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Hero Factory Contest Entry Thread

Category 2 - Henchmen

Post the name, entry picture, description and topic link(optional) for your Henchman here!

All questions should be posted in the contest discussion thread. This thread is only for entries!

Nicolas Napalm, a former American war strategist and a henchman of Viktor Von Nebula:


Edited by pig

NAME: Ruination

Probably the most dangerous of Von Nebulas new henchmen. Also the first to be powered by one of Von Nebulas stabilised black holes. This provides him with an infinite supply of weapon energy. He also has the ability to create a gravity field, where the gravity is so high that everything that enters it, will be crushed to dust. Fortunately it can only last for a few minutes, before it deaktivates itself. His armor also provides an excellent protection against most conventional weapons.

Arnaments: Fusion cannon, Mk. II Meteor blaster, dual head mounted laser cannons.

Special abilities: Infinite weapon energy provided by the black hole core, gravity crushing field, resistent to most conventional weapons

Thread level: extreme



Edited by zero1312


Once a great warrior, Devastator was caught in a huge blast and was mutated into a horribly beast that now serves under Von Nebula.

Now Devastator uses his ultra powerful claws to crush his opponents to pieces.


Archer and Blaster share a past shrouded in mystery but somehow connected. They each sport energy harnessing rods on their backs, a host of common parts, and the same ruthless personalities. Some say they are brothers, if a bot can have such a thing. Archer is armed with an explosive arrow firing bow and powerful sword. If you get in Archers way, he is guaranteed to get medieval on your …

  • Bow fires explosive arrows
  • Antennae allow Archer to sense targets in all directions
  • Stands 12½” from foot to tip of antennae



Edited by The Lanterne Rouge

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Havoc

Leave destruction at every step!

HERO FACTORY Alert! Havoc is destroying everything at Makuhero city! Beware HERO FACTORY, as he's the biggest machinery being controlled by Von Nebula. Don't let him use his arm-cannons in the city, and beware of his chest guns!


· Arm-Cannons

· Chest Guns

· Feet (He can step on everything easily)

Backstory: Project CR-5H, of the Hero Factory, was probably one of the biggest (literally) projects the factory ever had. With the recent attacks, the management at Hero Factory decided it would be good to have a big hero (with the name of Jake Crush) just in case of emergencies, as a final weapon shall everything else go wrong. But the project was never finished.

Before the Factory was actually able to add Jake's Hero Core, Von Nebula and his henchbots managed to break into Hero Factory, and stole the brainless robot. After painting it with new colors (to make it look EVIL), Von Nebula created a remote control to use this huge machine. It was then, that what was going to be known as Jake Crush, is now Havoc, Von Nebula's strongest weapon against the forces of good.


Topic Link

Edited by Leugi




Lightning is a henchman that often goes in missions with Thunder, and sees him like a "friend". he may not look like it, but he's pretty intelligent and very dangerous with his Electrical dual blade/shield and his powerful meteor blaster. The crest on his head permits him to use ultrasounds to detect ennemies (or allies) movements. He is a real hazard, and even some of Von Nebula's henchmen are affraid by him.

- Storable Meteor launcher !

- Lightning's blades separates to form his dual blade weapon !

- He doesn't even need a child to play with, HE plays with the child !

Sorry if my english isn't perfect, i'm pretty tired right now.

Edited by _shaddow_

Call the Hero Factory! There's a new villan on the block!

He's Benton Destruction, Mighty Henchbot for Hire

Click Title or Picture for Topic Page!


An indomitable* Brute of Terrifying Size!

Fully equiped with:

-the devastating Rocket Fist!

-Gripping red hot vengeance of the Magma Claw!

-Angellic Forcefield when rasied,

-Lightning** Fast Rocket Pack when lowered!

-Covered in only the Finest, Strongest Stolen Armor!

He's in your neighborhood, plundering garden gnomes***.

A freelancing Henchbot for hire seeking a better life, Benton embraced a life of crime in an attempt to find a means of escaping his poverty stricken home world; Brutal Planet, A desolate planet plagued with economic and environmental issues, the corrupted government locked in all out war with the equally corrupt United Bots Movement. With the planet's natural resources nearing depletion, the government on Brutal planet quickly came to rely on aid from foreign companies, with the companies favoring the government of Brutal Planet over the UBM. The movement was in a dire state, with supplies limited the movement began shifting focus on seizing supply convoys, in turn expanding the war to the vast reaches of space, Benton, realizing his opportunity joined the movement's army and it's efforts to seize control of the supply convoys. Headed for Makuhero City, on a stolen supply convoy. Wanted by two armies and various companies, on accounts of grand theft. Weeks later once he had arrived in the city, after successfully evading authorities, Benton found it difficult to part with old habits and soon resorted to what he had enjoyed most on Brutal Planet, destruction.

Fighting his way though the organized Makuhero City crime rings, Benton rose through the rank quickly due to his vast strength and powerful weapons at his disposal, these qualities made him a popular choice among notorious Villains. Though his notoriety hadn't come without it's own repercussions his eccentric method of operation, lackluster intelligence and an affinity for planning with reckless abandon made him a target the Hero Factory had little trouble locating and subduing. Captured, jailed in a maximum security prison, Benton's vast strength couldn't save him from his own stupidity. Though there was one thing Hero Factory couldn’t take into account.

Dumb luck.

Noticing Von Nebula and his Henchbots on their pursuit to free Thunder, Benton called out to Von Nebula "What price freedom?", he knew Von Nebula ran all the rackets in the city "Maybe we can make a little deal, isn't there somethin' I could do?" Benton asked from his cell. Von Nebula gave him the eye once over then he smiled "Yeah I've got something here in mind." He turned, and approached Benton's cell "You'll bow to me if you wanna be free, from the claws authority. Eternally, you’ll serve me."

Indebted, Benton now serves as one of Von Nebula's Henchbots.

"Listen boss, You don't think maybe we could talk this over?"Benton

"Give me one good reason why I should." Von Nebula

"All right, so I made a few mistakes.. But you're a reasonable man, and I'm a miserable man, couldn-"Benton

"Don't question my judgement, looks like you're in no position to bargain you only reaped what you sowed.

But hey, you're free, that's what you wanted. Isn't it?"Von Nebula


Creator's notes

I always felt Bionicle to be little more serious, while Hero Factory, with the puns in the names and overall appearance/feel, made it seem a little more "playful", stylized and at the same time not taking itself too seriously. Which they pull off well, and actually it's a nice change. Quite refreshing, which is why I entered this contest. As a huge fan of the Bionicle line, I had little hope for it's "successor" Hero Factory, but I ended up loving the concept and execution of it. Shows what I know. :tongue:

After reading the description and general rules of the contest:

"Welcome to the first Action Figure forum contest, in celebration of the new Hero Factory line!

While we have been introduced to plenty of heroic robots who save the Hero Factory universe from the forces of evil, it seems that the forces of evil have been rather under-represented so far in the Hero Factory sets and story. So here at Eurobricks we are giving you the chance to fill in this absence of evil with your own devious masterminds, and their souped-up-destruction-orientated hotrods as well!"

I took this as my chance to create my own stylized representation of a lumbering henchmen in Hero Factories generally eccentric style.

My goal was to build a visual representation of the description provided:

"•Build a lumbering giant to assist in felonies and to do the dirty work that the more "sophisticated" schemers would not do themselves.

•Henchmen are still dangerous outlaws, but prefer brute strength or firepower over brains and strategy!"

After reading this, the first thing to come to my mind were the 1900s - 1950s cartoonish brutes, thugs and mobsters with their over exaggerated proportions and height.(Generally consisting of large upper torsos, with smaller legs to further exaggerate muscle.) so to fit in with the whole classic henchmen vibe and more modern Henchbot look, I decided that he would look (And function) best with exaggerated proportions.

I love some of the names Lego has created some of which are a throw back to classic comic books, I wanted to replicate this when creating Benton's name something that wouldn't take itself too seriously, while at the same time staying far away from Bionicleish names.

"•Entries must include a description/bio of the MOC, in the style of official Hero Factory set descriptions on the Hero Factory Website."

I tried my best to make it look as authentic as possible while also being careful not too stray too far from what Lego has already set to represent Hero Factory, as displayed on the official Website. While reading Benton's bio I felt something was missing, so after reading over the bios on the Hero Factory Website I thought why not make it authentic as possible? Like if Lego really did have a Villain Factory instead of a Hero Factory, this is what it might look like. With that in mind I set to work. :classic:

*nearly indomitable

**well, maybe not lightning fast

***only the kind that wear the red caps :]

Edited by Milargo

Soot Stiletto

Stiletto was once an operator at the Hero Factory call center. However, her programming had a malfunction in it that made her crave excitement, sharply contrasting with the programming of the other operators. Unfortunately, before this malfunction was ever repaired, Stiletto managed to escape the Hero Tower. Upgrading herself from trades in the Galactic Black Market, she would take on a new profession: an assassin who only works for pay.

Stiletto, unlike other villains, prefers finesse, speed, precision, and silence over flashy forward attacks. Her black coating adds an extra layer of stealth to her being. If you can get past her tentacle daggers, get ready for those giant swords(As large as they are, they will quickly slice through you without a sound).



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