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My entry for the commerce Challenge of Soccerkid:


Click on the image to go to the post :classic:

  On 7/31/2012 at 4:20 PM, DaMaximus said:

Welcome Ageven Deraim!! The city of Mpya Stedor will be glad to help you to build your city!

You have already a name for it?

Not exactly. . . but a few ideas :wink:

After a lot of thought and consideration I chose to enforce the Kaliphlin Guild.


This is my sigfiggy: Sebeus I

I'm quite a skilled swordsman but after the loss of my left arm I decided to leave the frontline and put my education to a better use, now I am officially stationed in the great port city of Barqa.

I design ships of all kind, along with special addapted weaponry to mount on board (Currently exploring the possibility of metal ships and air ships in a secret port).

To protect my brilliance :grin: I am accompanied by elite guards at all times, Entities outside of the Siccus Badlands would kidnap me or kill me as my designs manage to heavely influence the battlefield in Kaliphlin's advantage.

I shall illustrate my devotion with a battleship to defend our seaside soon :classic:

  On 7/24/2012 at 3:22 PM, soccerkid6 said:

@Kayne: I find this rather sad, but those who have stayed active right from the beginning deserves some acknowledgement :thumbup:

It would be awesome to show some recognition to those who have participated in the challenges with a guild tag, and maybe a pimped-up tag for those who have participated in every challenge.

  On 7/25/2012 at 7:44 PM, Kai NRG said:

I, Ageven Deraim, guarantee my allegiance to the Kaliphlin. My men and I will be honored to fight for the South.

I have traveled for many months, coming from across the Great Southern Ocean in a raft, sailing out of sight of land, seeing nothing but blue, illumined by the hottest, most brilliant sun I had ever imagined.

Welcome, Ageven Deraim! A traveller from across the seas! They say, there are many wondrous sights the mind can scarce imagine across the Southern Ocean. yet none has ever come back. Tell us, what is the manner of your home town? You will find many fine neighbours and allies in this part of Kaliphlin.

  On 7/25/2012 at 11:10 PM, Kayne said:

I agree that the amount of dropoff is a bit disappointing, but I agree that even if only 10 people were active, I'd still be having a blast.


I was shocked at how low Nocturnus was. But that made me think how amazing those few over there are doing on their builds to still garner as many points as they do.....of course when you look at the builds of those builders, it should be no surprise, they have some great builders!

Massively agree on both points. Amazing builds in Nocturnus. Keep on punching above your weight Nocturnians!

  On 7/28/2012 at 3:41 PM, Mikel Kalores said:

With other entries such as Robuko's The Piscithopter, I am actually surprised that you think that it "doesn't feel right".

Hey Mikel, thanks for remembering the Piscithopter! I do try to keep my tech to within what was feasible in the Medieval, even if it wasn't common - I have kind of assumed the Dark Ages didn't happen, so I am actually using more Ancient technologies, which seem kind of Modern in a Medieval context, confusingly. Z knows approximately a million times more than I do about boats, but yours looks fantastic to me :classic:

  On 7/30/2012 at 4:19 PM, gabe said:

Ok, so it's not Monday anymore (where i live anyway), but i still want to post this for *drumroll* Microscale Monday! :grin: Which should totally be a thing.

And what a thing it would be! Great build gabe.

  On 8/1/2012 at 12:53 PM, Sebeus I said:

After a lot of thought and consideration I chose to enforce the Kaliphlin Guild.

I'm quite a skilled swordsman but after the loss of my left arm I decided to leave the frontline and put my education to a better use, now I am officially stationed in the great port city of Barqa.

I design ships of all kind, along with special addapted weaponry to mount on board (Currently exploring the possibility of metal ships and air ships in a secret port).

To protect my brilliance :grin: I am accompanied by elite guards at all times, Entities outside of the Siccus Badlands would kidnap me or kill me as my designs manage to heavely influence the battlefield in Kaliphlin's advantage.

I shall illustrate my devotion with a battleship to defend our seaside soon :classic:

Welcome Sebeus I! We are most honoured to have a designer of your fame join us! The Kaliphlin navy is a merchant Navy of sleek and trim small commercial vessels, some of our neighbours have mighty gunships that are very impressive. If only we had something like a Dutchman :laugh::wink:


Today is the last day in the Commerce Challenge. So if you plan on entering this is your last chance :wink:

Commerce Challenge: link

  On 8/1/2012 at 12:53 PM, Sebeus I said:

After a lot of thought and consideration I chose to enforce the Kaliphlin Guild.


This is my sigfiggy: Sebeus I

I'm quite a skilled swordsman but after the loss of my left arm I decided to leave the frontline and put my education to a better use, now I am officially stationed in the great port city of Barqa.

I design ships of all kind, along with special addapted weaponry to mount on board (Currently exploring the possibility of metal ships and air ships in a secret port).

To protect my brilliance :grin: I am accompanied by elite guards at all times, Entities outside of the Siccus Badlands would kidnap me or kill me as my designs manage to heavely influence the battlefield in Kaliphlin's advantage.

I shall illustrate my devotion with a battleship to defend our seaside soon :classic:

Welcome! Looking forward to some ships! :wink:

The particular area I come from across the sea is indeed beautiful, but my area was extreamly poor. So I gathered my men, set out with supplies on a raft, and I have finnally arrived! :wink:

Edited by Kai NRG

  On 8/1/2012 at 12:53 PM, Sebeus I said:

After a lot of thought and consideration I chose to enforce the Kaliphlin Guild.

This is my sigfiggy: Sebeus I

I'm quite a skilled swordsman but after the loss of my left arm I decided to leave the frontline and put my education to a better use, now I am officially stationed in the great port city of Barqa.

I design ships of all kind, along with special addapted weaponry to mount on board (Currently exploring the possibility of metal ships and air ships in a secret port).

To protect my brilliance default_laugh2.gif I am accompanied by elite guards at all times, Entities outside of the Siccus Badlands would kidnap me or kill me as my designs manage to heavely influence the battlefield in Kaliphlin's advantage.

I shall illustrate my devotion with a battleship to defend our seaside soon default_classic.gif

Welcome Sebeus I! It is good to have a great builder such as yourself move to Barqa. You should not have to worry about your safety in Barqa as there is a decent sized army of the Order of Aslan garrisoned here as well as being securely governed by the House of Kalores ever since Mikel arrived in Barqa. With a new important citizen in town, perhaps we should discuss appointing a new governor?

Welcome Sebeus! The addition of your skills should ensure a Kaliphlin victory! Glad to have you in GoH!

Doesn't look like I'll get my Commerce Challenge build done in time. I will finish it, but it will have to wait. The Challenge IV build has taken more time than expected. I might even expand the Nestlands Market beyond the challenge confines.

I did finish my air elemental today. I just have to choose the figs to be his victims.

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Ageven Deraim, you must be parched from your long journey through the desolate wastes.... Mead! Mead shall ease your tired bones. But a green patch you say? Fantastic! It always surprises me all the little patches of green oasis in our desert!

Sebeus I Mead! With in a right handed stein! for our Righty friend. Welcome welcome! I look forward to buying from your ship!


Yoshi That ship looks great! Nice little quick scooter to move around that Mountain Town folks!

Tafik Hope you have a safe holidays and see ya in a few weeks!

Saladus that is distressing news... while I have done the mental counts before, it is understandable that people lose interest / life gets in the way... Even I have underestimated the amount of work required - or the unanticipated responsibility/promises that takes me away from my beloved guild... But when I lurk (which is a lot) I see how great you guys are doing... and if we just had a few more members we'd be easily taking home the gold :grin:

And those that have stuck through it - thick and thin - your rewards will be forthcomming. Trust me.

Dugal While it's important to build for the guild - keep in mind that this is about you. And building something you can be proud of. I'd rather the guild come dead last, but everyone be proud of their builds, than to put out builds for sake of points... the ranks are fun, but ultimately this is all to try to help every single person build better, polish their presentation skills, and ultimately have fun :thumbsup:

Dr Rod that counts as MASSIVELY active :grin:

I saw pics of your layout earlier and it's great to see GoH representing at shows !

Saladus What a lovely entry! The water and and particularly the tower is fantastic. I love the dark tan running down the tile... The roof and that arch of swords was also really well played!

Ageven Nice little micro you got going there. I agree with others that a bit more foreground would be nice. I did like how the did add the slopes on the top of the mountain, and the little snow cap is nice. Though maybe add a bit of an on the dune? there's a pretty sharp 4 long edge that is super noticeable - a single tan tile would make a big difference at that scale.

Erudhalion Haha micro scale mondays! Brilliant. And really nice build... I should try doing micro again - it was really fun last time :grin:

Sdair haha quicksand! I didn't think that... brilliant!

Rasputin we're WAYYYYY ahead of you :wink:

  On 8/2/2012 at 1:39 AM, Si-MOCs said:

Ageven Nice little micro you got going there. I agree with others that a bit more foreground would be nice. I did like how the did add the slopes on the top of the mountain, and the little snow cap is nice. Though maybe add a bit of an on the dune? there's a pretty sharp 4 long edge that is super noticeable - a single tan tile would make a big difference at that scale.

Thanks, I actually added several details and posted it here , and below is the image:


Another new member for Kaliphlin, hooray! Welcome Sebeus I! I can't wait to see what ships you cook up for the guild. :sweet:

Some bad news though fellow guild members - due to some recent heavy work schedules and other unforseen hiccups, i'm going to have to concede defeat in getting my guild challenge in on time. :sad: Up until a few days ago i still thought i might be in with a chance, but family obligations have reduced my building time over the coming weekend to nothing. I guess i could scale my WIP down and post it as is, but i don't really want to do that - i'd much rather post something that i'm happy with. I'll keep working on it anyways and post it up as a free build in the coming weeks.

Anyway, i hope everyone's builds are going better than mine! Best of luck to everyone who has an entry in the challenge, i look forward to seeing them all. Go Kaliphlin! :classic::thumbup:

  On 8/2/2012 at 1:21 PM, gabe said:

I guess i could scale my WIP down and post it as is, but i don't really want to do that - i'd much rather post something that i'm happy with. I'll keep working on it anyways and post it up as a free build in the coming weeks.

*huh*:sick: :sick:

Very sorry to hear if gabe, your wip is looking as fantastic as your usual standards. Still, families come first. Could I suggest you post the micro gatehouse you already built and photographed? But, as our leader says, we are ultimately building for ourselves, so you are the arbiter.

Wow, we have some really strong builders who can't make it this time. I have just started building for the challenge, luckily I have a free weeked so I am hopeful I can get something finished in time. I can promise it will be different :wink: Who else is planning to enter?

Yey, just bought "Atlantis Temple" in bargains:

50 Euro instead of 70 :classic:

Perfect parts for building in Kaliphlin style :)

We're running out of time guys, how many more entries do we have coming for Kaliphlin? I know of 2 so far, but Avalonia is up to like 5 with more coming. We have a good chance here to close the gap even further!

  On 8/3/2012 at 2:07 PM, Kayne said:

We're running out of time guys, how many more entries do we have coming for Kaliphlin? I know of 2 so far, but Avalonia is up to like 5 with more coming. We have a good chance here to close the gap even further!

I will have an entry. I can't promise you'll like it, but I can promise something different to the entries we have seen so far.


  On 8/3/2012 at 2:07 PM, Kayne said:

We're running out of time guys, how many more entries do we have coming for Kaliphlin? I know of 2 so far, but Avalonia is up to like 5 with more coming. We have a good chance here to close the gap even further!

How many do we have so far? 3, maybe?

  On 8/3/2012 at 2:07 PM, Kayne said:

We're running out of time guys, how many more entries do we have coming for Kaliphlin? I know of 2 so far, but Avalonia is up to like 5 with more coming. We have a good chance here to close the gap even further!

Sorry for the drop off guys- I've been crazy busy the last few weeks (seems like everyone has gotten summer fever). Now that work has dwindled down again, I will have lots more time for building.

I will have a entry made up, but I will be pushing the deadline on it. I am about 75% done right now, still have to do the base, staging, and detail work. I'm hoping for a sunny day tomorrow to get it all photographed.

What I have seen so far from everyone looks great, can't wait to go give all the entries a proper look over soon!

  On 8/3/2012 at 2:07 PM, Kayne said:

We're running out of time guys, how many more entries do we have coming for Kaliphlin? I know of 2 so far, but Avalonia is up to like 5 with more coming. We have a good chance here to close the gap even further!

My wife and I took turns being sick this week so I had to choose whether to enter a MOC that I'm not too satisfied with or tear down what I've worked on so far and just not enter. There was no time for me to finish the water around the ship so the ship is going to end up being a free build andthe rest of the scene was compressed. Also I had overestimated my supply of water pieces so I might not have been able to finish what I had planned even if I had the time. This is the first time I actually tried building a turbulent water scene and it has actually given me insight of techniques I would like to pursue further and techniques that I am canning even though others have used the techniques with decent results. So for better or worse my entry is complete but note that because of the deadline it is sort of in experimental stage and since I have no real interest in further perfecting an elemental (I think Gabe's water horse would have made the perfect elemental entry if he hadn't used it as a free build), this will be disassembed pretty quickly and put to better use.

I am happy to say that I have all four of my elementals finished, and the figs placed in harms way. I still have most of the rock work to finish and my micro build to place.

I have to work tomorrow, but hopefully I will have the time to get it finished and photographed on Sunday.

Mikel Kalores, I hope you and your wife are feeling better.

Sebus I, welcome to the guild. Sorry I haven't welcomed you sooner.

By the way, did anyone else notice that Mitgardia has roared into the lead?

Thanks for the great welcome everybody, I 'm a bit late for the challenge but Il'l get my free build up in a few days :laugh:

Edited by Sebeus I

  On 8/3/2012 at 11:04 PM, Sebeus I said:

Thanks for the great welcome everybody, I 'm a bit late for the challenge but Il'l get my free build up in a few days :laugh:

Didn't you know all the pirates are in Avalonia?

  On 8/4/2012 at 12:14 AM, ZCerberus said:

Didn't you know all the pirates are in Avalonia?

I don't know, Kaliphlin seems to have a heavy dose of waterborne merchants and fleets.

Wait, are you admitting that Avalonia is full of criminals? :P

  On 8/4/2012 at 12:22 AM, SkaForHire said:

I don't know, Kaliphlin seems to have a heavy dose of waterborne merchants and fleets.

Wait, are you admitting that Avalonia is full of criminals? :P

Pirate wannabes are in Kaliphlin.

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