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One can dream,, they had both Castle and Potter at one's, they might be smart and make space also..... but then again it TLC he he


This makes me feel sad inside.

Cant they just do Space alongside with it....Its not like theres that many SW sets they can squeeze out.

Actually another X-Wing re-design might be nice.


Actually another X-Wing re-design might be nice.

Funny... really funny...

I really hope they will wait a few years... say twenty for example...


Found a translation for the text in catalogue:

"STAR WARS celebrates it 30th anniversary !

* The LEGO Star Wars line still sells well - even in years without a movie. In 2005, the LEGO Star Wars assortment was about 70 % of the total revenue of all Star Wars licences in central europe. In April 2006, LEGO Star Wars was about 7,8% of the total revenue of LEGO Central Europe

* Because of the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars Saga, there will be a balanced assortment of NEW LEGO Star Wars items and best seller with new designs, in 2007. All sets include unique parts and figures.

* The STAR WARS DVD set, that will be released at the 30th anniversary, will be responsible for an increased sale of the new sets. There will be a anniversary logo on all LEGO Star Wars sets.

* All LEGO Star Wars set will be very detailed - with many authentic features, heros and bad guys from the movies.

* Different price points for all conditions"


Heros and villans from the movies huh?..... Then i hope lego gives us more bloody jedi's!!!! Theyve had long enough to design them by now >:-(

Rant over *vader*


wow...can you say super investment? all this talk about 30 year anniversary stamps on the 2007 sets is going to make them highly in demand once they sold out! i'll be sure to buy out SW sets from my local TRU, target, and walmart stores whenever there is a sale. wohoo...

Heros and villans from the movies huh?..... Then i hope lego gives us more bloody jedi's!!!! Theyve had long enough to design them by now >:-(

Go and get them Tiger :-D



i really want a kit-fisto.they need a jedi battle pack (all non lul) with macewindo, kit-fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, yoda *yoda* , and a (NEW!)obi-wan and mabye a couple of clones oh yeah *wub* *y* .then a sith battle pack with palpitene, dooku, anikin/vader, and two blue 501st clones *wub* *wub*

i really want a kit-fisto.they need a jedi battle pack (all non lul) with macewindo, kit-fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, yoda *yoda* , and a (NEW!)obi-wan and mabye a couple of clones oh yeah *wub* *y* .then a sith battle pack with palpitene, dooku, anikin/vader, and two blue 501st clones *wub* *wub*

This will never ever happen.


thanks zane :-) .look androodeetoo i know nothing will happen like this but it can!we never thought we would get more battle packs but look at it.lego is starting to listen to fans more now so have an imagination and dont be blunt or we will never get what we want. :-|


Indeed, since we are taking this thread a bit of course dreaming, I fully concur with Legoman and my dark Lord ;-)

And I would add a couple of Endor packs (new scouties & Ewok + Endor rebels + Endor main characters) and Hoth packs (snowies + rebels + Han, Luke, snowie chewie and taun tauns) *wub*

Since the licence is extended for a couple of years and since those PT MF packs will be a hot seller's item, I am positive to see those great sets in the future ;-)

Faith, we must keep :-P



I don't want some creepy PT alien Jedi (that have perfectly human bodies???) that serve absolutly no purpose whatsoever besides to show the size of the Jedi Order and to kill a bunch of droids (that a main character could have killed a lot easier and faster), I want Hoth and Endor Packs!

And I never understood why the lightsabers have to be so steriotypical, All the "good" Jedi have a blue or green saber, all the "bad" jedi have a red saber, and the only African-American guy gets the only purple saber???

(Oh no, I think I've started my stupidity of SW rant again, I can go on and on about the battle of Coruscant in Ep. 3)

Oh, and the new pics look nice, but why put a trans-orange round 1x1 on the droid gun barrel if it isn't a megaphone?

WOW! thanks sam *y* *y* i had no idea about these sets *sing* how long have you known.why doesnt it have its own topic :-| these sets sound great *y*

There is a thread about them here.


Ok guys ive deleted a few posts in here as they were way off topic, so lets keep the talk in here about SW lego sets and not about race etc.


Mutley, its way sexier than a MTT I must say :-P

I just rewatched ROTS for a couple of things:

* GG's fighter is actually really well made: in my memory it was not as thin, but it is !! You clearly see it when Obie takes the baby and flies off Utapau and rejoins Bail on the RBR ;-) It has a really small cockpit only to fit one pilot.

* I didn't remember seeing those shock troopers: you see them shortly twice in the movie: at the end of the duel Emperor/Yoda, a shuttle with a couple of shockies flies towards the Emperror in the Senate AND on the very end on Mustafar when the Emperor goes to rescue DV: he orders 2 shockies to go and get a medical capsule ;-)

* I really want an EP3 JSF with booster ring: that ring with 6 engines is way better looking than EP2's one


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