Posted April 12, 200816 yr I'm asking this only out of curiosity! I'm goin to have a poll soon--thanks to ~VBBN~; but until then here's the question-- how long do you wait until you take apart your MOCs? I know that a lot of people usually take vigs apart after a short time, so just base your answers on about an average time period. Thanks. <Faramir-< EDIT: The poll is now up! Those of you wishing to vote in it may now do so here Edited April 13, 200816 yr by Faramir
April 12, 200816 yr You need to be a knight, then you can make polls. *wink* I usually keep my MOCs together for a long time. I only a have a few MOCs that I really like, and keep, and they there's...others...that aren't colorcoded, experiments that I didn't bother coding. Those get tossed or demolished for something else pretty fast. You can tell I need to sort my Lego bin. *blush*
April 12, 200816 yr Well, I have only just recently started making some MOC's as I used to keep most of my sets made up. *blush* This took up a lot of space, so started sorting them and am now trying to make some nice MOCs. So far, I haven't been keeping them together all that long after I take the photo's, but that's because I don't have enough light/dark bley and so have to keep using re-using it. If I had more parts, I would keep my MOC's together for much longer... *grin*
April 12, 200816 yr My MOC's usally stay together for a very long time, depending on how much I like the MOC, and what pieces it uses. often I go through cycles were I build several creations for a particular theme, until I bore of that theme or just want to build something else, then I take apart all the creations and build something else. My recent MOCs have a typical lifespan of 6 months during which I often mod them. Only a few of my creations get scraped quickly, and its often because they aren't that good,or as I said before have a lot of peices that I need to build something else.
April 12, 200816 yr I usually keep mine up for about 2 weeks. If I really like the MOC maybe 3 weeks.
April 12, 200816 yr My MOC's usally stay together for a very long time, depending on how much I like the MOC, and what pieces it uses. often I go through cycles were I build several creations for a particular theme, until I bore of that theme or just want to build something else, then I take apart all the creations and build something else. My recent MOCs have a typical lifespan of 6 months during which I often mod them. Only a few of my creations get scraped quickly, and its often because they aren't that good,or as I said before have a lot of peices that I need to build something else. Same here, depends what is in them and what i am building atm.
April 12, 200816 yr I'm not gifted or talented as most of you are, so when I do finish a MOC, it stays up forever. Least to say, I don't have that many. 2-3 in the past... hhmmnn... 17 years?
April 12, 200816 yr Pretty much forever if it's a design I'm happy with. Sometimes I'll need parts to build something new, in which case I'll first try to get the part off an official model. Otherwise I'll try to borrow it off one of my MOCs, but rather than dissasemble the whole thing I'll try to mod a substitute for the removed part. I suppose I might totally dissasemble a MOC, but I'd generally want to build a 'spirtual succesor' to the design first.
April 12, 200816 yr If I'm satisfied with the design, it can last even years (with some modifications during the time) If not, even a few hours. I have some that are 2-3 years old.
April 12, 200816 yr Easy answer: Until I find better use of the bricks. Some creations are updated almost annually, others live only for a few days. My star destroyer has stayed unchanged for almost 5 years, and MOCs generally have a much longer lifespan than official models. Even Café Corner lived for less than a month on my shelf.
April 12, 200816 yr Depends on the size, what bricks it uses... and if I am happy with it or not! Some last a day, some last a few months, others have lasted a few years. I plan to make a large MOC soon so it could be the death of several sets and/or MOCs. My ship Staunch is still around as it doesn't use much parts that are in demand, Impartial is still around as I like it (it's due to go into refit soon though) and my ship Strife died after a few months as while I liked it, too many good pieces went into it. (If you want a poll PM me and I'll do it for you. )
April 12, 200816 yr 12 minutes, give or take a few. Just about everything I build is intended for temporary use at this point, so none of it stays long after the pictures are taken. On the other hand, official sets sometimes stay together forever and my pirate Impulse set from Sinner's contest is still together. Of course, it's only a guy in a rowboat, and I reused him in an interview as well.
April 12, 200816 yr Because I don't have huge amounts of lego my MOCs only stay bulit for two or three day with one exeption my first Bionicle MOC that is two years old.
April 12, 200816 yr it depends. some mocs stay few months (big snowtrooper), some I broke before I'm photographed them. moc's that I don't photograph, stay only few days.
April 12, 200816 yr Actually it depends the purpose of the MOC I build. * If its just for a fun contest entry, I'll dismantle it very rapidly. * I do build some MOCs with the intent to keep: my Team Odysseus project which is in complete rebuilding right now, my Bat boat, my black monster truck and my Yoda bar
April 12, 200816 yr Usually I keep my MOC's together long enough so I can take pictures of them. After that, the pieces go right back where they came from, whether from sets or from my parts bins.
April 12, 200816 yr I'd like to see that. I did it for Hinckie's New City Ideas Contest where I got my as kicked big time Check the full gallery here. Enjoy
April 13, 200816 yr Author I did it for Hinckie's New City Ideas Contest where I got my as kicked big time Check the full gallery here. Enjoy Looks good, I would have voted for you! SUCK UP ALERT!! OH-NO <Faramir-< Edited April 13, 200816 yr by Faramir
April 13, 200816 yr I don't know exactly how long my major ones will last, since I haven't taken apart any yet. The rocket launcher is now five years old, although it has been upgraded in the meantime. In general, if I need new parts, I go over to Bricklink or buy more sets off ebay instead of disassembling anything that is built. I have had a few smaller MOCs that I generally take apart after a month or two, as well as big projects that I abandoned halfway through after deciding that they wouldn't work out well. This especially happens with Technic ones, where it can be hard to predict how well all the mechanisms will work in advance. I remember I was making a large truck (using the 8880 Super Car wheels and done at the same scale) in 2001, but scrapped the project because it became too heavy halfway through and no amount of suspension was holding it up properly. I still took some pictures before ditching it though. Edited April 13, 200816 yr by CP5670
April 13, 200816 yr If it´s a contest entry I dismantle it after taking the pics. My favourite MOCs(a.k.a.Army)stay together for months,sometimes even years.
April 13, 200816 yr How long do your MOCs stay built? Oh that varies a lot, but usually I am too lazy and too proud of my MOCs to destroy them and sort all the pieces again! There are many factors that depend on how long I keep my MOCs: 1. Quality: How good did it turn out? Is it a masterpiece that no other MOC of its kind will ever be able to outdo? Or is it so hideous that it could be part of a Megablocks line and would look better in pieces? 2. Love: How much time and effort did you put into it? How much does it mean to you? Are you able to part from it? 3. Detail, Variety & Size: How large and detailed is it? How many different kinds of elements did you use (bricks, plates, special elements, Technic pieces, non-lego, etc.)? Thus, how hard is it to sort all the pieces? 4. Stability: How complex and stable is it? Can you drop it onto the ground so that it shatters into all of its components or do you need to get the (power) tools out to seperate the parts (quality Technic MOCs )? 5. Time: Do you have time to take it apart? Do you have time to take pictures of it first? Or do you currently have time for lego at all? 6. Usefull Components: Does it contain any parts that you need for another MOC? How many are they? When and how badly do you need them Do you need most of it for your entry for the greatest contest there ever was and will be (Block-Block ) that is due in a few hours? So, you see, when to take your MOCs apart is a real science! I always keep MOCs displayed in my room as a representation of my artistic skill and lego wealth. Yes, I am arrogant! Along with all the things above, this is the reason why some of my MOCs last pretty long. For instance, around Christmas 2003, I made a 3-4 feet tall Santa Claus statue. It was awesome, the largest and best sculpture I ever made! I had to destroy the body when we moved to California in 2005 because it was too big , but I kept the head as a bust and I still have it! If we hadn't moved, it would probably still be in one piece. That 's how long I keep my MOCs! I know, that arm looks very thin from this angle. I ran out of red bricks that day and couldn't get any more 'cause it was Christmas. I got some afterwards, though. Other than that, what do you think? Does anybody else have such an anecdote of a MOC they took apart? Do tell! Merry Castle Month everybody! Edited April 13, 200816 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
April 24, 200816 yr My MOCs stay stuck together a variable amount of time depending on how good they turned out. On a scale of 1 to 5: 1 - Gets sorted before it´s completed. 2 - Stays together for max an hour. 3 - This can last a day. 4 - I show it off before sorting it. 5 - I take photographs and then sit admiring it for up to a week.
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