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thanks for remaking your character, BrickBreaker. But i still dont know who sweeper is? could you please provide a link? oh, and please use another font color (other than black) in your comments that are unrelated to the story in this topic. :wink: thanks.

cams playing up so no sigfig pic yet:

Name: Garviel Loken

Age: 22


{I'll get the fluff and stuff written tomorrow i'm tired}

For Utapau:

Bruce wayne head, Anakin CW hair (after Utapau it'll be short mutt hair), Indy German torso and legs (alternate costume(s) depends on location).

Edited by simonjedi


fedora hat, muts/grand moff tarkin head, depending on wether happy or angry (or rebel troop head), city sweaper body, orange legs on bley hips, black hands

name: xela mirinatan


force sensative

backeround: born in a shallow under city, he was sold to a terreble pack of corosaunt police (stormtroopers with white mars mission helmets). he is desperate to escape the pit fight buisness. thing is, hes heard that a group of heros are comming...

MacK:Be sure to have a plan for how your character will fit in to the current story; if you have any ideas for the future plot make sure to pm them to someone else so that other players know what you're doing : well, a group of you could burst throgh and seek refuge, i give it in exange for freedom, or the heros arive and are enemys whith you



soz, i should have said builder, but i got mine from a sweeaper in a calender. if you dont have it, get this set (its cheap, and if your going to free me all the slaves wear it

btw, could some one do a overveiw of each group, for each charecter? if not, ill try

Thanks for the redesign in your character Brickbreaker I believe I will have all of those pieces to make your character :sweet: . Thats a good idea for the story line that you were being held captive and we rescue you and your friends I'll probably do that to get you in the story. If I have any other ideas I'll probably pm them to you, or if you have any ideas or details feel free to pm them to me or anyone else. I'm not quite sure what you mean by your last little question about the overview do you mean a picture of every character together, if so I can have by tomorrow :wink: .

no, like whats happend in the story so far

Alright, here you go, brickbreaker :wink: :

The Star Wars Comic Game: Chapter 1 - An Overview

In a deserted industrial section of Coruscant, Commander Jim Butcher was on a mission to assassinate a drug dealer, when suddenly an armed hover transport popped up and opened fire on him and his men. Fortunately, Palin Jax, the head of the shadow division, was near to come to his aid. But to their surprise, the drug dealers were supported by Droidekas and Battle Droids in their fight. In the meanwhile, the buyer from the drug deal made his escape. Jim decided to pursue him while Palin left for a mysterious personal mission, and as Jim was following the drug lord, he ran into two civilians, trader Moda Annix and engineer Oky Wan Kenobi. They joined forces to fight their way out of the battle and meet yet another ally: Lt. Col. Thok, the leader of the Shock Troopers. Together, they tracked the drug lord's ship to the planet of Utapau. On the way, Oky Wan had to deploy from the team due to a technical failure on his ship. He performed an emergency landing in a Republic Cruiser where he met the grenade-loving Lieutnant MacK, who just came back from a mission to rescue prisoners from the latest freighter overtaken by the CIS. One of these prisoners turned out to be a drug dealer with an important information to give. So, they questioned him and found out that the Seperatists are building a secret weapon, a time machine to be exact, and are planning to use it to prevent the clone army to ever fall into the hands of the Republic so that they can take over the galaxy with ease. In order to find out more, Oky Wan and MacK are sent to the Utapau System to join Jim and the others in their quest for the rogue drug lord. Little do they know that their friends are fighting against a swarm of Vulture Droids which appeared once they had entered the atmosphere of Utapau. Thok's ship was hit and he had to make an emergency landing. He has now wandered off with only a handful of his men while the others are looking for him and the drug lord.

And in the midst of it all, a happless Easy 501 is fighting his own battle against the CIS on the ice planet of Hoth...

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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no, like whats happend in the story so far

well, Oky Wan, Moda Annix (vaders son), MacK, and I are pursuing this drug lord that is likely working for the CIS. Oky wan just found out that the CIS are planning on making a time machine, to destroy the clone factory before it even began making clones. Then the war would never have happened, and the CIS would rule the universe. Oh, and ill add the newcomers to the list. (SimonJedi and BrickBreaker.) But i dont have many of your pieces for the figs, both of you guys. I can pick up the Street Sweeper set sometime soon, but i dont have a Bruce Wayne head, or a German torso. (The green one from KOTCS, right?) any substitutes you would be willing to make? Maybe an A wing mechanic torso? its similar, but grey and not green. Im very sorry for the lack of minifig parts...

Hi My character is a ex clone commander from episode 2. He is now a mercenary, he has kept his original clone trooper armor. I will post pics of him soon!

EDIT: Pics now up ! plus his name is /designation number is 0024and he is Cody's pod brother.

Edited by Skipper 24

Thanks for the overview, thats very helpful

i forgot to do the fluff for my character so here it is :

Name: Garviel Loken

Age: 22


Born to merchant parents on Chandrila, Garviel left Chandrila and moved to Coruscant aged 19. He joined Republic Inteligence monitoring the increased activities of CIS force. After the Battle of Geonosis and the huge increase of clone inteligent officers, Garviel was promoted to an undercover agent. He is now currently stationed on Pau city on Utapau monitoring a large seperatist research facility in a large sinkhole just north of the city.


But i dont have many of your pieces for the figs, both of you guys. I can pick up the Street Sweeper set sometime soon, but i dont have a Bruce Wayne head, or a German torso. (The green one from KOTCS, right?) any substitutes you would be willing to make? Maybe an A wing mechanic torso? its similar, but grey and not green. Im very sorry for the lack of minifig parts...

Dw about lack of parts. the german torso/bruce wayne head is in the indiana jones motorbike chase set


although any "sandy"/tan stylebody will do for utapau, jedi robes with tan legs will be ok

Edited by simonjedi

The german torso/bruce wayne head is in the indiana jones motorbike chase set, although any "sandy"/tan stylebody will do for utapau, jedi robes with tan legs will be ok

Darn! I have that torso, but I'm using it for Jim's fig! :hmpf_bad: I guess I'll be using a tan mechanic torso. I also don't have the Anime Skywalker hair piece (yet :wink: ), so I'll be using Mutt's all the way probably. :sadnew:

Oh, and welcome to the game, Skipper! :sweet:

Alright, here you go, brickbreaker :wink: :

The Star Wars Comic Game: Chapter 1 - An Overview

In a deserted industrial section of Coruscant, Commander Jim Butcher was on a mission to assassinate a drug dealer, when suddenly an armed hover transport popped up and opened fire on him and his men. Fortunately, Palin Jax, the head of the shadow division, was near to come to his aid. But to their surprise, the drug dealers were supported by Droidekas and Battle Droids in their fight. In the meanwhile, the buyer from the drug deal made his escape. Jim decided to pursue him while Palin left for a mysterious personal mission, and as Jim was following the drug lord, he ran into two civilians, trader Moda Annix and mechanic Oky Wan Kenobi. They joined forces to fight their way out of the battle and meet yet another ally: Lt. Col. Thok, the leader of the Shock Troopers. Together, they tracked the drug lord's ship to the planet of Utapau. On the way, Oky Wan had to deploy from the team due to a technical failure on his ship. He performed an emergency landing in a Republic Cruiser where he met the grenade-loving Lieutnant MacK, who just came back from a mission to rescue prisoners from the latest freighter overtaken by the CIS. One of these prisoners turned out to be a drug dealer with an important information to give. So, they questioned him and found out that the Seperatists are building a secret weapon, a time machine to be exact, and are planning to use it to prevent the clone army to ever fall into the hands of the Republic so that they can take over the galaxy with ease. In order to find out more, Oky Wan and MacK are sent to the Utapau System to join Jim and the others in their quest for the rogue drug lord. Little do they know that their friends are fighting against a swarm of Vulture Droids which appeared once they had entered the atmosphere of Utapau. Thok's ship was hit and he had to make an emergency landing. He has now wandered off with only a handful of his men while the others are looking for him and the drug lord.

And in the midst of it all, a happless Easy 501 is fighting his own battle against the CIS on the ice planet of Hoth...

well, Oky Wan, Moda Annix (vaders son), MacK, and I are pursuing this drug lord that is likely working for the CIS. Oky wan just found out that the CIS are planning on making a time machine, to destroy the clone factory before it even began making clones. Then the war would never have happened, and the CIS would rule the universe. Oh, and ill add the newcomers to the list. (SimonJedi and BrickBreaker.) But i dont have many of your pieces for the figs, both of you guys. I can pick up the Street Sweeper set sometime soon, but i dont have a Bruce Wayne head, or a German torso. (The green one from KOTCS, right?) any substitutes you would be willing to make? Maybe an A wing mechanic torso? its similar, but grey and not green. Im very sorry for the lack of minifig parts...

both: thanks for the overveiw, helped alot.

jimbutcher: if you havent already got it, then you dont need to bother, however if you wish to post during the time im a slave, you will need it. i shall wear it until i become a

well, id tell you, but it would spoil most of my charecters story. if you desperaly want to know, pm me

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I also dont have the anime anakin hair yet, so mutts hair for me too. And i do have both the head and torso for your character now, the tan german one. welcome, Skipper 24, BrickBreaker, and simonjedi. Im sure you will all be great additons to this story!

name: william jones



back story:when he was 17 his house was entirely destroyed by a bomb set by a druglord that had a grudge against his father. he managed to get out with his then thirteen year-old brother but barely.now 12 years later him and his brother(now 25)live on utapau and have just heard that the same druglord is being pursued by a band of heroes and he needs to settle a score....

(his brothers name is michael jones)

the parts for them are: for william jones he has the nazi body from the indiana jones sets with black hands a bruce wayne head with harry potter hair (he also has the naboo pilot helmet in black with a visor instead of the goggles)and indiana jones legs and he is armed with a wimpy gun the kind that indy has and a blue lightsaber.

his brother has a harry potter head and hair indiana jones body and legs and twin shoulder bags(one on top of the other)and is armed with a green lightsaber.

Edited by the death star

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thank you for joining, Death Star. However, i think you might want to pick a different torso. Your character looks very similar to mine, but a slightly different torso. Also, another player is using the Nazi torso, and some members dont have too many of these, so please pick a different one. ill add you to the player list.

...on a side note, i cant wait for someone to make their character have a batman torso (the new one, in harleys truck and batcycle), i think it would look great as a SW torso.

okay a mutt torso would do fine ,besides it actually fits my character and also he has a motor bike(both of them)and he has a storage system for his weapons(but not his brother)ill try to get pics of the storage but i wont be able to get them up today since im going to my freinds graduation today.

  • Author
okay a mutt torso would do fine ,besides it actually fits my character and also he has a motor bike(both of them)and he has a storage system for his weapons(but not his brother)ill try to get pics of the storage but i wont be able to get them up today since im going to my freinds graduation today.

:sceptic: the whole "different torso" thing is becoming a real problem. not that its your fault. :wink: im using that torso for Lt Col Thok, so do you mind if i use Indy's for your character? theyre both leather jackets, so do think Indys torso would work? :wink:

oh, and heres a better pic of my character:


by the way, my character also carries a black, small handgun. you can get it in AGENTS:mission 2, as well as some other sets.

Edited by JimButcher

fine but his brother has that torso too

EDIT:woot! i started page twelve

EDIT by Hinckley: Congratulations. Now please never do that again. It's a good way to quickly annoy people. Thanks. :classic:

Edited by Hinckley

fine but his brother has that torso too

Cool! Thanks! :wink: I was using the Nazi torso for Jim and the Mutt torso for Thok as well! :blush:

But motor bikes in Star Wars? :wacko: Sorry, but they have to be speeder bikes if you ask me! :sadnew:

EDIT:woot! i started page twelve

LOL! n00b! :tongue:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Okay, for the Utapu scenes, my torso is going to change to the original Johnny Thunder. Just an update.

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Okay, for the Utapu scenes, my torso is going to change to the original Johnny Thunder. Just an update.

:sad: hmm, i dont have that one, is it okay if i keep using the Mutt torso? sorry for the lack of parts, really. And this is for everyone: please do not change your character's appearance frequently. Every once in a while is okay, but not like every chapter. Oh yeah, is every one ready? the chapter starts tommorow, around 10:00 AM central time. :wink:

I have to work this morning from 5:15 am to 14:30 pm. This means I'll be on the board at 16:00pm I think.

Btw - the original Johnny Thunder body piece is one I have :thumbup:


  • Author
I have to work this morning from 5:15 am to 14:30 pm. This means I'll be on the board at 16:00pm I think.

Btw - the original Johnny Thunder body piece is one I have :thumbup:


It doesnt matter when you post, i just wanted people to know because last time, people were upset because i didnt start it until i got home from school. :sceptic: so impatient... :tongue: (kidding).

  • Author

ok, Chapter Two starts now. Remember, no one new can join in until this one ends. And use a different color when youre talking about something unrelated to the story, like this.

The Star Wars Comic Game: Chapter 2

After crashing on Utapau, Butcher, Annix, and Thok and his troops continue to pursue their druglord on foot, in the shadows of the enourmous sinkhole cities. The heroes are about a mile or two behind the estimated laning site. They begin to enter a forested area. Eventually they come to a hidden building with two security droids and the druglord talking to a mysterious looking figure on the second floor near the windows.

Butcher to all: Shh! this is it! Get down low.

Clone Trooper: Wouldnt we have been detected by now, sir?

Butcher: No, the CIS probably want to keep a low profile for this... whatever theyre doing...


As they were hiding in the forest, Butcher took out his nailgun, took out the nails, and put in a small microphone. He stuck the gun through the bush he was crouching behind, and shot it on to the wall of the building where the two Sepratists were talking. Butcher put a little black oval in his ear and heard this:

Bounty Hunter: (in mechanical voice through helmet) Do you have the fuel?

Druglord: Of course I do, here. (He gestures to the suitcase with the drugs in them)

Bounty Hunter: Be careful with those, Kaeder, its the only way we are going to get the time machine to work.

(They start walking down the hallway)

Kaeder: Yeah, Yeah, im always careful, you know, the General...(voices fade; the microphone is to far away)



Butcher took off his earphone. He had just found out that the CIS were making a time machine! but why? He needed to find out.


:sad: hmm, i dont have that one, is it okay if i keep using the Mutt torso? sorry for the lack of parts, really. And this is for everyone: please do not change your character's appearance frequently. Every once in a while is okay, but not like every chapter. Oh yeah, is every one ready? the chapter starts tommorow, around 10:00 AM central time. :wink:

That would be fine.

william jones crouched low in some bushes listening to the conversation of kaeder and the bounty hunter,so far it had been one surprise after another,first the bounty hunter that was talking to kaeder was his colleague talek oram,the second was to find out there were others inside the bushes,and the third was to learn that the separatists were making a time machine so that they could wipe out the republics forces and take over the entire galaxy.then kaeder and oram started walking away,he started to pursue when he was stoped by the men in the bushes.

MacK Oky Wan, Garr, Draze, and a small escort of clone troopers walked towards the ship that would take them to Utapau. As they walked they passed by a small group of clones who were saluting them, MacK looked at the small and old ship that was being prepped for take off. "So you’re sure that this plan will work, and everything is set?" MacK asked the nearby clone who had been part of a team that had arranged, and planned this trip; that would hopefully result in the Republic gaining more knowledge of the CIS's secret weapon. "Yes, don't worry as far as the anyone on Utapau knows, including the CIS, you are a few entrepreneurs looking for resources that you can use to start a business around, we have it all arranged for you right down to a hotel you’ll be staying at." the clone confidently said.


After briefly gazing at the ship Oky Wan noticed that it looked exactly like the freighter that had been near the Republic cruiser when he first boarded it. "Hey isn't that the exact same ship that you were just on MacK, just smaller?". "Well... umm... if by that ship. Are you referring to the freighter that I was just on?".”Yeah look it's even got the same-" "- Well if you remember correctly that freighter was blown up in many small pieces,” MacK butted in “Now since this ship is still is in one piece that means that they cannot possibly be the same ship, can it?". Oky Wan paused for a second "But still they still" then noticed that MacK was reaching for a grenade shaped object near his waste. "Now even if they are the same ship I'm sure that there must be a good reason for it: like the designer was running out of bricks, or was just too lazy to build something else, and instead decided waste time playing video games and browse online Lego forums." "Oh... okay" Oky Wan said, deciding that it wasn't worth the effort to continue, and by the tone of his voice it was more than likely that the lieutenant was drunk or something along those lines, meaning things could turn very bad very quickly if he kept up the argument.


Stopping in-between them and the small ship MacK and the clone he had been talking to MacK cleared his throat then started speaking. "Alright guys everyone know what we're doing? I and Oky Wan are going to Utapau because of a business trip, Garr since you seem to know a lot about what’s going on here with the CIS and all, your coming with us." "Yes, Draze and I will go try to find a few people I know who probably know some of the details of the CIS's plan. Any info we find we'll bring back to you" he replied. "Good you'll be posing a guard that we hired, Draze you’ll be a wookie slave that we brought along to assist us. Everyone else here is either friends of me and Oky Wan or ship crew, okay. Though be sure you still have a weapon with you such as a pistol, or a knife, okay, just in case.” "Once everyone had nodded or verbally agreed to the plan they loaded up into the ship.


MacK and another clone took up the seats in the cockpit, immediately starting the take off preparations as the nearby fuel vehicle moved away from the ship.


Oky Wan and Garr Sarkin along with a few of the clones that were accompanying them moved to the middle of the ship, while Draze and any of the other clones moved to the back of the ship near its engine. After a minute the ship started to rise before flying out of the hanger, MacK looked out of the cockpit window at the hundreds of stars that littered the empty space.


"Remember the most important thing to the success of this mission is to remain calm, and don’t do anything stupid that will give away our true purpose. The fate of the Republic could rest on our hands. In the event that something does go amiss all of our weapons and armor are aboard the ship, so let’s try not to go to far from it. But if worse comes to worse, then our cruiser will come in and back us up.” With that final note MacK pressed the button that would send the ship into light speed towards Utapau.

Edited by MacK

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