12)

17. Snake Charmer (Enforcers) - 16 Points (5 votes) Bedstefan-jr (entry 7)

18. Stiletto (Enforcers) - 14 Points (7 votes) Seasider (entry 5)

19. Kill Bill (Bandits) - 14 Points (2 votes) Bedstefan (entry 6)

20. Firehawk (Bandits) - 12 Points (5 votes) Lindr6 (entry 22)

21. Bug Out (Bandits) - 10 Points (5 votes) Graydingo (entry 23)

22. The Mayhem (Bandits) - 6 Points (3 votes) LXF (entry 3)

23. HelaRider (Bandits) - 2 Points (2 votes) Block_Smarts Lego Technic (entry 19)

Total Points: 3172


1. 9 fingers (Joined: 17-04-2015)

2. 98267a (Joined: 10-03-2014)

3. 9v system (Joined: 06-10-2014)

4. a_h_adl (Joined: 08-10-2014)

5. agrof (Joined: 23-06-2012)

6. Alasdair Ryan (Joined: 22-11-2009)

7. allanp (Joined: 15-09-2006)

8. AndroTech (Joined: 08-06-2010)

9. aol000xw (Joined: 13-08-2013)

10. aTom336 (Joined: 28-06-2015)

11. AxelKang (Joined: 12-01-2014)

12. Baelyrn (Joined: 24-08-2013)

13. barman (Joined: 28-11-2011)

14. Beck (Joined: 21-06-2014)

15. bedstefan (Joined: 06-08-2015)

16. bedstefan-jr (Joined: 09-08-2015)

17. Blakbird (Joined: 09-11-2007)

18. blaz62 (Joined: 30-06-2011)

19. Block_Smarts Lego Technic (Joined: 07-07-2015)

20. Bojan Pavsic (Joined: 23-02-2010)

21. Boulderer (Joined: 23-07-2014)

22. braker23 (Joined: 22-10-2014)

23. BrickOn (Joined: 03-11-2014)

24. BusterHaus (Joined: 19-07-2014)

25. Captainowie (Joined: 15-03-2014)

26. Chade (Joined: 15-07-2015)

27. Chapachuk (Joined: 01-10-2013)

28. chi65 (Joined: 09-01-2011)

29. CHNIC (Joined: 14-12-2013)

30. Commander Turtle (Joined: 06-11-2012)

31. Coola1 (Joined: 06-02-2015)

32. Cwetqo (Joined: 18-09-2008)

33. D3K (Joined: 07-08-2012)

34. darsedz (Joined: 25-08-2013)

35. Dave21 (Joined: 06-07-2014)

36. desert752 (Joined: 12-07-2013)

37. Diablo5 (Joined: 18-07-2014)

38. Doc_Brown (Joined: 14-02-2013)

39. Eraman (Joined: 18-06-2014)

40. Erik Leppen (Joined: 07-09-2009)

41. filsawgood (Joined: 13-05-2014)

42. Freekysch (Joined: 20-08-2011)

43. gmshades (Joined: 19-04-2011)

44. Good old Lego builder (Joined: 08-07-2011)

45. Graydingo (Joined: 08-02-2014)

46. GregoryBrick (Joined: 20-11-2012)

47. grum64 (Joined: 15-03-2011)

48. Gzzig (Joined: 18-11-2013)

49. Horace T (Joined: 11-12-2012)

50. Hoth-Wampa (Joined: 12-05-2014)

51. JamesJT (Joined: 14-10-2012)

52. Jay Psi (Joined: 23-02-2015)

53. jb17morpheus (Joined: 26-12-2014)

54. Jeroen Ottens (Joined: 12-02-2012)

55. Jim (Joined: 27-07-2011)

56. JJ2 (Joined: 05-08-2015)

57. jono.rocky (Joined: 08-06-2010)

58. Josephiah (Joined: 15-11-2014)

59. Kaanere (Joined: 10-07-2015)

60. Kelkschiz (Joined: 24-04-2014)

61. khalnayak77 (Joined: 31-03-2014)

62. Kivi (Joined: 06-04-2013)

63. Kiwi_Builder (Joined: 14-01-2015)

64. Krize (Joined: 25-10-2010)

65. Kronos (Joined: 16-08-2011)

66. Kumbbl (Joined: 20-01-2013)

67. LegoCube (Joined: 29-07-2015)

68. legofrik (Joined: 07-12-2014)

69. legolijntje (Joined: 06-06-2010)

70. lindr6 (Joined: 21-12-2014)

71. LittleJohn (Joined: 01-02-2015)

72. Longeye (Joined: 19-11-2010)

73. Ludo Visser (Joined: 29-12-2014)

74. LXF (Joined: 03-04-2015)

75. MacKaiwer (Joined: 02-02-2015)

76. MajklSpajkl (Joined: 10-08-2014)

77. MaxSupercars (Joined: 29-05-2015)

78. mdbz (Joined: 24-07-2014)

79. Meatman (Joined: 05-11-2008)

80. mediumsnowman (Joined: 23-02-2015)

81. Mestari (Joined: 06-02-2014)

82. MikeTwo9398 (Joined: 02-08-2013)

83. MontyPython (Joined: 27-03-2014)

84. MstrOfPppts (Joined: 18-12-2010)

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110. Technic Fan (Joined: 07-09-2012)

111. Technic Jim (Joined: 02-07-2015)

112. TheItalianBrick (Joined: 20-05-2014)

113. Thirdwigg (Joined: 18-04-2012)

114. tkel86 (Joined: 16-07-2012)

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116. Tommy Styrvoky (Joined: 09-05-2014)

117. veryhappy (Joined: 06-07-2014)

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120. Withacee (Joined: 24-03-2013)

121. zeki (Joined: 29-03-2007)

122. zux (Joined: 28-05-2013)


I might have made a mistake. I thought Desert752 had a medal from a previous contest. Let me check...

Apparently he didn't, so he wins the 2nd prize.


Congrats for the winners, amazing job! And well done fellow Enforcers, we took a overall win in this conflict :wink: Very nice job from all contestants, creative and innovative builds, hand claps to all us :thumbup: Again thanks Jim for great organised contest, and thank you all who voted me :classic: This was just pure fun to build and participate in this contest :sweet: We all are winners!



Firstly, thank you Jim, (again) for making this awesome and inspiring contest.

Secondly, thank you everybody, who joined the contest or voting, to make this contest so awesome.

And congrats to the winners, of course. :grin:


Congratulations to all the winners. It was really a great contest. So much creativity. Also, Desert752 has proven that bigger can be better :D

Also, 23 entries really isn't bad! :)


Hi guys,

I'm honored by the huge support you've given me, it feels really good and I cannot thank you enough. Huge thanks also to Eurobricks.com, Jim and Vengit of course, for making this contest possible. In order not to keep you wondering, I'm letting you know that I choose the 42039 as a prize, because I really need to get off of this red colour a bit and it also seems that Desert752 could use some more red parts :tongue: - great work man :thumbup: , I really didn't think I could take you down. Congratulations to JamesJt as well, I am still amazed by your model's transformation.

It was indeed a very intersting contest. To bad that my H-bomb and Milans's ICBM weren't enough to make those enforcers flee :laugh:

Best regards and thanks again,



*cough* When is the next contest? I really enjoyed this one and would love to see another one sooner than later, even if there is no sponsor or prize(s).

I'm working on it and I hope to have a new one up-and-running before my holiday Sept 11th. No guarantees, doing my best :wink:


:))) I've bought two of them when I was building this monster - http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=101943 so it will be the third one :)

I was thinking, we can switch sets if you like, I hope it is not to late and too inconvenient for Jim. I own both sets so it is no problem for me, maybe the red one will even serve me better for my future plans. Let me know asap so that I tell Jim about it.

Best regards, miha

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