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That's a great idea; it could really help with people (like me) who like doing long stories; it would make it easier to know when to visit where/who...

I had you in mind specifically :) I think a good recounting and a maybe a map with key activities would be very cool when we all look back on this project in a few years (hopefully after a new set of challenges begins in a year or so?)

I hope to have the "where was Dugal this past year" story done before I get to my Challenge six... And I want to get in another "send your hero" battle as a precursor battle... but I am not sure if that is going to happen.

I was about to say, I was in a hurry when I wrote that, but I'd like to take a stab at it if no one else minds! :sweet:

With Challenge 6 especially, it would be nice to know who's where so we can have them interact (in our own stories).

How about what everybody is doing, and where they are? We could start a thread for it.

Edited by Penkid11

I'll throw what I was thinking about out there and if no one minds or has a better idea I'll give it a try; a post with the names of all the active members (I read every post, so to qualify as active in my book I'd have to have seen you recently enough to know your name), and below that various facts about them; depending on how much of a story they already have, a sentance or two abou their background; if they have a GoH wiki page I'd link it, I could also stick in their EB screen name & link to profile, any other random facts that are important, and then where they are currently in their story (and what they're doing). Naturally that would have to be updated fairly often; I'm fairly busy this year but as long as everyone else is too I don't think that will be much of a problem...

Oh, and as long as I'm just spewing out ideas, it would be nice to have a list of all the MOCs that person has done...

In the rest of the thread anyone could offer suggestions, tell me where they are and what I did wrong, link to any important MOCs for their story (and maybe give a brief sentance on how they got there; sometimes it's hard to tell what's going on - how did Owlan get to Valaryio, how long is he staying?), etc.

Any suggestions?

Sounds good!

But Rogueang has already the index with all the MOC's of a person. Of course you can use this (would be much more easily for you to find something!)

Sounds good!

But Rogueang has already the index with all the MOC's of a person. Of course you can use this (would be much more easily for you to find something!)

Yeah, I know he did that; it would be nice to be able to link to a certain person's MOCs though...

The index is really quite helpful; it makes finding my older MOCs much easier!

Greetings fellow Kaliphlins. I bring news from Belt Mutanji. I am afraid Mountain Town, although escaping the wrath of the elementals, has been struck with a particularly virulent bout of poisoning. It emerges that our, now former, Chief Victualler ran out of clean water, and used several buckets of poisoned river water to give to our livestock, which were then eaten by ourselves.

Sadly, Lord Yoshi has been called away at the behest of his father, and has left me in charge. Allow me to introduce my self, I am, offically Dominus (approx. Latin for Lord) Lysod, Son of Robert, Master at Arms, Acting Lord of Belt Mutanji, Captain of the Mountain Rangers, Kaliphlin Guildsman. You can call me Lysod though, like Yoshi, I'm not much one for pomp and circumstance, especially in these dark times.

Thankfully, most of Yoshi's Guard remained, and we have largely recovered from the poisoning, and I have hired Alfus Lupine's Warband of Mercenary Monsters, who formerly hail from Nocturnus to help bolster our numbers.

Unfortunately, one of the people Yoshi took with him was the court painter, and the "artists" we have found can draw stick men only. And poor ones at that.

I trust that these damned pigeons find their way to you, three've already come back to us, having simply flown round the damned aviary.

For Kaliphlin, and Historica!


Yeah, I know he did that; it would be nice to be able to link to a certain person's MOCs though...

The index is really quite helpful; it makes finding my older MOCs much easier!


But I do agree that it would be really great to see a thread where everyone can post where their prominent characters are (in my case, those will be Lord Damaximus, Lord Max Samu, Sir Ereh Ahn Roblaw, Professor Geschi Edeh Nis & Professor Menshe Isra Ahr) as these are those who have already played an important role in my stories. I do have a lot of other figures who I use sometimes, but they are not that relevant for important missions or discussions :classic:

You can for example make a list like this:


=> Damaximus

- Lord Damaximus (Mpya Stedor) - Somewhere in the Nyika Typu, heading to Mpya Stedor

- Lord Max Samu (Everlast) - Somewhere in the Nyika Typu, heading to Mpya Stedor

- Sir Ereh Ahn Roblaw (Mpya Stedor) - Somewhere in the Nyika Typu, heading to Mpya Stedor

- Professor G.E.N. (Mpya Stedor) - At the Petraea University

- Professor M.I.A. (Mpya Stedor) - At the Petraea University

- Sir Tomvaximus (Mpya Stedor) - Controlling Mpya Stedor in the name of Lord Damaximus

(note, Nyika Typu is the desert in the north of Mpya Stedor (http://guildsofhistorica.wikia.com/wiki/Nyika_Tipu)

(another note, the place between "( ... )" is the town, fortress or city where the character normally lives)

You can also make for example a spoiler under each forum member where you add all the previous (again: important) locations of his characters


@Dominus Lysod,

Glad to hear again something about Mountain Town!

I hope the artists will learn to draw properly soon so they can sent us pictures again of your town and your heroic missions!

It would be great if you and your mercenaries will march against Victor Revolword! Or help to reconquer or rebuild other villages who felt victim to that bad bad mage!

We hope to see more pigeons soon!

Regards, Sir Tomvaximus

Ruler of Mpya Stedor in absence of Lord Damaximus

@Da Maximus, yes, the idea would be to make it as short but comprehensive as possible! I think most people have only three or four characters (named characters, that is), but it would be nice to list them all; though highlighting the main character would make it easier for new members/almost members.

@Lysod, have no fear, your pigeons have arrived safely to... wherever I might be right now (talking about a thread for where we all are... :tongue: ). Perhaps the artist has left some secret papyrus, buryed somewhere in the city that will instruct your people on how to draw?

We hope that the next pigeon will bring good news as well!

(I haven't seen you here before; I hope you don't mind but I have to ask are you new?)

Edited by Kai NRG

@Da Maximus, yes, the idea would be to make it as short but comprehensive as possible! I think most people have only three or four characters (named characters, that is), but it would be nice to list them all; though highlighting the main character would make it easier for new members/almost members.

Also, I think it's time to make a new topic called: "what happened the first year of GoH?"

It's the same as you do, but then the past.

So everybody (who is new, who was inactive for a few months or who has Alzheimer) can take a look of what happened in GoH.

To make it as complete as possible, but not too big, I would suggest these rules:

- Free builds without a story or just a normal story that doesn't make a break with the past will not be counted as important.

- Community builds like the University of Petraea or Albion will not be counted as importand (as these things are theoretically seen built in the past)

- the renovation of Wall of Valholl will be considered as just one event.

- Only the official winners of contests (as Gladiator Games, Archery Tournaments, ...) and Challenge III (so who officially found the Gem) will be announced in this.

- Other challenge (III) related things who did change something for the stories of the characters (losses & deads, new homelands or organisations, ...) will also be adapted.

- All attacks and raids on villages will be included (so every entry of Chall IV)

- Also all entries of Chall V will be considered as note worthy

- The fifth Guild will be also mentioned. But not the community builds made for it.

- Free builds will be considered note worthy when they:

a) change the situation of that current time (diplomatic)

b) play an important role for one of the main characters (quest, ...)

=> It do all sound pretty formal and difficult, but in fact it will be something like this:

(example, the months are a quickly guess:)


- Mpya Stedor was founded in Kaliphlin

- Mittenlander became first Prime Minister of Mitgardia


- Trade relations founded between (Mpya Stedor - Stone Roda) & (Mpya Stedor - Claw Breakers Area)



- Eastern Archery Tournament at Mpya Stedor, winner: Kucuk Kartal


- Yvonnel rebels agaisnt Drow Queen Valsharess and become their new leader. Start of rebellion of the Drow

- Discovering of Everlast, now home of the I.A.M.S.

- Mpya Stedor choose the side of the rebelling Drow


- Assassination attempt on Menshe Isra Ahr, start of the temptions between Kaliphlin and Avalonia

- War between Avalonia and Nocturnus

- Drow raids in Avalonia and Mitgardia


- End of the first Drow Rebellion

- Coming to power of Victor Revolword and his elementals

- Signs that Valsharess still lives under the Rakathmountains and is working together with the Demon Lloth


- Elemental attacks on Mpya Stedor, (other cities)

- The Alleenridders, led by Lord Damaximus are riding out, chasing after Valsharess. With them also Lord Max Samu, Sir Ereh Ahn Roblaw & Lord Mikel Kalores


- The Guild of Valyrio became part of Historica


- Tensions between the Avalonia and Mitgardia as the Elve Clans are marching toward (led by Rogueang) the city of Ondylion (Ecclesiastes)


- Many new traderelations (Valyrio-?)


- The Alleenridders have found Lloth and killed her, but Valsharess could escape

If everyone is adding their data and memories of events, after a month or so, I can copy the timeline into the GoH Wiki

A timeline sounds like a good idea; though it might be better if each guild did one (in their own threads) and then they were merged? It sounds more like something that would be good to have on the Wiki than as a separate thread as after a short time it would be lost several pages back. Actually there's already a timeline for Historica's past, all we'd really have to do would be expand on that. Some good ideas here maybe, hopefully someone else chimes in and tells us how impractical they are... :tongue:

A timeline sounds like a good idea; though it might be better if each guild did one (in their own threads) and then they were merged? It sounds more like something that would be good to have on the Wiki than as a separate thread as after a short time it would be lost several pages back. Actually there's already a timeline for Historica's past, all we'd really have to do would be expand on that. Some good ideas here maybe, hopefully someone else chimes in and tells us how impractical they are... :tongue:

I was thinking this too... a complete timeline would probably be a better finished product on the wiki. By the way, is there even a link to the wiki on any of the main pages so that new people can go view it? Although, we should definitely gather one here.

I was thinking this too... a complete timeline would probably be a better finished product on the wiki. By the way, is there even a link to the wiki on any of the main pages so that new people can go view it? Although, we should definitely gather one here.

That lost me, what are you trying to say? I don't think any of the main pages link to the wiki, but it would be nice if they did as it's a nice way to keep track of what's happening - the disadvatage being that it's not updated that often and isn't as easy to do (all GoHers have experience or will gain experience with EB, but adding a Wiki to that just makes more work). A timeline for an individual guild could also go at the beginning of that guild's post though. But then all the work would go to the guild leader; it would be nicer if everyone knew about the Wiki and could add events as they occur...

Edit: We could kind of merge the two ideas; instead of a short sentace on each person, a short timeline. When something new happens or something goes wrong, that person could comment or PM the original topic poster.

Edited by Kai NRG

That is what I get for typing and talking on the phone. I just meant that we should start gathering a timeline here to be added to an "official" timeline.

The point of the original idea about a "what's up with XXXX?" post was for this challenge only really, just so we knew who was where, and doing what. But, I definitely like the idea of a greater timeline. Or a "history of Historica" year 1 post.



Glad to hear that Belt Mutanji has survived its first contamination episode. Some Dun Nol clansmen had seen some ill animals whilst hunting. Quality distilleries are made-to-order by several smiths in Cobalt Vale. Be sure to specify alcohol or water purification.

A timeline of major events, with major character locations, would be very helpful. A pre-history would be welcome as well, describing major events in the formation of the guilds (ie, the Kaliphlin slave revolt).

...A timeline of major events, with major character locations, would be very helpful. A pre-history would be welcome as well, describing major events in the formation of the guilds (ie, the Kaliphlin slave revolt).

We do have something of a timeline here, though I had never heard of the Kaliphlin slave revolt... :look:

So this is more or less what we think we need/could use:

A timeline covering (known) events in Historica up to "modern" times.

Something that will allow us to keep track of where characters/sig-figs are and what they are doing, in particular for this challenge, and maybe some other miscellanious information as well?

I kind of wonder if those two could be combined - a major timeline (extention of the one linked to above) and the character thing with a breif history (timeline format could be helpful) that would let us keep track of who's where/why/when.

We do have something of a timeline here, though I had never heard of the Kaliphlin slave revolt... :look:

So this is more or less what we think we need/could use:

A timeline covering (known) events in Historica up to "modern" times.

Something that will allow us to keep track of where characters/sig-figs are and what they are doing, in particular for this challenge, and maybe some other miscellanious information as well?

I kind of wonder if those two could be combined - a major timeline (extention of the one linked to above) and the character thing with a breif history (timeline format could be helpful) that would let us keep track of who's where/why/when.

The slave revolt is told on page two in this post: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=62115&st=25#entry1117417

Two posts down our Guildleader supports this as Kaliphlin cannon by claiming to be one of the slaves freed.

I would be very happy if the event of the Nestlands Clans of the Armored Eagle Goddess revealing themselves would be included.

The slave revolt is told on page two in this post: http://www.eurobrick...25#entry1117417

Two posts down our Guildleader supports this as Kaliphlin cannon by claiming to be one of the slaves freed.

I would be very happy if the event of the Nestlands Clans of the Armored Eagle Goddess revealing themselves would be included.

Thanks, I really should read through the entire guild topic... one of these days...

The problem with a timeline is that we could easily get bogged down in details, or we could just skip over too much and make it too broad and not as useful to longer-term members.

The slave revolt is something that the older members do know (it was used (by me) in a discussion with Avalonia when the Drow were rebelling)

But indeed, I never put it in the timeline :cry_sad:

(Ska wrote the history of Kaliphlin, someone from Mitgardia did it for Mitgardia, DC did it for Avalonia and I combined all 3 of them and worked something out for Nocturnus)

The reason for that is because our Guildleaders (DC and SM) didn't really based their stories on the general history (about the 100 years of peace).

So we all know that our leader became to power in a slave revolt. But the real circumstances were never reveiled.

Basicly seen, we agree that there was a slave-revolt somewhere at the court of Kaliphlin, and we all agreed that a slave became our leader. But that never changed something for us because there still are many slaves in Kaliphlin.

And this means that there was no new court or leading house founded after the slave-revolt, so no important note in the history :laugh:

But we do have to make a page for our beloved guildleader soon :grin:

So about the timeline, it is based on the history and myths of the Guilds and Historica. So legends of places and clans are not adapted in it :classic:

But (again), you can make a own history for your place in the time, and this will be added to Kaliphlin myths and legends :thumbup:


Thanks, I really should read through the entire guild topic... one of these days...

The problem with a timeline is that we could easily get bogged down in details, or we could just skip over too much and make it too broad and not as useful to longer-term members.

What I was thinking is a calendar of events listed like DaMaximus' example, but with dates (where available), post specific links (like in my previous post) that took you directly to the story originally posted, and if the Wiki has it fleshed out more a link to the specific details. It would take some work, but if you link to the previously posted content instead of restating everything, people can go to the pieces they are interested in. This might also inspire more guildmembers to create real stories for their MOCs.

What I was thinking is a calendar of events listed like DaMaximus' example, but with dates (where available), post specific links (like in my previous post) that took you directly to the story originally posted, and if the Wiki has it fleshed out more a link to the specific details. It would take some work, but if you link to the previously posted content instead of restating everything, people can go to the pieces they are interested in. This might also inspire more guildmembers to create real stories for their MOCs.

The problem with dates is then you need a calender system; as is the timeline just goes "6000 years ago" such-and-such happened. Of course you couldn't have a timeline that easily without dates (but for something that old it's really not so much of a problem). Now is a sort of indisputable date, so where everyone is now would be pretty easy (sort of)... but what happend a while ago but not that long ago (when there were lots of things happening, in other words) would be simple enough taken separately for each person, but mash them together and things might not turn out exactly as the original story maker planed; eg. in my story Victor hasn't taken Cedrica yet. But of course in "now" time he has. Who's to know that except me though (until I incorporate Victor into my story, that is...)?

A reminder of who's who at the PGTC and a brief summary of what we've been up to

Nobles of Kaliphlin,

I am proud to present the Board of the Petrea General Trading Company, from our Annual Report:


Back Row

Biarssh, a powerful Sorceress from a desert tribe. Head of Knowledge and Insight, and Chief Information Officer.

Rijkard von Hoek, a very clever but bad-tempered Elf-Viking. Head of Internal Affairs and Compliance.

Sally Templeton Smyth, a charming Human lass. Manages our Kaliphlin routes. Chief Logistic Officer.

Rasputin Jones, my good self. President, CEO and Chairman.

Gwyndolyn Astrid Etherea, my companion. Company Secretary. She knows all the right things.

Urthrak Rockbiter, a good natured and forthright Ork with substantial underworld and criminal connections. Head of Legal Affairs.

Sultan Hammurabi bin Mukhtar al Jebra, a mathematical prodigy. Chief Financial Officer and head of our Oil business.

Front Row

Ingvar Arnoldssen, a jolly Dwarven diplomat and trader. Manages our Mitgardian routes. Loves the Mead Run.

Doktor Frankenstein, our Inquisitor of Natural Philosophy and Al-Khymy. Works closely with our Mummified chums on certain projects.

Bastet the cat, how did you sneak in?

Captain Marcus, our Master of Seaborne Trade. Nice to see him on dry land for the annual photo.

Sir Inigo Stillwell, a deeply honourable man of experience, valour and courageous heart. Manages our Avalonian routes. Gets a bit hot in that armour here, prefers the cool forest glades of the West.

All of the Directors wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Financial Year.

Yours Aye,


What, briefly, has been happening at the PGTC. Some of the below might turn out to be plot points :wink:

The PGTC stockpiled vast amounts of oil, food, and ice at Lost Vegga at the first assassination attempt against the King.

Doktor Frankenstein learned the secrets of Physick and Optick from Cristoph

Doktor Frankenstein and Herr Leibniz of the mountain mummies converted a temple into a totally innocent non-military experimental heliotrope, which operates as a civilian glass factory and which has substantially increased our GDP, trade surplus, and net income.

Duc LeStrange hosted a ball in Abyssan, Nocturnus where he spread a lot of love, and learned of an ambitious neighbour, Daniel.

After Sinbad recovered the Holy Crystal, Revolword betrayed us all and started his terrible war.

Daniel sided with Lord Darecold and the defeated Valsharess in the Nocturnus civil war, and left Abyssan under a truce. He later purchased the Mitgardian village of Snowfell at auction in Lost Vegga.

Duc LeStrange fled Abyssan carrying important information to Flagg.

We learned of the terrible destruction of Caestra at the hand of Revolword and the Elementals.

The PGTC removed its base of operations to the holy protection of the Necropolis of Amset Ra/Temple of the Mad Monks. Here, Biarssh has learned the secrets of the Order of Eden and we have uncovered the plans of the Hand of Corruption. Doktor Frankenstein has joined his father and Herr Leibniz, and set up a workshop for the production of portable high-powered heliotropes. Herr Leibniz has established the pattern of protected sacred sites. Rasputin, Sally, Urthrak and al Jebra are hanging out for Dugal Maclean's wedding. The whereabouts of the others are currently unknown...

to be continued...

in Challenge VI


Looks like the Petrea GTC has had a busy year (however long that was...)! Nice briefing style too; linking to the corresponding MOCs like that is a great idea (though it must have taken a bit of work!).

As far as what we were considering; I'm still not sure what to do about a timeline. Seems like we've agreed that a more detailed one for all Historica would be nice, but exactly how I'm not sure - and anyway I wouldn't be qualified for that as I haven't been around that long. (Did go back and read the first 6 pages though. Just 70 more to go... augh! :cry2::tongue: ).

But just a general who's where to help with Ch. VI would be nice to get rolling pretty soon; if no one objects/has a better idea (and voices it, of course), I'd like to try to start up tomorrow morning; I have some time until the end of the week (then I'll be on short allowance for a while, so it would be nice to get as far ahead as possible before then).

Something in the format Rasputin J. did just above might be nice, as it would allow anyone interested to check out the specific MOC(s) related to that person/part of the person's story in more depth. But that would be a more long-term project and less just for this challenge (backstory not being so nessecary here).

The activity in this thread lately was pretty nice, hopefully we can keep it up!

(Did go back and read the first 6 pages though. Just 70 more to go... augh! :cry2::tongue: ).

Be lucky you aren't an Avalonian.

Be lucky you aren't an Avalonian.

What, are you as crazy I am too? :tongue:

But yeah, somehow you guys picked up double as many posts as we did... but as long as we get the gold who cares? :devil:

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