Posted August 1, 20186 yr Welcome to Kaliphlin! Kaliphlin is open to members of all backgrounds. Just create a sig-fig and back-story, post here to sign up, and then get on to the building! Kaliphlin's colors are red and dark blue, so show your guild pride by including a banner with your minifigure when you sign up! Section One: Guilds of Historica Background The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten. Race against race, clan against clan; shields clashed with swords, long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge. The arcadian land was thrown into chaos. When all seemed lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s greatest city: the fortress of Cedrica. To settle the grievances and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined the clans into one mighty Kingdom: Historica. They founded the Four Great Guilds – each one a realm in itself – Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South, and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin ruled the central lands of Historica for decades. But darkness and chaos had only been thwarted, not conquered. Magic was unleashed upon the land, magic that fell into the hands of Victor Revolword. Only in union did the Guilds find strength to defeat him and destroy the Elemental Helm that gave him power. Yet the struggle was not over, for out of the chaos magic had bred there arose a new threat: the Black Spire. Ravaage the Terrible, of whom no man ever spoke save with bated breath and behind closed doors, ruled the darklands of Nocturnus with a rod of iron and resistance glowed only in scattered embers. Meanwhile Drow invaded Avalonia, Algus from the north swept into Mitgardia, and the resurrection of the ancient Desert King threw Kaliphlin into confusion. Slowly, the heroes of the Guilds realized the truth: the fire that fueled the powers of destruction and chaos throughout the land burnt deep in the heart of Nocturnus. There Ravaage sought for the ultimate power, the Necromancer’s Helm. Only by once again uniting, this time against Ravaage, could Historica be saved from ashes and the rule of the undead. But who would unite the Guilds? The King had been slain by Revolword, his son murdered by Ravaage; no other family could command the respect of all the Guilds or ignite their loyalty and patriotism. Yet a rumor arose, a rumor of hope. An heir had appeared, under whose banner all who desired peace could unite. Heroes of Historica, rise up and fight the invader who brings discord to your realm! And rise the heroes did. Throughout the land, in every corner, evil and chaos were subdued. Rivals pledged allegiance to the new, unknown King, and sallied forth to battle Ravaage together. Old jealousies were forgotten. Each man felt that it was the dawning of a new day for Historica. By trickery, the mages of Historica defeated Ravaage and destroyed him, sealing the chamber of the Necromancer’s Helm forever. Leaderless, Ravaage’s army has crumbled, his plans and power vanished. Disorder remains, but the worst seems to be over. All eyes turn toward the throne of Cedrica, where the new monarch, Queen Ylspeth, reigns and rebuilds. Much needs to be resolved, many questions remain to be answered, but at last, Historica breaths free. Guildsmen! This is the world you inhabit, this is the place where you will make your fortune, build a mighty empire, and battle for the glory and honor of the banner… Section Two: Guild Background and Theme Kaliphlin Guild: The Siccus Badlands (click for a larger image) The Landscape: Mostly desert, bordered by mountains and the ocean on the east, with a bit of forest near Avalonia and swamplands in the far south as the delta fed by mountain streams empties into the sea. The Siccus Badlands: A desert wasteland that defines Kaliphlin to the outside world, the Siccus Badlands is watered sparingly by the Arkbi river which runs through its lands. Its cities are few, but located on strategic trade routes. Slicing across the Badlands rises the Great Escarpment, Kaliphlin's most formidable natural barrier. Queenscross, located at the lowest point of the escarpment, directly protects the entrance to Kaliphlin's capital while Sultan's Gate defends the escarpment farther east. Oases litter the Siccus desert with the largest one being Petraea, Kaliphlin's capital. Though lacking in most other resources, it is one of the few producers of Black Oil in the entire land of Historica, generating wealth beyond belief for its inhabitants. Those within its inner city live in virtual paradise relative to those behind the outer clay-brick fortifications. The bulk of Petraea's citizens are made up of ex-criminals, freed slaves, fortune seekers and people looking to restart their lives in anonymity. While most outside the south presume that the Petraea is a lawless savage city, it is in fact one of the most lawful cities in all of Historica. The prosperous Black Oil provides plentiful jobs and money for all those who give an honest days work. To those that choose dishonesty, the vast standing Army of the Kaliphlin Guild hands out harsh punishments to ensure there are no repeat offenders. In Kaliphlin, law and order do not extend far outside the capital and the major cities. The remaining oases are savage places where those that are bent on lawlessness thrive. They survive by raiding merchants traveling between between the three major cities. The Rakath Mountain Range: The Rakath Mountains, peaking in Nocturnus, trail to an end along the east coast of Kaliphlin. Here the mountain fortress of Qarkyr acts as a sentinel, keeping the inhabitants of the Darklands at bay. The West: The port city of Barqa stands as the major trading hub in the western part of the Siccus. Here supplies from the north are shipped in and in return the Black Oil is shipped out. The supplies travel along the Oil Road - always heavily guarded to protect from bandits. The Arkbi River runs through western Kaliphlin, helping to make agriculture possible in the region. In the far west lie the meager forests and farmlands of Kaliphlin. These pitiful farms do not provide much food, but their vastness of the farmland provides enough space to grow food for the sparsely populated Siccus Badlands. Take a tour of some of Kaliphlin's most visited locations! Or visit our University to learn more about the culture of Kaliphlin. Kaliphlin Architecture: Heavily inspired by the Near Eastern cultures, Kaliphlin architecture is luxurious, magnificent, and solid. But the changes of time, and the preference of the powerful for building new monuments and palaces rather than maintaining old ones, means that Kaliphlin structures are often in disrepair. Kaliphlinian builders have also been known to take inspiration from Mediterranean or Far Eastern architecture. Kaliphlin Inhabitants: The Siccus Wasteland is a scattered band of peoples - all races are represented - though the population is less than the other three realms. In the cities it is not uncommon to see the nobles be of all races and creeds. Keeping with the survival instincts of the harsh climate, there is no set armor or weapons for the the Kaliphlin Army or its people - when they march into the field of battle they will use whatever the individual chooses to best suit them. But while guarding inside the City, full dress armor is essential - to ensure that the world knows of the wealth that is hidden within this desolate realm. Outside the three major cities, the harsh south has lead many to abandon Siccus and wander north to more hospitable realms, and this leaves only the most ruthless and hardened bands to wander the wastelands. While they are not typically aligned, they have known to form allegiances to oppose greater foes. Section Three: Recent Guild History The Victor Revolword war was devastating for many of the communities within Kaliphlin. Two of the major battles happened within its borders, and many other cities and towns were turned to ruins by the elemental forces. Still, the people of Kaliphlin stayed strong, built more fortresses, connected more cities with roads and trade posts, and expanded trading empires outside the borders of Kaliphlin. But then the "Great Disturbance" shocked Kaliphlin - eruptions of its venerable volcanoes, a large earthquake lasting what seemed to be hours, and a tsunami. And when the dust settled, the astonished southerners found that their horizon had been invaded. The lost island of Ulandus had risen from the oceans of time and demanded recognition as a part of Kaliphlin - and that was the most moderate of its demands. Deeper disturbances lay beyond, however. The ancient Desert King, whose feud with Ulandus had been the reason that vast province had sunk long, long ago, had resurrected. Or possibly, someone claimed to have resurrected. Whatever the case, Kaliphlinians were forced to choose sides. And between the adherents of the High Council, the Desert King, and the Ulandians, Kaliphlin was torn apart. Today, the Desert King rules, but his scepter seems to be a cracked one. Discontent simmers and those who seek for peace under a truly Kaliphlinian ruler shake their heads. The kingdom is far from stable. But for the adventurous, for the brave, for the daring, opportunities abound. And that is what the citizens of Kaliphlin have always been. Whatever the future holds, they are sure it will be bright. Section Four: Kaliphlin Leaders For in-character purposes, the current Ruler of the Kaliphlin Guild is the Desert King. For administrative purposes, @SkaForHire is the Guild Leader and the representative for Kaliphlin to the Guilds of Historica core leadership group. @Kai NRG and @LittleJohn act as Lieutenants. A list of Active Members can be found here. Section Five: Current Guild ChallengesOpen projects for all GOH members:The University of Petraea's Doctorate of Historica ProgramUniversity Tracking Thread Projects that are finished (list is not exhaustive):The Great Mitgardian / Kaliphlin Naval Arms RaceSultan's Gate Community BuildThe War of the Brothers LDD Weapons of War Contest Link 2Life and Death in KaliphlinOil Drive to Save Mitgardia (Winner: Gideon)Bandages for Avalonia! (Winner: Robuko)Inside Kaliphlin CollabKaliphlin at Work Collab A few other helpful links:Guilds of Historica New Member GuideBook I Kaliphlin Guild ThreadBook II Kaliphlin Guild ThreadNice Marmot's map-making guide Edited January 16, 20232 yr by Kai NRG
August 1, 20186 yr Author Active Member Roll-call and Portraits of Characters: (Alphabetical by category) High Lords of Kaliphlin (over a year active with Kaliphlin) Anuar - @Gabe Gothe, son of Damaximus - @Maxim I [awaiting picture] Guy o' the Wynd - @Kai NRG Lord Gideon of Barqa, a half-elf - @Gideon Muakhah Adil - @Muakhah Nolana - @pombe Nym, a dwelf from Alnya - @LittleJohn Tabib D'Odo - @adde51 Heroes of Kaliphlin (under a year with Kaliphlin with two or more challenges under their belt) Dario Keturah - @Windusky New Guard (less than two challenges under their belt, or less than one year active in Kaliphlin) Artorias - @Merc4Hire Janduin - @robinnilsson403 Jingu Jingu - @ridgekitten Knights of Octan - @Brickwolf Master Petrus - @Peter S Rhalyf the Wanderer - @jtooker Oronér - @Legonaut Sir Patman the Lionmane - @Patgeo Edited August 6, 20204 yr by Kai NRG
August 2, 20186 yr Nym is a Dwelf from Alnya. While visiting the harbor front to deliver some of his seeds to a customer, Nym had spotted an exotic plant aboard one of the trading ships. He couldn't resist the urge to go take a closer look, but unfortunately while Nym was still on board the ship set sail for Kaliphlin! While sad to have left his close friends and fellow Dwelfs behind, Nym was glad to have the chance of exploring new lands and discovering so many fascinating vegetation types that he had never seen in Alnya. For now, Nym happily resides in Kaliphlin where he has met many new friends.
August 6, 20186 yr Lord Gideon of Barqa is confirming his loyalty to Kaliphlin! Lord Gideon is an half-elf who has travelled all over Historica as a mercenary before settling down and calling Barqa his home. There he built up a substantial fortune as a merchant and was elected to the City Council, and further became it's chairman and mayor of the city when Lord Masa left for the lordship of Aden's Gate. Most recently Gideon once again picked up his arms and led the Kaliphlin forces against the Black Spire, defeating their Kaliphlinite loyalists in the battle of the Shifting Oasis. Sigfig in battle armor: Reveal hidden contents Most of my previous GoH builds, linked together roughly story-wise, can be found here: You are very welcome to include my sigfig in your stories, I especially like all the small and large builds of others visiting Barqa in the past!So to interact with my sigfig in Barqa you don't have to ask for permission. Since Lord Gideon is travelling all over Kaliphlin he can show up in other places too, but please just check with me then to avoid geographic contradictions To recreate my sigfig any red/dark red medieval civilian outfit or Kingdoms lion armor will do. The CMF elf hair (93230pb01) or Eomer helmet (10054pb01) are preferrable headgear. If you don't have any of those pieces, there are probably other hats or maybe a turban or three in Gideon's wardrobe too Civilian sigfig Hair: 93230pb01 Head: 3626bpb0628 (or something with similar facial features but different expression?) Torso: 973pb1599c01 (or other medieval outfit, preferrably red/dark red or Kingdoms lion) Legs Assembly: 970c00pb063 (or something else suitable together with the torso)Military sigfig Helmet: 10054pb01 Head: 3626bpx302 (or something with similar facial features but different expression?) Torso: 973pb0682c01 (or something else gray with gray or dark red arms) Body wear: 2587pb23 Legs Assembly: 970c86pb02 Edited August 22, 20186 yr by Gideon Updated sigfig parts lists
August 7, 20186 yr TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 0: Heading Home CHAPTER 1 Priestess of the Oasis Nolana dismounted the camel and offered her thanks to the merchant caravan. The serendipitous encounter had allowed her to shorten her journey home through the desert by several days. It had been easy for her to barter her skills as a kahinat waha, or priestess of the oasis in the old tongue, in exchange for letting her join them for the leg of their travels that brought them closer to her village. After all, a healer was always welcome in the Siccus Badlands. The fact that she could sense the location of nearby water didn't hurt either. Nolana watched as the merchant caravan departed under the midday sun. The soft crunching of the sand caused by the feet of the camels slowly diminished as the caravan disappeared over the dunes. She set Korbin down on the sand and pulled out two small stones from her bag. Using an old trick to determine direction, she planted her walking stick in the sand and used the two stones to track the shadow of the stick caused by the sun's movement. West was that way. She picked up the stones and adjusted the old white throw she had wrapped around her head to protect her from the sun and set out, with Korbin at her side. Hours later, with a panting Korbin beside her, Nolana sensed water. A lot of water. Her village, known locally as Wahat Alqamar, or Oasis of the Moon, was close. She sped up her pace due to her excitement of finally being home again. Or was it anxiety? Maybe both. Nolana couldn't tell. The Maebad Alqamar slowly loomed into view on the horizon. The butterflies started fluttering furiously in her stomach at the sight of the temple as she neared her village. It was definitely anxiety. Korbin stopped under the shade of a nearby tree. He was tired and overheated. Nolana removed the throw, turned, and leaned towards Korbin. 'I'm sorry you had to go through this,' Nolana said. 'But...we're almost...home.' She glanced over at the village in the distance, trepidation filling her mind at how she would be received by the villagers. 'Yes...home,' she said to no one in particular. 'In Wahat Alqamar of Kaliphlin.' Reveal hidden contents Comments and criticisms are always welcome! Edited August 16, 20186 yr by pombe
August 7, 20186 yr @pombe Welcome to Kaliphlin! Great choice of guild I think your style of storytelling fits excellent in GoH, and the build presentation in general is top notch! I don't know how the custom in AG has been, but moving ahead I think t like these deserve their own threads. @mccoyed Always nice to have visitors to our guild and hear that you almost joined us in this book May trade between Kaliphlin and Varlyrio prosper in the moons ahead!
August 14, 20186 yr Somewhere far away, just outside the City of M'Ximus (capital of Ximus, on the Eilandica continent), a fleet of Carracks left port. While most sailors were waving to friends and families, a young man was on the forecastle of the vessel, staring to an unseen point in the distance. Little did he know about the destination they were going to. He was only just born when he and his mom fled the chaos of Kaliphlin. His father, being a High Lord of Kaliphlin, feared for the safety of his family as he opposed the new Kaliphlin ruler. All the boy knows is that the ruler still is in charge of Kaliphlin and that King Mattiximus (King of Ximus) received a note concerning the disappearance of his brother (the young boy's father). King Mattiximus ordered a fleet and brought together a fine army. Somewhere far in the distance lays the port of Mpya Stedor, their destiny and the home of the young boy. Little did he know what they will find when arriving, but he was looking forward to it. His first big adventure would begin. Admiral Bostoximus gave a small knock on the shoulder of the young boy, bringing him back to reality. "My Lord Gothe, son of Damaximus, adventure begins in a few weeks. I hope you are prepared as it will start the moment we set foot on the ground of Kaliphlin. A messager has already warned the necessary persons of our future arrival." Gothe, son of Damaximus, looked to the already aged Admiral and nodded. Mpya Stedor is the legacy of his father and he will reclaim it for sure. And as a true Alleenridder, he will take up the quest to retrieve his father. ------------------------------ So mates, it looks like a return from the Ximus dynasty in Kaliphlin :) I know I have vanished from a while, hence the disappearance of Lord Dama( of )Ximus, my old character. What happened to him, I have no clue yet, future will tell. His hidden son, Gothe, has just left the Ximian homelands to reclaim the city of Mpya Stedor. What he will find there, I have no clue neither. The real life Mpya Stedor has been destroyed already, so perhaps time to build something new? It will be a few weeks before I finally arrive in Kaliphlin as I have no building possibilities before October... Looking forward to it!
August 14, 20186 yr On 8/14/2018 at 12:52 PM, Maxim I said: Somewhere far away, just outside the City of M'Ximus (capital of Ximus, on the Eilandica continent), a fleet of Carracks left port. While most sailors were waving to friends and families, a young man was on the forecastle of the vessel, staring to an unseen point in the distance. Little did he know about the destination they were going to. He was only just born when he and his mom fled the chaos of Kaliphlin. His father, being a High Lord of Kaliphlin, feared for the safety of his family as he opposed the new Kaliphlin ruler. All the boy knows is that the ruler still is in charge of Kaliphlin and that King Mattiximus (King of Ximus) received a note concerning the disappearance of his brother (the young boy's father). King Mattiximus ordered a fleet and brought together a fine army. Somewhere far in the distance lays the port of Mpya Stedor, their destiny and the home of the young boy. Little did he know what they will find when arriving, but he was looking forward to it. His first big adventure would begin. Admiral Bostoximus gave a small knock on the shoulder of the young boy, bringing him back to reality. "My Lord Gothe, son of Damaximus, adventure begins in a few weeks. I hope you are prepared as it will start the moment we set foot on the ground of Kaliphlin. A messager has already warned the necessary persons of our future arrival." Gothe, son of Damaximus, looked to the already aged Admiral and nodded. Mpya Stedor is the legacy of his father and he will reclaim it for sure. And as a true Alleenridder, he will take up the quest to retrieve his father. ------------------------------ So mates, it looks like a return from the Ximus dynasty in Kaliphlin :) I know I have vanished from a while, hence the disappearance of Lord Dama( of )Ximus, my old character. What happened to him, I have no clue yet, future will tell. His hidden son, Gothe, has just left the Ximian homelands to reclaim the city of Mpya Stedor. What he will find there, I have no clue neither. The real life Mpya Stedor has been destroyed already, so perhaps time to build something new? It will be a few weeks before I finally arrive in Kaliphlin as I have no building possibilities before October... Looking forward to it! What have we got here? An pirate returning to his castle roots? Welcome back, Maxim! It's great to have you in the Guilds again!
August 14, 20186 yr May I introduce Janduin, last name unknown. He has been raised by two elderly men that he calls his uncles, but now that he has grown to become a man he has decided to leave the life of watering plants in Cold Rocks, in the east of Kaliphlin, to explore the world and maybe find himself a wife.
August 14, 20186 yr On 8/14/2018 at 2:08 PM, robinnilsson403 said: May I introduce Janduin [...] Welcome to Kaliphlin! Great choice of guild, Robin Looking forward to Janduin’s adventures! Will we also see something of Cold Rocks too...?
August 14, 20186 yr On 8/14/2018 at 2:23 PM, Gideon said: Welcome to Kaliphlin! Great choice of guild, Robin Looking forward to Janduin’s adventures! Will we also see something of Cold Rocks too...? Yes, yes Jonas. It just took a while to write it...
August 14, 20186 yr Author Welcome to Kaliphlin all! @Maxim I - got a picture of Gothe for the active members list? My old character Ageven Deraim will be retiring to the minifig bin now, but I'm glad to announce Guy o' the Wynd. No backstory for now, that's all in my head and will hopefully be revealed dramatically at the proper time.
August 14, 20186 yr On 8/14/2018 at 7:15 PM, Kai NRG said: My old character Ageven Deraim will be retiring to the minifig bin now, but I'm glad to announce Guy o' the Wynd. No backstory for now, that's all in my head and will hopefully be revealed dramatically at the proper time. Nice new sigfig! Looking forward to the revelation of the backstory From the Asian influences I am suspecting Eastern Kaliphlin... For those of us not very into Ninjago, what are the parts for your sigfig? And which of them are mandatory vs open for creative interpretation if we want to re-create your figure...?
August 14, 20186 yr On 8/14/2018 at 7:15 PM, Kai NRG said: ... No backstory for now, that's all in my head and will hopefully be revealed dramatically at the proper time. ... Wow, we've got the same backstory Kai! Cool fig for sure, I especially like the hair. May I ask where this piece comes from? Edited August 14, 20186 yr by TitusV
August 14, 20186 yr Author On 8/14/2018 at 7:35 PM, TitusV said: Wow, we've got the same backstory Kai! On 8/14/2018 at 7:25 PM, Gideon said: From the Asian influences I am suspecting Eastern Kaliphlin... Eastern Kaliphlin indeed... and I shall say no more for the time being. The shoulder thing, hat, torso and legs are all from Hutchins - with the exception, to be sure, of the cool green hands which are... also from Ninjago. But the head is from the old DJ CMF. Hair is from Ninjago Movie CMF Jay (probably comes on a couple other Ninjago Movie Jays too). Basically only the head (and hair if hatless) is mandatory to recreate Guy, although the preference would be for the rest of his outfit to stay well-to-do and Asian-themed!
August 16, 20186 yr Master Petrus is announcing the opening of his Inn (or Karavansaray) in Barqa. It is a humble establishment offering lodging for travellers and their animals, as well as well prepared food. Petrus has a past as highly acclaimed accountant, working for numerous dignitaries and is enjoying trust from most former employers. In addition to innkeeping, he still offers his services to those who is able to pay, may it be intelligence gathered at the inn, or consulting in everything from advanced - not to say creative - bookkeeping to foreign affairs. This takes him out to numerous adventures, but the skilled staff at the inn keeps the establishment rolling for weeks - or months if necessary - without lacking in quality I welcome all of you to enjoy my establishment and services!. Sigfig GoH by Peter Szikriszt, on Flickr Edited August 16, 20186 yr by Peter S
August 16, 20186 yr @Peter S, welcome to the Guilds! Your establishment looks like a great place to stop, should Henjin Quilones ever need to visit Barqa.
August 16, 20186 yr Author Welcome to Kaliphlin Master Petrus! Looking forward to hearing tales of your adventures!
August 16, 20186 yr http://Tabib D'Odo - GoH sig-fig (Kaliphlin) by Andreas Lenander, on Flickr Hi everyone! Decided to join GoH (after being lured in by Gideon, haha!) and after a bit of thinking, I felt Kaliphlin would be a fun world to explore. Haven't done much in the desert-genre so figured this would be the perfect opportunity for that :) Haven't spent much time here on EB but I'll to get better at that :) So first of I guess I should introduce my sig-fig. This is Tabib D'Odo. A doctor/healer and somewhat of a religious leader in Mophet. His healing abilities and knowledge was most likely passed on to him from his father, a rather absent man who spent his life travelling throughout the world in search of knowledge (even venturing in the darker parts of Nocturnus...). Tabib D'Odo spent his youth and adolescence in the Siccus Badlands, which was a hard as one might imagine. As he got older, he earned a living on the oil road, helping transport the valuable commodity through the terrain he knew all too well. Unlike many of his comrades though, he always had a desire to do more, and he spent many night studying his father's old journals. One day while working on a transport, he and his travellers were ambushed by a band of Lerik'ai and he was injured. The rest of his companions were all killed. Close to his death, dehydrated and injured, he saw a snake wriggling past him. The snake looked at him briefly and seemed to gaze into his very soul. Tabib D'Odo gathered his last efforts and followed the snake (hoping he might be able to kill and eat the snake before his own demise) as it made its way towards some nearby rocks. Behind the rocks, Tabib D'Odo was astonished to discover a small spring in the otherwise dry desert. The water helped him survive and he finally made his way to safety. The incident with the snake made a deep impression on Tabib D'Odo and he began to believe in a higher power, with the snake as the most sacred symbol of this. Settling in Mophet - a small town to the east of Barqa, along the oil road - he was able to help the community grow as both a healer/doctor, as well as a spiritual leader. His desire to help people, of all backgrounds, helped keep Mophet somewhat safe from the otherwise harsh treatment most towns along the oil road experienced. So that's the beginning of my sig-figs story :) Hope you liked it! I got some builds planned and am looking forward to exploring the world and hopefully making Mophet a more important part of it. Cheers!
August 16, 20186 yr @adde51, that is a very nice intro build you have there, and the backstory for your fig is great as well! Glad to have you in the Guilds! I am sure Gideon can send aid from Barqa to Mophet if Tabib ever needs any help.
August 16, 20186 yr On 8/16/2018 at 4:48 PM, Henjin_Quilones said: @adde51, that is a very nice intro build you have there, and the backstory for your fig is great as well! Glad to have you in the Guilds! I am sure Gideon can send aid from Barqa to Mophet if Tabib ever needs any help. Thanks a lot man, glad to be here! I sure hope he will, haha! I'll probably have quite a few questions as I get started with this whole thing so bare with me.
August 16, 20186 yr On 8/16/2018 at 5:01 PM, adde51 said: Thanks a lot man, glad to be here! I sure hope he will, haha! I'll probably have quite a few questions as I get started with this whole thing so bare with me. Asking questions is good, and highly encouraged! Folks around here are pretty happy to help out when you get stuck or confused. Reading the first posts in the guilds, as well as the new member guide, is a good way to avoid asking silly questions, but undoubtedly you'll have questions.
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